Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3123: Overlord cut!


   Ling Xiao pushed the sun, the moon, and the stars. The unmatched chaotic fist prints swept away. The fist prints were immense. They constantly collided with the sky and the sword, and issued a sound of gold and iron.

   Ling Xiao's immortal body is invincible and powerful, and has reached a state of consummation, and the bones are able to resist the imperial soldiers.

   But the blade of Da Pao made Ling Xiao feel cold all over the body. Dao Mang cut him, leaving a trace of blood.

  Although more blades were smashed by Ling Xiao, the blade of the Ba blade was approaching its extreme point, and there was a scene of chaos in time and space. As a result, Ling Xiao could not completely defend.

   "Quick knife!"

   Ling Xiao's heart was amazed that the countless traces of the sky above the sky, only because the speed of the Ba Dao was too fast, causing the time and space to be distorted, so there will be countless Ba Dao killing towards Ling Xiao at the same time.

   That's not a magical secret, but because the blade of the Ba Dao has reached its limit.

Moreover, Ba Dao's sword is sharp and unmatched, and it contains a kind of power to destroy the gods. If it is not Ling Xiao’s Yuanshen is strong enough, and there are 28 guardians of the original Dao Guo, I am afraid that his invincible Yuanshen, Will be affected by the intention of the sword.

   Not to mention, among the blades of Ba Dao, there is a kind of supreme power that can compete with Ling Xiao’s fist prints, dominate the world, and can sweep everything and break everything.

   Although the Ba Dao is only the cultivation of the six emperors of the Emperor Realm, it is more terrifying than the high-level emperor. Ling Xiao has no doubt at all. Ba Dao has the power to kill the high-level emperor.

   "Someone has condensed such an immortal body? If I go on like this, I am afraid I can't break his physical defense!"

   Ba Dadao secretly thought.

   He was also terribly shocked. Ling Xiao's sturdy, chaotic fist that could destroy everything, not to mention, every time a collision, there was a terrifying power of terror that struck his arm.

   The most important thing is that Ling Xiao's flesh is too strong. His approaching extreme knife can even distort the void, but it can't cause Ling Xiao's fatal damage.

   Even if a blood stain was left occasionally, he recovered in a flash.

   It seems that he has the upper hand, but in fact he can perceive Ling Xiao's indifference and calmness.

  The whole person of Ling Xiao, like a turtle shell, gave him a feeling of nowhere to start.

   "Overlord cut!"

   Ba Dao shouted loudly, the fighting in his eyes rose to the extreme.


  The endless swordsmanship came together, the blazing light around him rose, and the sword in his hand suddenly skyrocketed in the void.

   As he fell with a knife, behind him, it seemed that an imaginary image of a great emperor of the Eight Emperors and Six Harmonies appeared.

   The real and illusory knife-mans instantly merged into a dazzling knife gang, which instantly separated the world and made the space in the life-and-death ring tremble.

   "Come well!"

   Ling Xiao's eyes lighted up, this knife contains the majestic extreme dignity, but it is a kind of godlessness, powerful and powerful, so that he felt a strong threat.

   Ling Xiao rose up one step at a time, embracing the chaotic air, the surging light, the purple air, and the chaotic development behind him, the mysterious scene of three thousand worlds emerged.

   He punched out with one punch, and the unmatched fist print seemed to have broken through the long river of time, and ran through the three thousand worlds, to destroy all living beings and recreate the era.

   This is the fist of the era!

   Lingxiao furnace raises hundreds of classics, converges tens of thousands of methods, and ultimately based on its own immortal body, created a unique technique of peerless boxing.

As soon as the fist of the epoch came out, the world suddenly changed, the sun and moon were dark, and the four sides of the void were shaking.

   That huge blade of mans, instantly stayed in the void, and could no longer be cut down.

   The unmatched fist print, collided with the sword, and finally disappeared at the same time.


   The void is distorted, and a mysterious rune emerges, blessing it above the space to prevent the space from breaking.

   That is the life and death ring is sturdy for the space, otherwise Ling Xiao and Ba Da will be able to make this piece of void broken under the blow.


   Ling Xiao was shrouded in chaos in the whole body, unparalleled in length and breadth, and his eyes were shining to the extreme, and he punched out again, and the knife was broken and broken.

   Space seems to be unable to form any restraint on Ling Xiao. He took a light step, appeared in front of Ba Da, and then punched out again.


  'S eyes suddenly shrank, and that chaotic fist seal was coming, he quickly raised his knife to resist.


   The black saber trembles violently, and the light is dazzling. The runes above violently shattered, and a crack like a spider web appeared on the saber.


   The black sword made a buzzing sound, and it broke off directly from the middle!

  Badao's arm is about to lose consciousness, and the whole person flew out directly.

   "Hi... Who is this Ling Xiao? Emperor King Realm Triple Sky is so powerful, that Ba Daoyan looks like he is going to lose!"

Outside of the life-and-death ring, everyone is talking and talking, and their eyes are full of shock.

   "Ling Xiao? He seems to be the person who killed the Jiulongjun outside the candle dragon emperor city? He seems to have a relationship with the feather clan. Although the eight dragons hate him, they can't help it!"

   someone said.

   "Killed Jiulongjun? This guy really is a ruthless person!"

   "What a ruthless person? I think it's a stupid thing! I really thought he could do whatever he wanted with the support of the feathers? When the test begins, he will still die in the hands of the eight dragons!"

   "Yes, this kid can't live for a few days!"


  Not far away from the The smiles on the faces of Zhu Chenchen and Ying Yilong are somewhat frozen.

   The wine glasses in their hands were slightly trembling, and the liquid of agar syrup spilled out, showing that their hearts were extremely unstable.

   "Brother Zhuchen Chen, it seems that I am only afraid of this hegemony sword, I can't kill Ling Xiao!"

   Ying Yilong said slowly.

   "The strength of this Ling Xiao is indeed very strong, especially the flesh, even comparable to the wild monster, I really don't know how he cultivated! However, it is too early to say that the Ba Dao can't kill him!"

   said Zhu Chen.

   "Why? Ba Dao still has a hole card?"

   asked Yilong.

"Yes! The most terrifying power of Ba Dao has not yet been shown. That kind of knife technique makes me think that it is like a resurrection of an ancient emperor. That is the knife technique to destroy the seven ant kings. Ling Xiao will certainly die! "

   Zhuo Chen sighed softly, his eyes showed a very emotional look.

   "Slash technique to kill the seven ant kings?"

  Ying Yilong was also shocked, and he had a little more expectation in his heart.

   Seeing Ling Xiao is so powerful, the killing intentions in his heart are more and more intense. On the road of the Eternal Emperor, the growth of those arrogant evildoers is simply incredible.

   He has no doubt that if Ling Xiao is allowed to grow up, I am afraid that one day, he will become a serious trouble for their eight dragons.

  :. :

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