Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3115: Jinghong Fairy!

"If I let him go? Will you let me go?"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

He glanced at the eight figures around him, and his expression was calm and without fear.

But his words, in the ears of the nine dragons, had a weak sign.

"Leave you? How is it possible! Who dare to provoke our Nine Dragon Kings, which one is still alive? Let go of Nine Brothers, we can give you a whole body!"

A dragon sneered a sneer.

"Boy, this is your own life and death, and now you still want to retreat from your body? Hurry up and let me down, then kneel down and apologize, maybe my brothers are in a good mood, and it may not be enough to spare your dog's life!"

Jiulong Jun pinched in the hands by Ling Xiao, sneered.

His incomparable anger was pinned by Ling Xiao in his hand. It was a great shame. He secretly was cruel in his heart, and he would definitely torture Ling Xiao.

"Since you don't want to let me go, then your nine brother, let's die!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.


Unmatched divine power broke out in his hand, directly crushing Jiulongjun's neck, and then he punched into the air.

The unmatched Chaos fist can suppress everything, and it is so powerful. Jiulong Jun was caught off guard and was bombarded with a punch. The whole person was blown into a blood mist.

The fierce fire that swallowed the sky was burning, and the blood mist was shrouded in an instant. Immediately, the immortal Yuanshen and the Dao Guo of the Jiulong King were sealed.

All this is like walking in a cloud and flowing to the extreme, so that everyone did not respond.

However, everyone was shocked.

They did not expect that Ling Xiao still asked for mercy at the last moment, but in a blink of an eye, he directly killed Jiulong Jun.

That was one of the nine great arrogances of the Yinglong family, who had just embarked on the road of eternal emperor, and was actually slaughtered.

"This kid is dead!"

Everyone thought secretly, looking at Ling Xiao's eyes was like looking at the dead.

The eight dragon kings were also stunned. They did not expect that Ling Xiao would actually kill the killer and directly slaughtered Jiulong.

But after reacting quickly, they were all out of anger in an instant, and the anger was surging in their eyes, and the killing was filled.

"you wanna die!"

"Boy, dare to kill my ninth brother, and pay my life!"

"Slain him!"


The eight dragon kings were all raging, and the killing intentions among the eyes were as if they were substance, and they would immediately shoot Ling Xiao.

The eight golden horned dragon beasts roared, causing the emptiness of the Quartet to tremble violently.

Terror's killing intentions are intertwined, like a storm, covering Lingxiao in the center.

"Nine Great Dragon Kings? Let you be nine dead dragons today!"

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and a strong fighting intention appeared in his eyes.

Although the Jiulongjun was killed by him, the strength of the eight dragons in front of him was extremely powerful, and the atmosphere of each other was intertwined, which made Ling Xiao feel a lot of pressure.

Perhaps, with the help of the power of the Eight Dragon Kings, let him break through to the four heavens of the emperor's realm?

There is a chaotic light rising around Ling Xiao, and the majestic momentum is permeating, ready to brew a terrifying battle!

"Ying Yilong, you haven't entered the candle dragon emperor city, are you going to wantonly here?"

An ethereal and sweet voice sounded in the void.


The void trembles slightly, the bright and holy light diffuses, and in the mist of chaos, there are seven figures in the sky.

The seven figures are all beautiful and beautiful women, with extraordinary temperament, ethereal, unstained and dust-free, just like a fairy in nine days.

Their faces are exquisite and perfect, as if they have been loved by the creator, without any flaws, so beautiful as to suffocate.

Those pairs of eyes are bright and bright, as if containing a world, flashing in all kinds of colors, so that the Eternal Emperor Road seems to be bright.

The most important thing is that they have a pair of holy wings behind them, thin as cicada wings, looking perfect and flawless, making them add a bit of mysterious temperament.

"They are...feathers?..."

Someone was shocked and could not help but exclaimed.

"Yu Clan? Could it be the race where the Yu Emperor is located in the legend? Yu Di is the only remaining great emperor in the heavens and the world, and the Yu clan is also a godless race. Did they even come to the Eternal Emperor Road?"

"These seven women seem to be the seven fairies of the Yu clan. The one who just spoke should be Jinghong Fairy!"

Some people recognized the identities of the seven women and talked about it.

Many people looked at them, full of fascination and fiery colors.

After all, the Yu clan is famous for its beauty in the heavens and the world, but because there is Yu Emperor in town, there is no one who dares to fight the Yu clan.

But if it can be favored by the fairy of the feather clan, it can be said to be a step forward.

Everyone looked at Ling Xiao's eyes, revealing a jealous look, did not expect this kid to recognize the fairy of the feather clan, no wonder they dare to kill Jiulongjun.

"Feathers? Why do they want to start for me?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine glance, and he was puzzled and puzzled.

He has also heard of the Yu clan, this is a very mysterious race, usually hiding in the world, rarely appearing in the heavens and the world.

But he never knew any feather clan. Why did these seven fairies of the feather clan come up for him?

"Jinghong Fairy?"

The eight dragon kings were all shocked, and after seeing the people of the Yu clan, their eyes showed a fearful and fiery look.

The Yu tribe has Yu Emperor sitting in town, which is not what they can match with the Dragon family.

Ying Yilong, that is, Dalongjun once wanted to ask the Yu clan for marriage, marry Jinghong fairy, but was rejected mercilessly by Jinghong fairy.

This incident was regarded as a humiliation by him. He didn't expect the Yu tribe to appear, but he would be in the first place for Ling Xiao.

"Ying Yilong, the Candle Dragon Emperor City is in front of you. The test of the Emperor City has not yet begun. Are you going to play awesome here?"

Jinghong Fairy said lightly.

Rao is the most beautiful fairy in the But she is still the best among the seven fairies.

Gauze fluttering, graceful posture, elegant and beautiful, beautiful.

"This kid killed my brother, he must die today! What am I going to do, it seems to have nothing to do with the fairy? Could it be that this kid has nothing to do with the fairy?"

Ying Yilong sneered.

Everyone's look was also a little different, and they couldn't stop looking at Ling Xiao and Jinghong Fairy.

Ling Xiao's white clothes win the snow, his face is handsome, his temperament is extraordinary, so many Tianjiao feel that such a handsome Lang Jun may really have something to tell with Jinghong Fairy? ?

However, in the face of Ying Yilong's provocative words, Jinghong Fairy was not angry, but said lightly: "I have nothing to do with him, I just don't see you being so arrogant! Or you can get in now Candle Dragon Emperor City, either you don’t have to go in!"

Jinghong Fairy's words are calm and sweet, but he has an indescribable domineering, which makes people look at him.

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