Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3113: 1 Go forward!

With Wordless Heavenly Book broken and turned into a part of himself, under the nourishment of the source of power over the years, Ling Xiao has gradually realized all 108 secret techniques of the source.

   But the 108 kinds of mysteries of the origin, although containing the mystery of the origin of the avenue, in fact, the attack power is not very strong, so Ling Xiao rarely uses it, but uses it to nourish his own origin Dao fruit.

   It seems that these 108 kinds of original secret techniques are not so simple.

"Master, it seems that we are the most unlucky one! The place where we are transported is the wild area of ​​the Eternal Emperor Road, which is far away from which emperor city, and now the only way to find an emperor city, We can continue to go on!"

   smiled bitterly.

   "Let's go! As long as you keep walking forward, you will always find the Imperial City!"

   Ling Xiao smiled lightly.

   There was a little more expectation in his eyes, and he stood up and skimmed towards the front.

   The three immortals looked at each other, but they were relieved in their hearts too. It seemed that Ling Xiao didn't really intend to kill them.

   They did not dare to follow Ling Xiao, but went in another direction.

  Anyway, the road to the Eternal Emperor is boundless, leading to the depths of chaos. The goal is determined, but the direction can be inconsistent.

   Only embarked on the road of the Eternal Emperor, Ling Xiao has already felt that the Road of the Eternal Emperor is unusual. The next thing I am afraid of is still the crisis everywhere and the **** battle everywhere.


  On the road of the Eternal Emperor, a huge city of hundreds of millions of miles, floating in chaos, looks ancient and mysterious, flowing the vicissitudes of time, eternal and immortal.


  Four ancient and mysterious large characters, containing vast dignified divinity, hang above the city.

  At this moment, inside the Tongtian Emperor City, another figure suddenly opened his eyes.

   It was a young man with purple hair flying, imposing, magnificent, and a terrifying thunder flashing around him, as if he could break everything.

   His face is somewhat similar to that of Anouks, but his eyes are more fierce and overbearing, and he has an indescribable majesty and momentum!

   Little Lei Di, Alex!

   In front of him, the void trembled slightly, and the spear of destruction appeared in front of him, buzzing and shaking, as if spreading some kind of information.

   "Anux, dead! Who is so brave?"

  'S indifferent and majestic voice sounded like thunder, shaking the whole palace.

   The palace roared, and there were a few powerful figures outside, as if feeling the anger of Alex, they bowed down on their knees, and they were frightened.

   They are all followers of Alex, but they have never seen such a big fire in Alex.

  Because, there is no one who can be angry with Xiao Lei Di. Anyone who has offended Xiao Lei Di has long been dead.

  What did they hear?

  Anux is actually dead?

   But that is the little brother of Lord Lei Di's favorite. On the whole road of Eternal Emperor, who dares to provoke the great Lord Lei Di?

   is simply ignorant of life and death!

"Very good! I remember you, I hope you don't die in the hands of others, I will take down your bones one by one, and let you taste the death method that is ten thousand times more painful than Anuks !"

   The indifferent voice sounded.


  Arex exudes a broken, ruinous atmosphere from his body, stepping out of the palace, the thunder in his eyes seems to be able to reopen the world.

   "Sir Lei, are we going to kill the thief now?"

   asked a follower with courage.

   "No! Now to destroy the forest, we have our own things to do. Let's break through the heavenly city first!"

   said Alex indifferently.


   All the followers are stunned and respond.

   Although this little Lord Lei was angry, but he was not overwhelmed by anger, he still chose to move on.

  On the road of the Eternal Emperor, this is to move forward without any backlash.

  The ultimate character is everyone's coveted goal. Although Alex is angry, he still chooses reason.

  All the heavens and arrogances of all the heavens and the world, from ancient times to the present, aren’t they the chance of becoming an emperor and the secret of detachment?

   Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

   All the followers, following Aleks, turned into a shining streamer and walked across the void!


  On the Eternal Emperor Road, countless days of pride and evil spirits stepped into the Emperor City and accepted the challenge. They wanted to break through the emperor cities and move forward.

   and Ling Xiao, but still walking in the wilderness area of ​​the Eternal Emperor Road, surrounded by chaotic void, unable to see where the Emperor City is.

   But the crisis is everywhere.

   This is a wild area of ​​the Eternal Emperor Road. Although it is sparsely populated, it is more dangerous to some extent.

   Many powerful creatures bred on the road of the Eternal Emperor, like to hunt those who try to rob them of their source of life and source beads.

   Ling Xiao naturally inevitably encountered many hunters, and launched a war after another.

   Those hunters were blinded by Ling Xiao's appearance, but eventually all died in Ling Xiao's hands.

In addition to the hunters, there are other dangers.

   Powerful and strange wild beasts, all kinds of strange weird bugs, and even the horrible remnants of the intertwined origin...

   Ling Xiao has fought blood all the way, all the way forward.

   He was inevitably wounded.

He is powerful and invincible at the same level, but he is not invincible in the world. In the face of those powerful hunters and strange wild beasts, he also suffered a lot of injuries, and finally came out in a **** battle to destroy everything. enemy.

   Ling Xiao's breath is more and more The whole portrait is a ascetic monk with a blue road, the breath is converged to the extreme, just like ordinary people, walking on the ancient chaotic ancient road.

   But his vision is getting brighter and sharper.

   It is a kind of calmness after washing all the glory and melting all things, and also a calmness and calmness that sees through the world and does not like things and things but not others.

Although    did not set foot in the city of God, this is a rare experience for Ling Xiao.

   Just like that, I don't know how long it has been.

   may be days, months, or years.

   Time seems to be meaningless, and space has long lost its boundaries.

   Ling Xiao's only thing to do is to keep moving forward and fighting constantly.

   And this day, he finally saw the imperial city.

   In the vast chaotic void, a huge city of hundreds of millions of miles stands under the sky dome and sits on the Eternal Emperor Road.

  The imperial city is higher than the sky, wider than the ground, more eternal than the years, and stronger than the space.

  Every creature sees the Emperor City, even if it is a huge beast, it will feel its insignificance.

  Because this is the eternal and immortal imperial city, it has traversed 108 eras, witnessed countless prosperity and disgrace, and has seen the arrogant evil and turned into dust. .

   "Emperor City, finally arrived!"

   Ling Xiao whispered to herself, looking directly at the giant city, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

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