Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3109: Riddler Mystery!

"Master, do you think you can still be low-key? You are the son of heaven, bearing the luck of heaven in this era, I am afraid that it is not just the arrogance of the heavens and the world, and those evils from ancient times to the present will not easily let you go!

This is a world of great controversy, and embarking on the road of eternal emperor means that we must fight for nothing! If you don’t fight, others will fight, so go ahead and fight, kill all those who are in front of the master, and climb to the top of the Eternal Road! "

Evil thoughts eagerly tried to say that there was a powerful power of enchantment in the voice.

"I understand what you said! Without saying this, you tell me first, what is the abductor, why does the octopus queen say that I am a abductor as soon as he sees me expose so many fruits?"

Ling Xiao smiled lightly.

"Robber? The name is familiar, I have to think about it!"

The evil thought said with some confusion.

"You don't know?"

Ling Xiao was a little surprised.

"I really haven't remembered it yet, but the robber should be the same as the master, with many Dao fruits. Anyway, the robber is very dangerous, the master must be careful of them!"

Evil thoughts are said in some unclear words.

"There are a lot of Dao fruits, are they robbers?"

Ling Xiao's eyes gleamed in fineness.

The emperor's powerful realm, condensing the source of Taoism, represents the source of the emperor's path. If one path of the path goes to the extreme, if it can ultimately control a avenue, it will also become a testimony.

The preacher, the emperor!

Therefore, many emperors and emperors have only one Daoguo, even if they get the Daoguo of others, if they have similar origins, they can absorb the Daoguo and allow their own Daoguo to evolve and walk on it. farther.

Few people condense multiple Daoguo at the same time.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some people who know that they are hopeless and hopeless will condense a few more Taoist fruits to enhance their strength.

There are also some amazing arrogances, thinking that they can control more of the original Tao, so they will gather many Taoist fruits.

But those are very few.

Only Ling Xiao will unscrupulously condense multiple original Taoist fruits.

Because he took a different path than others, he wanted to converge on the Three Thousand Avenues, and he followed the path of unity of ten thousand ways. Eventually, he had to break through the ten thousand ways, and the ten thousand ways would be unified.

This is destined to be a road with no ancients before and no one to come.

But the three words of the robber in the mouth of the octopus queen made Ling Xiao instinctively feel a little unusual, as if it had a special meaning, not in the above categories.

"Perhaps, when I meet the real robber, I will understand!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

The octopus queen was killed by him, and the most precious source of life, the immortal Yuanshen and the sky-stained source beads have all become his possessions.

Ling Xiao did not leave, sitting in the head of the octopus queen, refining the source of life and the immortal Yuanshen.


Everyone saw that the huge body of the octopus queen who was still violently twisted directly became rigid and lost any breath of life.

"Queen of octopus, actually died in the boy's hands?"

Tian Jiao, the dozen surviving testers, had an incredible look in his eyes.

"In this way, the Tianzhu Origin Pearl also fell into his hands?"

"There is also the life source of the octopus queen, such a huge body, I don't know how magnificent the life source is, it may be able to allow our cultivation to go further!"

"That kid hasn't come out yet, is it because he wants to swallow the treasure of the octopus queen alone? Damn it, he doesn't even take us into consideration!"

"When the young master arrives, he must be beautiful!"


The dozen or so testers were arrogant, and their faces were full of indignation, as if they could not remember who had just rescued them from the mouth of the octopus queen.

After the octopus queen was beheaded, the emperors and monarchs of the octopus clan were greatly repulsed.

The mother body was cut, their source of life was damaged, and the power passed quickly. Each one was extremely frightened, afraid that Ling Xiao would rush out to deal with them, so all fled away one by one.

The ancestral home of the octopus, there will soon be no octopus!


At this moment, there was a fierce thunder blasting in the void.

The sky is full of thunder and thunder, like the ocean is turbulent, flashing a blazing light.

From that thunder, came out a young man with a purple gold war gun, wearing armor, and purple hair flying all over!

His face is like a knife and axe, very three-dimensional. A pair of purple eyes seems to be able to penetrate everything. His eyes are indifferent and overbearing. He has no sharp edge and makes people dare not look straight.

His breath was violent and unmatched, as if the thunder **** came into the world, exuding a vast divine power!

"It's young master!"

The arrogance of the dozen or so testers was all shocked, with a look of extreme surprise in their eyes.

The purple-haired man who came out of the Thunder came forward, and in an instant, appeared in front of the body of the octopus queen.


He emptied the emptiness and pointed that the mans were sharp and unmatched, and instantly lifted the imprisonment of the ten testers Tian Jiao.

"what happened?"

The indifferent voice sounded.

"Look back to Young Master, when I enter the Eternal Emperor Road, I am ambushed by an octopus monster and caught here, and I will dedicate it to the octopus queen as food..."

A fair-skinned tester with long brown hair and a tall body is proud of him. He dare not neglect and quickly kneels on one knee, respectfully reporting.

"You mean, the young man in the Emperor's Realm Triple Heaven, who killed the octopus queen, is now inside the body of the octopus queen?"

The purple-haired young man asked with indifferent eyes.

"Yes! But young master, the young man's own strength is not too strong, mainly after the octopus queen spawned, her strength was greatly damaged and her vitality was badly hurt, so he was given an opportunity! The perfect natural polluted source pearl!"

A tester reported on Tianjiao.

"Is the perfect sky-stained source bead? It's a treasure. If you get it in the Imperial City, you can get a lot of treasures! These octopus eggs are also a good treasure!"

The young man with purple hair nodded with satisfaction.

He politely waved his sleeves, and immediately collected all the octopus eggs, his eyes fell on the entity of the octopus behemoth, a flash of hot color flashed in his eyes.

Peerless emperor-level wild beast is a treasure.

Especially the indestructible Yuanshen, the source bead and the source of life are all supreme.

"Young Master, the treasure in the body of the octopus queen, only you deserve to enjoy it. The young man does not know each other. I am afraid that at this moment it is refining the natural source beads!"

A tester said flatteredly.

"Refining the natural beads of natural pollution? Looking for death!"

The purple-haired young man's eyes flashed with interest.


But at this moment, no matter what he did, the octopus beast suddenly began to tremble violently, and his head even shone brightly. .

A young man in white shengxue, shrouded in chaotic light, stepped out of the octopus's head!

The eyes of the two collided in the void, instantly igniting a blazing light!

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