Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3104:

This is a vast ancient road with stars, surrounded by huge stars. Although most of them are dead stars, there are all kinds of strange creatures. There are also some treasures of heaven and earth that God Realm has long lost.

However, after feeling the breath of Zhang Yun and Ling Xiao, those creatures evaded in horror.

The emperor, on the road of eternal emperor, is already a strong party.

Although there are many emperors on the road of the eternal emperor, they are always a few.

Chaos haze rising, the surrounding scene looks very strange, colorful, dreamlike.

This eternal emperor road is different from any world such as God Realm, Demon Realm, and Immortal Realm, and the scene is very strange.

That feeling is like an illusory world.

Soon, Zhang Yun took Ling Xiao back to the octopus family.

"This is the octopus family?!"

Ling Xiao looked at the scene in front of her and could not help but take a breath.

In the chaotic void in front, there is a huge octopus behemoth, which seems to be a million meters tall, like a floating ancient mountain.

The octopus is dark all over, but a pair of eyes are like blood moons, half-opened and half-closed, and the tentacles are like giant black pythons, which creep slowly.

But the power fluctuations emanating from the giant octopus beast stunned Ling Xiao.

The mega-octopus beast is surrounded by a huge transparent enchantment. In that transparent enchantment, the mist is filled, the fairy light is lingering, there are huge buildings, and there are people flying around.

"Yes! This is my octopus tribe, that octopus beast, Her Majesty the octopus queen, the huge enchantment around it is her power, and also formed the ancestral home of our octopus tribe!"

Zhang Yun nodded.

"It turns out so!"

Ling Xiao nodded and said this bright light in his eyes.

Anyone who sees this scene in front of them will be shocked.

The huge octopus beast actually formed an octopus family. No wonder Zhang Yun said that all the people of the octopus family are the heirs of the octopus queen.

"My lord, my plan is this. We are waiting here for a moment. Her Majesty is about to give birth to a heir now! Wait for you to pretend to be my captive. I will take you to see Her Majesty!"

After Her Majesty the Queen gave birth to a heir, she will become extremely weak, need to eat, and will not be too vigilant to you. Her life door is her eyes, as long as you can blind him with the opportunity, you can kill her! "

Zhang Yun said respectfully.

"Since you have all planned, then listen to you!"

Ling Xiao smiled lightly and said noncommittally.

"Thank you for your trust, your subordinates will not let you down!"

Zhang Yun quickly expressed loyalty.

Between them talking, strange changes appeared in the distance.


The octopus monster shook slightly, causing the Quartet's void to roar, and its dazzling nine-color divine light made the octopus behemoth become extremely holy in a flash.

The black light on her faded away, shrouded in nine-color Shenxia, ​​and gave birth to a breath of life.

"Sir, let's go quickly, Her Majesty is about to give birth to a heir!"

Jing Yun flashed in Zhang Yun's eyes and said quickly.

"it is good!"

Ling Xiao nodded.

Together with Zhang Yun, he walked towards the octopus beast one after another, and the black ropes were transfigured above his arms, tying his hands together.

As if it were because of the birth of the heir to the octopus, Ling Xiao could feel that the huge enchantment around the octopus was weakened.

Zhang Yun took him and walked through the barrier very easily.

Ling Xiao saw that many octopus monsters were in the enchantment, saluting towards the octopus beasts with their piety, and their eyes showed a mad worship.

"Have seen General Zhang Yun!"

"General Zhang Yun seems to have gained a lot today, and he has caught such a handsome little Langjun! Her Majesty the Queen looks sure to reward the general!"

"How about the general's men? Why did the general come back alone?"


Along the way, I also met many octopus warriors. They greeted Zhang Yun with a smile, and Zhang Yun responded with a smile.

But from the beginning to the end, Zhang Yun seemed very well-behaved, and without any slight movement, took Ling Xiao all the way to the octopus beast.


The octopus behemoth, spraying out the dazzling nine-color Shenxia, ​​the endless essence of life exploded, forming a cloud of life around it, and finally gathered into a lake of life.

The breath of the octopus behemoth at this moment bloomed to the extreme, and the breath of life spewed out like a blooming flower.


The body of the octopus is cracked, and then dozens of giant eggs roll out of it. Each giant egg looks tens of feet in size, with a dark golden strange pattern on it, which contains a magnificent breath of life. .

This is an octopus egg born from an octopus beast. If it happens, the octopus egg will certainly be able to breed a powerful octopus!


After a dozen or so giant eggs were born, the breath of the octopus monster began to weaken at a rate that was visible to the eye.

Ling Xiao could feel that the octopus monster exuded a very tired wave, like a vital injury.

At this moment, the octopus warriors guarding the side, pulled out a dozen powerful shadows, all of which were the cultivation of emperor realm.

It's just that those people were all chained up with black chains, and each one was a bit languid, and his eyes were full of anger and anger.

Among them, Ling Xiao also found three shadows exuding immortal light, which are the people of the fairy family.

Ling Xiao was clear in their hearts. They were afraid that Zhang Yun said, the three people they had caught before.

"My children, offer your sacrifice!"

An old and hoarse voice sounded, like an old lady's voice, making people gobble up involuntarily.

"This is the octopus queen?"

Ling Xiao secretly vomited.

This is obviously a bad old lady.

The eyes of the octopus monster swept across the crowd like blood moons, and after seeing the dozen people, a trace of satisfaction appeared.

In the end, its eyes fell on Ling Xiao, could not help lighting up.

It can feel Ling Xiao's body is full of blood and blood, life vitality is extremely powerful, far exceeding that dozens of shadows.

"Zhang Yun baby, did you even prepare such a perfect sacrifice for me? Very good! I will definitely reward you!"

The sound of the octopus beast roared like thunder, and then the black tentacles around it entangled toward Ling Xiao and the dozen shadows like a python.

Zhang Yun resigned without revealing his voice.

He didn't say anything and didn't say much.

Although he believes Ling Xiao will die, after all, Her Majesty the Queen's invincibility and power have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

But he still dared not tell the truth, betrayed the octopus queen, and brought the enemy back to the octopus clan. If this kind of thing is exposed, he may be hard to die.

Therefore, the best way is to die Xiao Ling!

Zhang Yun's eyes showed a fierce look, he had even seen Ling Xiao die in the mouth of the octopus queen!

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