Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3102: Block the road!

"The secret of detachment, in that world? What is your basis?"

   Ling Xiao frowned.

   Suddenly felt that the evil thoughts were not honest. The guy didn't know how many secrets there were, but he didn't tell them honestly.

As if feeling what Ling Xiao thought, the evil thought quickly said: "Master, don't misunderstand, I am only a evil thought after all, only after the broken memories of the Shulu Zu God and Tai Yi Xian Emperor. information!"

   "Speak the point!"

   Ling Xiao said coldly.

"Because, according to the later discoveries of Shulu Zu God and Taiyi Immortal Emperor, every time the Eternal Emperor Road is opened, the end of the Eternal Emperor Road is a sea of ​​chaos, and other people have discovered the world that cannot be touched! So I will Guess, this time the Eternal Emperor Road, that world will definitely open! And the secret of detachment is likely to be there!"

   said evil thoughts quickly.

   "Since this is the case, we have to wait until we reach the end of the Eternal Emperor Road, don't we?"

   Dark Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, his eyes instantly revealed a trace of fine awn.


   In front of them, there was a shining light, and a very strange space appeared.

   Ling Xiao left the passage and embarked on the road of eternal emperor.

   Surrounded by a faint mess of chaos, the world was vast, showing a dim color, without the sun and the moon, I don't know where this light came from.

   But in the distance, there are broken ancient stars, mostly dead, without any vitality.

   The road at the foot of Ling Xiao runs through chaos and spreads into the distance.

   But at this moment, Ling Xiao was surrounded by people.

   It was a weirdo with an octopus head, a human body, and a black ghost head knife. The eyes were indifferent and full of killing intent. The long tentacles were constantly twisted and looked very disgusting.

   "Yes, I didn't expect that the Eternal Emperor Lu just opened, and a fat sheep appeared. This kid looks like a fine skin and tender meat. Grab him and definitely be able to sell a good price!"

The octopus monster headed by    sneered, and his eyes were full of cruelty.

"Master, on the road of the Eternal Emperor, will also breed some strange ethnic creatures. They are cruel in nature and born with dark power, so most of them are extremely evil. They especially like to catch the arrogance of the heavens and the world. They do not need to show mercy to them. !"

   said evil thoughts to Ling Xiao.

   Ling Xiao nodded his head and made it clear.

   But to his surprise, although these octopus monsters look disgusting, but their strength is not weak, there are emperors around the body, all are powerful in the emperor's realm.

   Dozens of emperors, if they are replaced by other arrogant strongmen, I am afraid they might be caught.

   "Give you a choice, surrender to me, act as my leader, I will not kill you, how?"

   Ling Xiao smiled slightly, his eyes fell on the octopus monster's head, his expression was very calm.

"Succumb to you? Hahaha... Boy, it seems that you haven't recognized your situation! Really treat yourself as a arrogant? Small ones, grab him! But don't hurt this boy, the tender skin, Lord Queen likes this the most!"

   The leader of the octopus monster was a little stunned, and then he burst out laughing, his eyes full of ridicule.

The octopus monsters around    also laughed with haha.

   With the order of the octopus monster leader, those octopus monsters seemed to be prepared for a long time, and a large black net suddenly fell from the sky, flashing a black light, and immediately enveloped Ling Xiao in it.

   On the large black net, there are some barbs, flashing ghosts, extremely sharp, and instantly want to penetrate into Ling Xiao's body, which contains a strong anesthetic power.

   The faces of those octopus monsters are full of sneer. Obviously, they have done so many times and they don’t know how many times. As soon as the big net comes out, Ling Xiao will probably be obediently caught.

   The narcotic poison was extracted from Her Majesty's body, and the emperor and the strong couldn't resist it, and instantly became comatose.

  Lingxiao is just the cultivation of the emperor's realm, which cannot be resisted.

But to their surprise, after the large black net enveloped Ling Xiao, the black barbed spurs on Ling Xiao's body, and even made a sound of gold and iron clashes, Mars was shining, and even a white seal did not stay. under.

   Not to mention piercing Ling Xiao's flesh, anesthetizing Ling Xiao.

   "Is this interesting?"

   Ling Xiao smiled faintly, then grabbed the **** net on his body, and suddenly tore it!


   The **** net glowed with fiery light, like a twisted venomous snake, as if very spiritual, the black runes rose, and wanted to offset Ling Xiao's tears.

   But under Ling Xiao's unparalleled divine power, the runes on the black net burst into pieces, and the entire black net burst directly in front of Ling Xiao, and turned into powder.


   Dark Lingxiao's body is full of energy and blood, exuding a dazzling light, like a great wild beast was born.

   The head of the octopus monster shuddered, and his eyes were full of incredible looks.

   That was a large net woven by the tentacles of Her Majesty's detachment. It was incredibly tenacious. Only Ji Dao imperial soldiers could break open, and Ling Xiao was torn apart with bare hands?

  He felt a bad feeling in his heart, he quickly shouted and said: "Cut me to death!"


   He was surrounded by black light, and the octopus monsters around him recovered from the shock. One after another, with fierce light, holding a ghost head knife, he slashed toward Lingxiao.

   The black swordman ghost crying wolf howl, contains the sound of horror, as if it can make people's primordial spirits break apart, very strange.

  Daomang swept through, covering Ling Xiao from all directions.


   Ling Xiao did not resist at all. Those fierce and unmatched knives were cut on Ling Xiao's body, clank, and only a white seal was left, and even Ling Xiao's skin was not broken.


   The eyes of the leader of the octopus are full of incredible His heart is terrified, is this still human?

   This special body is more horrible than the wild beasts. Such a horrible character, placed on the road of the Eternal Emperor, is also the most dazzling peerless.

  Dare they dare to pay attention to such characters?

  He was very worried.

   The eyes of many octopus monsters are also extremely panicked.

   "Too weak! With your waste, dare to stop the road on the road of the Eternal Emperor?"

   Ling Xiao shook his head and said, there was a trace of disappointment in his eyes.


  His body was full of blood and blood, his eyes were fierce, and the unmatched divine light swept the Quartet, and he instantly swept those octopus monsters out.

   Ling Xiao burst out with a punch, the void exploded, and the domineering and terrifying fist marks were suppressed like mountains.

   Several octopus monsters were directly bombarded by him!

The remaining octopus monsters wanted to escape, but no one could escape Ling Xiao’s world-famous fist print. In a few breaths, except for the octopus leader, other people were killed by Ling Xiao. Do it all!

   Ling Xiao's eyes fell on the body of the octopus monster's head. The octopus monster's head shuddered and his legs softened, and he knelt directly.

   "Da Da... Master, don't kill me!"

   said the headband of the octopus monster stuttered, his eyes full of fright.

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