Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2894: The storm is up!

The black ceramic piece looks very ordinary, but it exudes an ancient shinto atmosphere, lingering in the vicissitudes of time.

"A piece of ceramic? It seems that this fairy stone is scrapped!"

Someone sighed, eyes full of regret.

Everyone didn't find anything special about the ceramic piece, so they thought this fairy stone was abolished.

"this is……"

The Jieshi Shijie of the Jie family was originally indifferent, but when he saw the piece of ceramic in the fairy stone, he was shocked, and his eyes showed a shocking look.

"It can even make the Protoss Seal produce induction. This ceramic piece is not simple!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly in his heart, reaching for the ceramic piece and trying to study it carefully.

As for whether it was cut off as others said, Ling Xiao did not care.

"Slow down! This piece of ceramic, this one is less necessary!"

At this moment, an arrogant voice sounded.


At the same time, a sound of breaking the sky sounded, a piece of fairy stone hit the palm of Ling Xiao very fast.

If he insists on taking the ceramic piece, he will be hit by the fairy stone.

It can be seen that the person who threw out the fairy stone just didn't want Ling Xiao to take away the ceramic piece.

Such disrespectful behavior made Ling Xiao's eyes cold.


Ling Xiao didn't dodge anything, still grabbing towards the ceramic piece. When that piece of fairy stone touched Ling Xiao's arm, a purple thunder bloomed instantly, directly hitting that piece of fairy stone into powder.

The ceramic piece is also caught in the palm of Ling Xiao!

"It is the three young masters of the Shi tribe, Shi Tianying!"

Someone exclaimed, suddenly a look of awe appeared in his eyes.

The crowd in the distance spread out automatically, and a young man in a purple dress stepped forward with a proud look and indifferent eyes.

Beside him, there is a woman wearing a cyan long dress that looks gentle and elegant like a lily, exuding a very pure atmosphere, especially the eyes, without any flaws, bright and bright.

"Shi Tianying actually took a fancy to the ceramic piece. Could it be that the ceramic piece is a treasure?"

"This kid didn't even give Shi Tianying face, he is in trouble!"

"Yes! Who dare not give the face of the three young masters of the Shi family? Even the Jie family will give a three-pointer! But who is the fairy next to Shi Tianying? It's so beautiful!"

"Unclear, but such a noble temperament must be a member of the Dazongmen big family!"


Everyone talked to each other, and many people looked at Ling Xiao's eyes, all of which were full of gloating.

In their view, Ling Xiao had just turned a deaf ear to Shi Tianying's remarks, and even directly shattered the fairy stone thrown by Shi Tianying. Regardless of taking away the ceramic pieces, he did not give Shi Tianying a face.

"Boy, I said, this ceramic piece is less important! Are you deaf?"

Shi Tianying stared at Ling Xiao and said indifferently, a pair of triangular eyes resembled a poisonous snake, flashing cold light, and his voice was very cold, as if blaming.

"This ceramic piece is something cut out of my fairy stone. What does it have to do with you? As for whether I am deaf, everyone should have seen it! If you don't see it, you can only say that your dog is blind. !"

Ling Xiao's mouth showed a faint smile, and said slowly.

When Ling Xiao's words came out, everyone suddenly looked at each other, looking at Ling Xiao as if they were looking at the dead.

The entire fairy ancient city, who dare to talk to Shi Tianying like this?

Ling Xiao seems to be low, but it is so bold and generous. If you don’t take Master Shi San in your eyes, you will live impatiently!

At this moment, although this is the Jieshi Pavilion of the Xie Family, there is no one with weight in the Xie Family, so whether it is the Xie Shi master or the shopkeeper, each one is silent.

Shi Tianying's eyes showed a chill, and his murderous intentions came out. He stared at Ling Xiao Road: "Boy, I originally planned to buy this ceramic piece out of Xianjing, but I didn't expect you to be so unaware. Life and death! Kneel down, put a ceramic piece in your hands, and palm your own one hundred, this could be a waste of your cultivation and save your dog's life!"

Shi Tianying was really angry.

Especially Ling Xiao's pale yet calm look, without any fear, that kind of look was more like an eagle above nine days looking down on the ants, making Shi Tianying very uncomfortable and felt a great provocation.

Xiejia and Shijia are Emperors of the Earth in the ancient city of immortals. Even if the people from the Nine Great Immortal Gates come here, they must pay tribute to them.

When did anyone dare to challenge him?

Behind Shi Tianying, there are two unbelievable old men, all of whom are immortal cultivators, and their expressions are very indifferent, and the whole body locks Ling Xiao up.

As if waiting for Shi Tianying's order, they would take Ling Xiao down.

"Master, you are a little impulsive! Shi Tianying is arrogant and arrogant, just a piece of ceramic, nothing to him! If you make trouble here, we will still be the losers!"

The Sky Rat screamed in grief, and secretly transmitted a voice to Ling Xiaodao, full of worry.

This is an ancient city of immortals. If they offended the Shijia, they might not even be able to escape at that time. When the moat was closed, they would be the turtles in the urn.

Although Tian Tianshu knew that Ling Xiao was powerful, he did not think he could compete with Shijia.

"Is the Shijia people so arrogant and arrogant? Buying and selling can't be done, and want to kill here?"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, his expression was still calm, but his eyes began to become cold.

How many years? Ling Xiao has seldom encountered this kind of stupidity, and did not expect to meet such a person again in this fairyland.

The domineering children who rely on their family in Ling Xiao's eyes are nothing more than extinct ants.

Although he didn't want to cause trouble, he wouldn't be afraid if something really happened.

"Both both extinguished the fire! This young man was offended by Tianying. I am here to accompany you for a while! But can the ceramic piece be sold to me? No matter how many fairy crystals!"

The woman beside Shi Tianying's beautiful eyes flashed and spoke.

Her expression was very plain. Although she said sorry in her mouth, she didn't mean to apologize at all. Her voice was sober and cold, as if she didn't have any emotional fluctuations and looked at Lingxiao calmly.

"Sister, why bother so much? This kid is toasting instead of eating fine, you want ceramic pieces, I just slaughter this kid!"

Shi Tianying said dissatisfiedly.

But after being glanced at by the woman in Tsing Yi, Shi Tianying suddenly shrank her head and stopped talking, but the look in Ling Xiao's eyes was still full of threats.

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