Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2888: Mysterious woman!

"If according to your statement, is this Xuan Tian Xian Jun among the gods and immortals?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed and said to Lao Tao.

"I don't know! The immortal world is vast and immense. Many immortal stones have been bred under the earth. The immortal stones form the epidermis with the spirit of the **** and the fairy road. The most precious thing is the **** stone with the breath of life. No one can tell what is in the Jade Immortal Fetus. It may be the body of Xuan Tian Xian Jun, or it may be a certain plant, a certain beast, or a certain treasure!

Shenyu Xiantai is extremely precious, if you sell it to those families of Jieshi, you can make a fortune! However, there are no treasures in the fairy jade immortal fetus, even the immortal monarch cannot see it. Only after being opened by the Jieshi family can you see what is in it! "

Said honestly.

"Fairy stone? Fairy jade birthstone?"

Ling Xiao's eyes gleamed in fineness.

From the memories of Leiling, he found some memories of the fairy stone and the fairy jade fetus. This fairy stone is like the ancient stones he encountered when he was in the God of War Realm, but it was bred in the depths of the earth. Countless years of ancient ore, which has sealed the ancient strong, or sealed the magic weapon, or a panacea.

However, Leiling has not played the fairy stone, so I don't know much about it.

Through the introductory introduction, Ling Xiao has more understanding of the Shenyu Xiantai. In layman's terms, this Shenyu Xiantai is the ultimate fairy stone.

In the fairy world, there is also the saying that the **** is hard to break the jade.

The skin of the immortal stone contains the spirits of the gods and immortals, and it has the original power of the complex road, blocking any visits, even the immortal king can not find out what treasures there are.

"Is it really impossible to find out what's in it?"

A move in Ling Xiao's heart, secretly running the technique of breaking the delusional **** pupil, his eyes were covered with a strange light, and he wanted to investigate the **** jade immortal fetus.

Ling Xiao could feel the mottled avenue origin of Shenyu Immortal's epidermis, and the breath of Shinto and Immortal Dao, which blocked his visit. Even if it was the technique of breaking the delusional pupil, he could only vaguely perceive that There is a figure, but it is not very clear.

The bright light of Ling Xiao's eyes bloomed. He simultaneously operated the four mysteries of chaos, destiny, cause and effect and reincarnation. The four original mysteries converged in his eyes, forming a trace of dominating power.

In an instant, Ling Xiao's eyes directly penetrated the stone skin of Shenyu Immortal Fetus, and he saw the inside clearly.

Among the gods and immortals, there is a woman.

The woman's eyes were slightly closed, her body atmosphere was mysterious and unpredictable, and she drew out a dazzling fairy light, her skin was crystal-like like jade, her face was extremely beautiful, and her black hair was like a waterfall, like a satin-like thick and shiny.

She seemed to be the goddess of the Nine Heavens who did not eat the fireworks in the world, exuding a lingering temperament, which was gorgeous.

Her breath is extremely powerful, and she is vaguely connected to the Shenyu Immortal Fetus. Through the Shenyu Immortal Fetus, she is breathing the essence of the world.

Ling Xiao could see her breath clearly.

This woman is alive?

"Is this Xuan Tian Xian Jun?!"

Ling Xiao's heart moved, the power of the master among his eyes slowly gathered away, and there was a hint of fineness in his eyes.

This dominating power is really terrifying!

The dominating power not only can explode a powerful and unmatched attack, but it is even more powerful than the skill of breaking the delusion of the pupil, allowing Ling Xiao to directly see the situation in the fairy jade immortal embryo.

If it wasn't for Ling Xiao's condensed dominance, it could only be used as a means to press the bottom of the box. Otherwise, Ling Xiao was confident that even in the face of the emperor, he could be beheaded!

However, the woman in the Shenyu Immortal Fetus is extremely strange, and her condition is not even clear to Ling Xiao, whether it is life or death, like being self-proclaimed.

"Is Xuan Tian Xianjun a woman?"

Ling Xiao looked at the old road and asked.

"Women? I haven't heard of it, but Xuan Tian Xian Jun should be a man! Wouldn't you see the situation in Shen Yu Xian Fei?"

The old man asked with some surprise.

However, he immediately denied this idea in his heart, and even Xianjun couldn't see through the Shenyu Immortal Fetus. Ling Xiao looked like an Immortal Venerable, and it was naturally impossible to see through the Shenyu Immortal Fetus.

"Just ask!"

Ling Xiao smiled lightly and said noncommittally.


Ling Xiao waved his sleeves, and immediately the God Jade Immortal Fetus was put away by him.

As the Shenyu Immortal Fetus was taken into the pocket by Ling Xiao, the formation enchantment outside also shuddered slightly, and finally dissipated.

That array of enchantments actually existed with the existence of Shenyu Immortal Fetus.

"Now, you can give me a reason not to kill you!"

Ling Xiao looked at the old road and said with a smile.

Looking at Ling Xiao's sharp eyes, Lao Dao instantly felt some scalp tingling, and quickly said to Ling Xiao: "Adult, if I expected well, you should have just been out of the customs soon? Lao Dao, I have a lot of fairyland My secrets are very clear. I have traveled through dozens of states around the world! I am willing to be your guide and be the one who will saddle you up!

After feeling the horrible strength of Ling Xiao, he had no idea of ​​wanting to resist at At this moment, he just wanted to escape from Ling Xiao's life.

"not enough!"

Ling Xiao said lightly.

"Sir, as long as you don't kill me, I have a secret to tell you!"

The old one gritted his teeth.


Ling Xiao said.

"Adult, in the ancient city of immortals, there is a peerless **** jade immortal fetus. Three days later, it will be officially auctioned! Among the **** jade immortal fetus, it is very likely that there is an extremely imperial soldier!"

The old man said seriously.

"Ji Dao Emperor?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed.

During his visit to Immortal Realm, none of the four Ji Dao Emperors were brought to prevent identity exposure, but if he could get one of the Ji Dao Emperors, he would definitely increase Ling Xiao's strength.

There are many strong people in the fairy world, and there are even living strong fairy emperors, so Ling Xiao could not be careless.

"How do you know this news?"

Ling Xiao looked at the old road and asked.

"Return to Master, because the **** Jade Immortal is the one I sold to the Xieshi family in the ancient city of immortals, and the extremely emperor soldier is probably the sword of Xuan Tian Xian Jun!"

The old man smiled bitterly, his face full of regret and bitterness.


Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and he felt that this old saying was not easy.

"The **** jade immortal fetus, I got it from the descendant of Xuan Tianzong. At that time, it was not clear what was in it, so I sold it easily! But then I found out from the treasure map , And got a clue in a forbidden place of Xuan Tianzong, and only then guessed that among the gods, the Xian Tianxian fetus, is probably the sword of Xuan Tian Xian Jun, Xuan Tian Jian!"

The old man smiled bitterly.


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