Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2883: Yunxi, I love you!

"Holy lady, isn't this okay? Madam asked us to bring Leiling back to her for disposal!"

There was a trace of embarrassment on the faces of Venerable Dragon Sovereign and Venerable Tiger Fu.

"Why? You still can't believe me? I thought I would let Leiling go away? I'll take Leiling back to my mother for disposal! If you don't want to die, hurry and leave me!"

Yun Xi sneered, then face like a frost, yelled at the two great respecters in front of him.

"Yes! Saint girl, I hope you can bring Leiling back to your wife as soon as possible, otherwise we will not be good at business!"

Venerable Dragon Sovereign and Venerable Tiger Fu could not help but tremble. Although they were already cultivated in Immortal Venerable Realm, they were still very afraid of the Saint Yunxi.

Since Yunxi Saint was determined to take Lei Ling away, they dared not stop it.

Moreover, they do not believe that the Yunxi Saints’ Church secretly released Leiling.

After all, what happened between Lei Ling and Yunxi Sheng Nu, and Fuyao Madam, only they knew it, and did not spread it, and the ancient foreign religions only claimed that Lei Ling had stolen the **** of supplementary heaven.

If they knew about Lei Ling and Yunxi Saint and Fuyao Madam, I'm afraid they wouldn't dare to give Leiling Ling Yunyun.

Venerable Dragon Sovereign and Venerable Tiger Tiger left.

They are ready to return to the ancient gods and report this to Madam Fuyao!

After the two great Venerables left, the eyes of Saint Yunxi fell on Ling Xiao, full of anger and gloom.

"Lei Lang, we meet again! You said I killed you directly? Or will you take you back to the slut?"

Yunxi Saint's face returned to calm, giggling, and came towards Lingxiao, falling in front of Lingxiao, a crystal clear finger lifted Lingxiao's chin.

Ling Xiao felt that a fragrant breeze was blowing, and Yunxi's red lips rose slightly, and she was very close to Ling Xiao. Ling Xiao could even hear the sound of Yunxi's heartbeat.

"What is this little witch wanting to do? Do I just want to kill her all the time?"

Ling Xiao thought secretly in his heart, and a trace of murderous intention appeared in his heart.

However, he heard that Yunxi Shengvu called Madam Fuyao as a slut, and she suddenly couldn't help moving her heart. Suddenly she remembered that Yunxi Shengvu and Madam Fuyao were not biological mothers and daughters, and the two looked down on each other. Mrs Fuyao is extremely hostile.

Can we use the relationship between the two?

Ling Xiao didn't do it in the end, after all, Saint Yunxi was the daughter of the gods of the ancient gods. Not only did her own cultivation become extraordinary, she had already reached the fairyland, and there must be followers around her, maybe she was a fairy Monarch.

If you hurriedly start, you will only be surprised.

What should I do if I don't do it?

"Yunxi, I thought I would never see you again! See you poorly, let me see you again, even if I die now, it is worth it!"

Ling Xiao's thoughts turned rapidly in his heart, but the surface was silent, pretending to be very affectionate, looking at Yunxi Saint Girl with affectionate expression.

"My good Lei Lang, do you still want to lie to me? I didn't expect that you have me and I'm not content, but who is it that you are not good at? You are going to hook up with that slut? Where is she better than me? To treat me like this, I really want to dig your chest to see if your heart is black!"

Yunxi Saint said quietly, but her eyes were very cold, and Ling Xiao clearly felt the killing intention in her eyes.

Damn, this lady wants to kill me!

Ling Xiao's thoughts turned in his heart, and the affection in his eyes became more intense. He looked at Yunxi Sheng Nu and sighed: "Yunxi, in fact, I only have you in my heart! The reason why I am with Mrs Fuyao... It was also persecuted! I never told you about this matter because she threatened me. If I told you, she would kill you!"

"My good Lei Lang, do you still need to make up the story? You will continue to make up!"

The Yunxi saint sneered, her crystal clear fingers drawn circles on Ling Xiao’s chest, but Ling Xiao felt that Yunxi saint’s fingernails were so sharp, like a sword, as if she might want to at any time Breaking Ling Xiao's chest.

"Yunxi, I'm not sorry for my death, but I only hope you can be safe and happy! Mrs. Fuyao hates you, she once said to me that she wants to take away all your favorite things, including your favorite man! I was completely persecuted by her, because if I didn't do what she said, she would not only kill me, but also ruin you!

I'm sorry to die, but my dearest Yunxi, how can I have the heart to let you die in her hands? Anyway, I betrayed you! I **** it, Yunxi, you just open my chest, take out my heart, and see what color my heart is. It is my happiest thing to be able to die in your hand!

But I am very sorry. I regret that there was such a sincere love before me. I did not cherish it. If there is still a chance, I want to say three words to that girl, I love you! If I have to add a deadline, I hope it will be hundreds of millions of years, until the sea is dry and the rocks are falling, the heavens are falling, my love is determined! "

Ling Xiaoqiang endured nausea, pretending to be a sentimental look, and said some beautiful words.

In fact, these words were prepared by Leiling in advance.

Ling Xiao really admired Leiling more and more, and felt that such a person died silently in his own hands.

Although Lei Ling escaped from God Realm, he was afraid that he might be caught back one day, so he thought about two sets of rhetoric in advance.

Ling Xiao didn't know whether these words were useful. He expressed it directly according to Lei Ling's previous emotions and expressions.

Despite the deep affection on the surface, Ling Xiao is ready. If Yunxi Sheng Nu wants to kill her, then he can only hurt the killer and kill Yun Xi Sheng Nu first.

At that time, even if it caused Yunxi Daoist to take action, there was no way to do it!

Listening to Ling Xiao's words, Yunxi's original look was still very indifferent, but in the end his whole body trembled slightly.

Especially after hearing the three words "I love you", Yunxi's eyes are filled with endless affection, and his eyes are bright and bright, as if immersed in Ling Xiao's words, unable to extricate himself.

Have to say, the lethality of this remark is too strong!

This is the romantic Lei Ling's carefully prepared rhetoric is to deal with Yunxi's big killer, specifically to deal with this kind of deep world, but it has been repaired to be powerful, and has lived in the world of illusion since childhood. Little witch.

Yunxi fell instantly!

"Lei Lang, you are suffering, my Lei Lang!"

Yunxi's eyes turned slightly red, his arms wide open and Ling Xiao hugged him tightly in his arms.

"Finally, I don't have to fight for you to die! I'm so tired! This statement is more tiring than a fight!"

Ling Xiao also breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that this robbery is over.

Next, as long as he can play half of Lei Ling's supernatural powers, Yunxi should be able to get it done!

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