Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2857: The 3 Devil Kings of Sun Moon Star!


The vast emperor divine power emitted by the five great emperors and kings shattered the surrounding void, and even the stars floating around them were broken.

The five of them seemed to have formed a lore of lore, trapping the emperor of Kunwu Mountain at the very center, and all the eyes showed a cold killing intention.

"Want to trap me? Then be prepared for the fall of several emperors!"

Emperor Kunwu Mountain smiled lightly, but the smile looked a little cold, and there was a sharp edge in his voice.


As soon as his words fell, he shot directly at the five emperors!

The ancient mountain under his feet crashed into the air, containing immortal fluctuations, and was the first to blast toward the devil cholera.

At the same time, his sleeve waved and the power of the vast space spread. His sleeve seemed to appear a horrible vortex of engulfment, and he wanted to lead to another world, and he was enveloped by the four emperors towards the aftermath. .


The five emperors and emperors were all furious, and their eyes were cold and the vast emperor's power surged towards the emperor of Kunwu Mountain!


The void is broken, the haze is filled with chaos, and a peerless battle of immense fear erupts in an instant!

At the moment, there were also several silent shadows flying towards Jiang Yuyang who was crossing the robbery!

"Who? Get out!"

Han Xiao flashed among Ling Xiao's eyes, screaming loudly.

He was protecting Jiang Yuyang's dharma, and he instantly felt that there were several powerful and unmatched figures approaching here.

"Huh? It's just a venomous ant who gave Jiang Yuyang the protection method? I really don't know what to do!"

"Kill him and kill Jiang Yuyang. Jiang Yuyang must not be allowed to make a breakthrough!"



In the void, the blazing light bloomed, and in a flash three powerful figures emerged, while rushing towards Ling Xiao.

The three figures were extremely fast, like lightning, and even Ling Xiao didn't have time to see their faces clearly.

But from the breath that burst out of them, they are all powerful in the emperor's realm!

The three great emperors and strong men, and each one is powerful and unmatched, are far better than the reincarnation master who battled Ling Xiao before!

Ling Xiao can feel that these three emperors are all demons!

In order to prevent Jiang Yuyang from crossing the robbery, the Mozu really made a **** start.

Ling Xiao was in front of Jiang Yuyang, his eyes were very calm, and a bright purple glow spewed out around him, so that his breath began to skyrocket.

Just as the three emperors approached Ling Xiao and Jiang Yuyang, a blazing light burst into the air, and hundreds of millions of stars fell from the sky, pouring down like a vast sea like a vast sea.

Zhou Tianxing Dazhen, opened!

"Zhou Tianxing Star Formation? Sloppy Emperor, with your half-hanging formation, you want to trap us!"

The three great emperors and monarchs seemed to have expected it. At this moment, they couldn't help but sneered. They still didn't hesitate and continued to pounce on Ling Xiao and Jiang Yuyang.

Obviously, they knew very well both Jiang Yuyang and Scrambled Emperor, knowing that this time there must be a Scruffy Emperor who protected Jiang Yuyang.

They have also played against the sloppy emperor, knowing that the sloppy emperor broke through the battlefield, the skill of the formation is extremely high, and they have mastered the Zhoutian stars of the demon clan!

However, their cultivation is strong and unmatched, and the sloppy emperor has just broken through to the emperor's realm not long after, even if the formation is deployed?

The same cannot change the result!

"Really ignorant! Fearless! I didn't expect to be the three devil kings of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, but do you really think that you can break the Zhoutian and Xingchen formations on your own?"

The sloppy emperor sneered.

The three devil kings of the Sun, Moon, and Stars are powerful and unmatched. The sloppy emperors have dealt with them a lot, and they have a certain understanding of each other.

If there are no Wan Yao streamers, even the sloppy emperor has set up the Zhou Tianxing formation, and he will not be able to trap these three demons.

But now there are Wan Yao streamers in hand, even if they are the three demon kings of the sun, moon and stars?

The sloppy emperor is confident to keep them all!

"Ling Xiao, I will urge Zhou Tianxing to form a big formation to separate the three of them! You can use the power of formation to see if you can kill them! I always feel that there are others in the dark. Peep, if you can cut these three demons, you will be able to deter people in the dark!"

The sloppy emperor quickly transmitted to Ling Xiaodao!

"it is good!"

Ling Xiao nodded, without the slightest hesitation, the fierce thunder flashed in his palm, and the day penalty knife appeared in his palm instantly, radiating an unmatched light, and Ling Kong cut towards one of the demon kings Falling.


At the same time, Zhou Tianxing star burst into a bright light, a vast expanse of divine power broke out, surrounded by endless voids, as if 360 supreme stars appeared, Zhou Tianxing Da The array attracted the power of Zhou Tianxing and changed the world instantly, forming a vast array of formation space.

The three demon kings of the Sun, Moon and Stars suddenly felt that their eyes and prospects were changing. They appeared directly under a vast starry sky, and the three were isolated from each other, leaving only one person alone!

"What?! This week's star formation is actually ten times more powerful than before?"

The three demon kings all changed their faces, and their eyes were full of incredible looks.

But they soon guessed, especially the mighty divine emperor in the large array, let them understand that perhaps the sloppy emperor found the core of the formation of Zhou Tianxing's large array!

"Kill, forcibly break through!"

The three demon kings of the sun, moon and star are all cold eyes, the fierce magic light of the whole body rises, and the strongest attacking power has erupted, and they want to smash the void and forcibly break the Zhou Tianxing formation!

At this moment, Ling Xiao was holding the Sky Penalty Knife, and was already behind the demon king. Ling Li's sword and mansions fell down.

"court death!"

Xing Mojun was furious, and suddenly turned around, punching out, the devil qi rising above the fist, containing an immortal luster, making this punch fierce!

He was just trapped by Zhou Tianxing's big formation, but he didn't expect that Ling Xiao, a ants with only Tian Zunjing's practice, would dare to shoot him!

Although Tianzun Realm and Emperor Realm only seem to be separated by one realm, they are actually very different.

Not to mention It has been many years since the Star Demon broke through to the Emperor's Realm, and has already used the power of the original source to temper the flesh, integrating it with the inside and outside, condensing the original body, the immortal body!

So he dare to use fists to shake Ling Xiao's Sky Penalty Knife!


The Sky Penalty Knife collided with the star demon king's fist, and the blazing light blew out in a flash.

Xing Mojun's face changed, he felt a horrible divine power from the sky penalty knife that made him unable to contend, so that he was shocked, and the whole person flew out suddenly!


Ling Xiao's eyes were cold, and he suddenly screamed, and once again killed the star demon king with a heavenly knife!

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