Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2848: Devour the Emperor's Mark!

That purple figure, like the ancient Great Emperor's recovery, is generally terrifying, and the terrible Great Emperor Wei is terrifying, as if it can suppress everything.

But in the face of this figure, Ling Xiao still chose to take the initiative to attack!

He must shoot, otherwise when the figure bursts out completely, the unparalleled peerless emperor will explode, and I am afraid that under a single blow, he will be able to kill most of the powerful people under Ling Xiao!

Therefore, no matter what the origin of the purple figure, Ling Xiao still chose to shoot!


The fist of the era broke out, containing the Tao of Ling Xiao, and also the earth and the earth. The atmosphere of the reincarnation of the era, let this fist seem to have life, blooming the brightest light, and also illuminating Ling Xiao’s A pair of eyes.


The purple figure was so indifferent that it just fell with a palm. The palm contained unpredictable power and aura of destruction. It was like an earth-shaking moment, and it collided with the fist of the era of Ling Xiao.

A terrifying divine light erupted in the void, causing the four heavens to tremble violently.

Ling Xiao was trembling all over, as if hitting an impenetrable ancient god, flying straight out!


Ling Xiao's mouth suddenly spewed out a bit of blood, and his breath faded instantly. His face was pale, and his internal organs suffered unimaginable damages, as if to break apart at any time.

If it weren't for Ling Xiao's incomparable sturdiness, containing immortal material, I am afraid that his whole person would fall apart under this blow!

"Ling Xiao, you die for me!"

Hua Tianchong's eyes were full of resentment, and his whole person exuded a fiery purple glow, even blending with that purple figure.

The violent murderous intention once again locked Ling Xiao!

With such a terrifying power, Hua Tianchong became extremely intoxicated, although he knew that it would cost a great price, and it would not last long.

At this moment, Huatianchong seems to have become the ancient emperor who swept across the heavens and swept through the tens of thousands of people.

He hated Ling Xiao to the extreme, and there was only one thought in his heart.

That is to kill Ling Xiao!

"Under the blow with me, the power is weakened! It seems that it is only a one-time eruption. It is not like the real body of the Tiandu Great Emperor in the Twelve Capitals of Gods, which can be blessed by the power of the formation!

Ling Xiao wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, her eyes bright and bright.

Under this blow, although he was hit hard, he also tried something.

That purple figure looks more like a trace of power left by the emperor, and can only be urged by the blood in Hua Tianchong's body. Once the explosive power, although the power is unmatched, it is also quickly consumed.

"Isn't it the real body of the Tiandu Emperor, could it be the mark left by the ancient emperor discovered by the Chinese? But why did Hua Tianchong say that the Chinese ancestors came?"

Ling Xiao thought secretly in her heart, and the thought was turning rapidly, guessing the origin of the purple figure.


At this moment, Hua Tianchong and that purple figure merged into one body, the fiery light of the whole body rose, and the most terrifying power broke out, rushing towards Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao sprayed the vast source of life around him, and the injuries in his body healed at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Holding a punishment knife, he sacrificed the Tianwei Rubei monument and the compass of the years, and culled in the air.

Three pieces of Jidao Emperor Soldiers exploded into the vast Jidao Emperor Wei, intertwined with each other, containing the power wave of terrifying terror!

boom! boom! boom!

Every collision between Ling Xiao and Hua Tian Chong is like extinction, erupting a terrifying tremendous wave of divine light, like the sun exploding, the galaxy turning upside down, the sky and earth collapsing, and all kinds of mysterious scenes appear.

Everyone feels hairy, and their eyes are full of horrified looks.

"The imprint of the Great Emperor Hua Tianchong seems to be not the Emperor of Heaven! Whose imprint is that?"

Someone exclaimed and saw a few clues, and his eyes were full of shock.

The ethnic Chinese are dazzling and dazzling, but only the emperor of the capital, the ancestors, testified, and there was no second great emperor.

But the imprint of the emperor that Hua Tianchong evoked with blood at the moment was not the same as that of the emperor Tiandu, and many people noticed it.

"It seems that there are many secrets among the Chinese that we don't know! But now it seems that even if Hua Tianchong is integrated with the seal of the emperor, it is just a stubborn resistance, Ling Xiao's strength is too terrifying! Hua Tianchong's strength Failure is only a matter of time!"

Someone said slowly.

Today, no one thinks that Ling Xiao will lose to the Chinese, and this son of natural selection has exuded the glory of the peerless world and created one miracle after another!

Starting today, will the Murphys and the three immortal holy sites be completely erased like the nineth emperor Que?


Above the void, Ling Xiao and Hua Tianchong had a fierce battle. Although Hua Tianchong merged with the imprint of the emperor, the power was terrifying, and at the beginning it had been suppressing Ling Xiao, and even Ling Xiao was smashed into flesh and blood, leaving only one. With skeleton.

But Hua Tianchong still did not kill Ling Xiao.

With Xiao Hong's immortal body, Ling Xiao and three powerful and unmatched imperial soldiers and Hua Tian Chong war, he finally persevered.

"Damn! How could his vitality be so strong?"

Hua Tianchong was a little flustered, his eyes full of incredible expression, he could even feel the power in his body passing.

If this continues, it will not take long for the powerful power given by the Emperor's Mark to disappear completely!


Ling Xiao's eyes were extremely cold, and he shouted suddenly, and the blazing light around him rose. The three compass imperial soldiers of the years compass, Tianwei as a prison monument, and the sky punishment knife all struck in the air and directed directly at them. With Hua Tianchong suppressed.

The three extreme Dao soldiers are like a complete recovery, the void is distorted, and a very terrifying figure appears vaguely.

Hua Tianchong was shocked all over the body, and the power in the body passed quickly. His eyes were filled with terrified expression. He coughed up blood in his mouth, and the whole person flew out!


Ling Xiao's figure was like lightning, and the speed was almost to the extreme. It appeared directly behind Hua Tianchong, and then grabbed Hua Tianchong's arms. The unparalleled divine power burst out and suddenly torn!

Blood and rain were flying in the void, and Hua Tianchong was torn apart by Ling Xiao directly!

A purple mark as bright as the sun emerged~ There seemed to be a very mysterious figure in the vagueness, trembling slightly in the void, as if wanting to fly out across the sky.

Ling Xiao opened the big mouth without any hesitation, the mystery of swallowing sky exploded, and the mighty breath enveloped the imprint of the emperor, and then swallowed into the belly!


Like a thunder exploding, Ling Xiao suddenly sprayed out hundreds of millions of bright fairy lights, auspicious qi, radiant light, mysterious fairy sounds diffused, and various mysterious visions evolved in Ling Xiao's whole body.

"It turned out to be him?!"

Ling Xiao was shocked, and his eyes flashed with glamour, and his eyes were full of incredible looks.

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