Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2842: Kill Xiang Luo!

The old goat, the unscrupulous Taoist and the white dragon horse also laughed together, satisfied one by one, and it seemed that they also had great gains.

"Ling Xiao, the Nineth Emperor Que has already been exterminated. Next, let's exterminate Wuxing Tianzong? There are more treasures in Wuxing Tianzong!"

The white dragon horse is almost drooling, and said with both eyes shining.

"Five Elements Tianzong?"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, a sharp edge appeared in her eyes.

"I'm afraid we can't go to Wuxing Tianzong!"

At this moment, Liu Baiyi flew from a distance, and the sound passed into everyone's ears.

"Why is this?"

There was a trace of doubt in Bailongma's eyes.

"Everyone in Wuxing Tianzong has given up the mountain gate, went to Daluo Tianyu, and turned to the Chinese! It's not just Wuxing Tianzong, even Tianzongzong and Space-Time Tianmen are the same choice!"

Liu Baiyi said slowly.

"Ran away?"

The white dragon horse and the old goat looked at each other and looked at each other.

They did not expect that the destruction of the Nineth Emperor Que would have such a terrifying deterrent force, so that the three immortal sacred places of the Five Elements Tianzong, the Heavenly Mantra, and the Space-Time Heavenly Gate also fled.

"Are they afraid that I will break through their godless formation and eventually end up like the Ninefold Emperor Que?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed and said slowly.

"Yes! You have the Wordless Book of Heaven, and you have received the news of Twelve Heavenly Skills. The whole God Realm is well known. The three immortal holy places are also completely afraid! What do you plan to do next?"

Liu Baiyi nodded.

"Originally, I still thought that the Tuzu genocide of each family was very troublesome, but I didn't expect that they all went to the Chinese ancestral land! I really thought that I wouldn't be able to kill them anyway. Anyway, that's all right. Luo Tianyu, wipe them out!"

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and there was a strong aura in his eyes.

"Yes! These guys are still thinking about being obstinate and resisting? We went directly to Da Luo Tian Yu and killed all the bastards.

The old goat also sneered with his eyes lit up.

"Among the Chinese, there are the twelve capitals of the gods, which are laid by the emperor of the capital. They are not comparable to those of the immortal sacred place. The godless array is unparalleled in power and extremely terrifying! Are you sure?"

Liu Baiyi looked at Ling Xiao and said.

The twelve capitals of the gods, the Great Formation, also became the first emperor formation of the **** realm, and the emperor of the capitals became emperors with arrays. How much.

In the era of the Tiandu Emperor, it was because the twelve capitals of the gods killed the great emperor!

"Are the Twelve Capitals Gods in the Great Formation? I have long wanted to see the power of the First Emperor's Formation in God Realm! Call an army and follow me to the Daluo Heavenly Domain!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, and his eyes were unmatched.


Everyone's eyes light up, and each one is full of powerful and unmatched fighting intent.

This time the Tu Zong annihilation, in addition to Ling Xiao want to liquidate a few immortal holy places, to resolve the grievances between them, but also to train troops.

These powerful men under his command, after these two wars, both the momentum and the edge are becoming more and more vigorous, and the cohesion is also getting stronger and stronger!


Over the sky of the Nineth Emperor Que, Ling Xiao directly opened the void channel with Tianwei as a prison monument and headed to Daluo Tianyu!

Daluo Tianyu is the center of the 33 Realm of God Realm.

Daluo Tianyu is vast and immeasurable, but it is the ancient battlefield of the war between gods and demons. Once the demon clan broke the **** realm, it started from Daluo Tianyu.

There are several emperor clan guards in Daluo Tianyu. In addition to being descended from the nine emperors of the human clan and worthy of enjoying the best resources of God Realm, they also have their own responsibilities to stand on the front line against the demon clan.

Once the demon once again broke through the God Realm, they are the first to be among them, but it is the first line of defense that the demon must face.

The ancestral land of the Chinese is located in the north of Daluo Tianyu.

On a vast mountain, towering ancient forests stand, ancient rattan treasure medicine can be seen everywhere, exuding a reckless and ancient atmosphere, as if it was the age of ancient mythology.

Twelve archaic mountains are located on the earth, up to a million feet high, like a venerable ancient archaic dormant, lingering in the world, one after another, powerful and terrifying breath.

Above the twelve ancient ancient mountains, there seems to be a mysterious and ancient world.

That is the realm of heaven, the real ancestral home of the Chinese.

The twelve ancient ancient mountains are said to have been moved by the emperor of the heavenly capital from the heavens and the world with supreme mana. As the formation of the twelve heavenly gods, they have also imprinted the godlessness and the horror. .

The Tiandu Realm is a world opened up by the Tiandu Emperor. It is vast and mysterious!

Roar! Roar!

Among the twelve ancient ancient mountains, a terrifying monstrous atmosphere erupted. It was a powerful ancient ancient beast and a mountain guardian beast of the Chinese, all of which have extremely long lifespans, and their strength is unmatched.

The entire Chinese ancestral land looks magnificent, just like the Tiangong in the ancient times, showing an extremely powerful background.


Ling Xiao brought many powerful men under his command to the Chinese ancestral land.

Looking at the twelve successive worlds in the distance, the Taikoo Shenshan hidden between the clouds and fog, let Ling Xiao be amazed.

He vaguely felt the mighty extreme dignity and terror rune formation from the twelve ancient ancient mountains.

That was left by the Great Emperor of Heavenly Capital. The Twelve Capitals of God Realm, known as the First Emperor Array of God Realm, are in great formation!


Headed by Ling Xiao, the thirty Heavenly Venerable Powers are like thirty bright suns, exuding a mighty and terrifying atmosphere.

The Hundred Thousand Saints Legion was scattered directly and surrounded the Chinese ancestral land.

In the void, the breath of many strong men is intertwined, the holy prestige is filled, surging and surging, like the vast sea, instantly alarming the people in the Chinese ancestral land.

"Is Ling Xiao?"

Someone exclaimed.

Among the ancestral homes of the Chinese people, many powerful Chinese people were indifferent, and their faces were full of anger.

Ling Xiao actually killed the Chinese ancestors?

And the strong elements of Wuxing Tianzong, Tianmanzong and Time and Space also appeared in the Chinese ancestral land at the moment, with a gloomy look, and eyes full of hate and murder. .

If it weren't for Ling Xiao, how could they escape to the Chinese like a dog of mourning, and even the mountain gate was lost?

All this is caused by Ling Xiao!

"Ling Xiao, do you dare to offend me Chinese? Is it too impatient to live?"

A very cold voice sounded.


In the world of heaven, a group of breathy and terrifying figures emerged. A young man headed in a purple robe, with a magnificent heroic hair, indifferent eyes, full of murderous intention, was staring at Ling Xiao at the moment!

(End of this chapter)

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