Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2839: 9 Heavy Emperor Que, destroy!

Ling Xiao is still not dead!

The three ancestral ancestors of the Ninth Emperor Que were extremely ugly, and their eyes were full of unwilling and frightened expressions.

This son of natural selection has such terrible luck?

Thousands of Heavenly Punishers exploded and failed to kill Ling Xiao!

In the eyes of the three great respected ancestors, all looked wildly mad, and they seemed to want to order the last two thousand days of punishment to explode and inflict a heavy blow to Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao seemed to see their thoughts and sneered. "Self-detonation? If the three thousand Tianzun detonated themselves, maybe it's useful! Today's Jiuzhong Emperor Que, be extinct!"


Ling Xiao's words just fell, and the compass rose suddenly in the sky and burst into a dazzling brilliance.

The vast years and long rivers flow, containing the power of the birth and death of the years, and in an instant a very mysterious time field permeated.

Those two thousand punishment troops seemed to be locked in by the compass of the years. The vast force of time rushed towards their bodies, freezing their breath, making them unable to explode at all.

Ling Xiao was prepared this time, and naturally it was impossible for them to let themselves explode again.

Two thousand natural penalties explode and may not be able to kill Ling Xiao, but it may really cause Ling Xiao to suffer an unbearable heavy blow.

"Everyone obeyed the orders, and the whole army attacked, destroying the Nineth Emperor Que!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were indifferent, and his voice was like the thunder of Nine Xiaos, exploding above the void.


The Tianwei Ruyu Stele radiated a blazing glory, and an extremely bright space channel emerged in an instant, directly penetrating the inner and outer regions of the nineth emperor Que.

Ling Xiao has realized the power of a large array of nine days of punishment, coupled with his secret punishment of heaven, he can finally force the opening of the void with Tianwei as a prison monument, and call the army to come!


Beyond the Nineth Emperor Que, many of the powerful men under Ling Xiao were greeted by their promises, and their eyes showed a very powerful fighting intent. They came to the mountain gate of the Nineth Emperor Que through the void channel.

The terrifying atmosphere is intertwined, and the vastness is like the sea, the Lingxiao Sage Legion has arrived!

Thirty Heavenly Venerable Powerhouses are as dazzling as the bright sun, and the breath of the sacred path is exploding, without any hiding!

The Hundred Thousand Saints Legion is banned. These powerful and fierce demon clan all have ancient bloodlines. After two hundred years of training in Nisang, not only has the strength soared, but also a group has been formed. Powerful army!


The three ancestral ancestors of the nineth Emperor Que's **** face suddenly turned pale, and what Ling Xiao once said came to mind!

Even if it is a nine-day punishment, it can't stop Ling Xiao's footsteps!

At this moment, in the eyes of all the nineth Emperor Que, there was a look of extreme despair.

Beyond the Nineth Emperor Que, everyone watching the battle was pale, his eyes full of deep awe.

Ling Xiao told everyone by extremely powerful means that Tu Zong annihilation is not empty talk!

Today, the Emperor Jiuzhong's Que will really disappear into the God Realm.

"Ling Xiao, stop it! We have served, I only hope you can spare my Nineth Emperor Que, we are willing to pay all the prices!"

"Ling Xiao, we are wrong! We should not act against you, we should not betray the Temple of War, as long as you are willing to let go of the Nineth Emperor Que, the three of us are at your disposal!"

"Ling Xiao, you can't destroy the Nineth Emperor Que! This is the rule of the Heavenly Emperor, don't you make friends with the Son of the Heavenly Emperor? We are willing to take the Son of the Heavenly Emperor as the master, just ask you to spare us!"


The three ancestral ancestors of the nineth Emperor Que all panicked in an instant, their faces slowly struggling, but in the end they begged for mercy.

They really felt the threat of death!

Ling Xiao's strength and dominance made them frightened. At this moment, no matter how dignified, they just wanted to be able to survive and be able to save the nineth emperor Que.

"Do you want to beg for mercy now? It's late! I gave you the opportunity, but unfortunately you don't cherish, do you really think I dare not slaughter the genocide? Don't put gold on your face, you even want to kill the son of the emperor, now Did you just say that this is the rule of God?"

Ling Xiao sneered a sneer, his eyes full of cold murderous intention.

The three great ancestors of the Ninefold Emperor Que, as well as the panic in the eyes of many elders and disciples, he was afraid and desperate.

But what he saw was more hatred.

Between him and the nineth emperor Que, there is already an endless hatred!

Let them go? Not only will they not be grateful, I am afraid there will be more hatred, and want to find Ling Xiao's revenge!

The era of catastrophe came, Ling Xiao did not spend so much time with them, he had to clean up the people in God Realm and his enemies, and build a strong rear to be able to concentrate on the next layout.

"Everyone listens to the order, and among the nineth emperor, the descendant kneels down to avoid death, and the rebels kill without pardon!

Ling Xiao ordered indifferently.

"Lord Lord Lord Order!"

Many powerful men under Ling Xiao responded to the promises and shook the clouds.


Many powerful people came from all over the world, one after another, their killing intentions were boiling, and their eyes were indifferent, killing all the people of the nineth emperor Que.

"It's over! The Ninth Emperor Que is over..."

The three ancestral ancestors were all in despair, trembling tremblingly, and infinite remorse appeared in their hearts.

At the moment, Nishang, Songbai King, Peony King and Baji King have been killed towards them.

Thirty Heavenly Venerable Strongmen, the Hundred Thousand Saints Legion attacked at the same time, Ling Xiao even used Heavenly Magnificence as a prison monument, blocking the Heavenly Penalty Knife.

As for the Thunder Emperor Idol, after being exploded by 1000 Thousands of Penalty Forces, it even became tattered, like losing most of its power, and was imprisoned by Ling Xiao directly, imprisoned in Tianwei as a prison monument .

The entire Ninefold Emperor Que was plunged into a **** killing!

The powerful under Ling Xiao ~ ~ strictly enforced Ling Xiao's orders. Those disciples who were low-cultivated shivered, and after choosing to surrender on their knees, no one hurt their lives.

And those negative corners are stubborn and have been beheaded!

There are millions of people in the entire Ninth Emperor Que, but in this battle, almost half died.

Those are the loyal loyalties of the Nineth Emperor Que.


The Ninth Emperor Que became like an asura hell, filled with a thick **** gas, and dyed all 36 Taikoo Thunder Mountains red.

An idea came to everyone's mind, and the Nineth Emperor Que was really destroyed!

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