Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2827: Please sin!

Young people like Dugu seeking defeat, Ye Liangchen, Pangu Tiangang and Zhao Ritian all show their extremely powerful talents and potential. They may not lose to the Emperor Taixu and Jiang Yuyang. It is not difficult to break through to the emperor in time.

Ling Xiao naturally has nothing to say. After the First World War today, the name of Ling Xiao, the son of Heaven's Choice, will spread throughout the whole God Realm, even the heavens and the world, becoming the most dazzling existence.

Even those emperors, old antiques, old monsters, and even sleeping emperors might have noticed Ling Xiao.

Zhan Feng Tianzun is extremely convinced that Ling Xiao will go further than Taixu Emperor and Jiang Yuyang.

The tenth emperor of the human race may be Ling Xiao!

This night, almost everyone was drunk.

The quiet night, the bright moonlight fell down, the galaxy above the nine days was dazzling, and the stars gathered together, shining the temple of war like a fairyland.

Ling Xiao felt an unprecedented tranquility in his heart.

Longevity fell asleep in his arms, his long eyelashes flickered, and looked like a porcelain doll.

In his sleep, Chang Sheng's mouth still has a faint smile, very pure.

Jin Se and Xue Wei were sitting beside Ling Xiao. The three sat silently, but they had a kind of tacit understanding and temperature, which made them feel unprecedented happiness.

The old goat and the white dragon horse hooked their shoulders and looked like thieves. After a quarrel, they soon looked good like a brother.

Long Aotian obediently sat beside Long Xiao, drinking a glass of wine from time to time, his face full of complacency.

The unscrupulous Daoist sits in a precarious manner, has a transcendental temperament, is handsome and extraordinary, and Ye Qingcheng smiles like a flower, with bright lights between his eyebrows, and all his eyes fall on the unscrupulous Daoist.

Only Ye Liangchen looked very injured.

The person you love the most is by your side, and your best friend is sitting opposite.

Ling Xiaoduo hope this moment can last forever?

Therefore, Ling Xiao was also drunk.

He allowed the wine to anesthetize himself, making him drunk like a mortal, without dissolving the power of the wine in the body, and finally fell asleep in Jinse's arms.

The second day.

When the bright sun sheds the first rays of morning light, shining on everyone, the golden sunlight glaring the vast sea of ​​clouds is dazzling and beautiful.

Ling Xiao woke up.

Two bright lightnings shot out of his eyes, pierced the void, bright and sharp, and contained the power to penetrate the heart.

Ling Xiao was full of incomparably powerful power fluctuations, and his cultivation practice was improved a lot.

Devouring the primordial gods and the origin of the holy path of many Heavenly Venerable, Ling Xiao's cultivation practice also began to rush forward, toward the realm of the emperor.

Ling Xiao can feel that the breath of the saint in his body is surging, as if there is a chaotic world, and he is beginning to breed a strong vitality, and he must open up a vast world at any time.

Although it is not so easy to break through to the emperor's realm, this battle still provided Ling Xiao with majestic energy and the origin of the Holy Path, making his breath more powerful several times, and now it is not even weaker Zhan Feng Tianzun.

Ling Xiao can already feel faintly, that the direction of Godlessness!

"The light and dark Tianzong Taizhao elder Zhao Rongde, see Lord Ling Xiao!"

At this moment, an old and loud voice rang above the Temple of War.


In the distance, the void was broken, and an old man in black robe stepped out, exuding a very powerful breath. After reaching the domain of the Temple of War, he stopped instantly, and bowed and performed a gesture, incomparable Respectfully.

"Are the people of the light and dark Tianzong here? Should other immortal sacred people come soon?"

Ling Xiao's eyes gleamed in fineness.

It seems that the three-day deadline he gave was still fearful and he chose to compromise.

Ling Xiao also wanted to know, what kind of sincerity would these immortal holy places express?

"Open the mountain gate and take them to the God of War Temple!"

Ling Xiao said lightly.


Pangu Tiangang and several elders of the Temple of War nodded their heads, and they all stood up and flew away from the mountain gate.

"Hua Yuncheng, the elder of the Chinese family, meets Lord Ling Xiao!"

"Huang Wei, the elder of the Temple of Silence, meets Lord Ling Xiao!"

"Zhao Qun, the elder of the Temple of Destiny, and Moon Divine Daughter, meet Lord Ling Xiao!"

"Tianlei Sect Master Yang Zifeng, visit Lord Ling Xiao!"

"Elder Gu Fuhuai, the elder of Dan Fu Mountain, meets Lord Ling Xiao!"


A voice sounded above the Temple of War.

Many immortal sacred places and major sect gates have sent people to the Temple of War. Their attitudes are all very respectful, and their expressions are all showing an uncertain look.

Yesterday's battle, the name of Ling Xiao shocked the whole God Realm.

Twenty-four Heavenly Venerables were buried in the Temple of War, and the Lord of Reincarnation was buried. Even the Chinese emperor was captured by Ling Xiao.

In the spread of many people, Ling Xiao has become a bloodthirsty butcher, a ruthless big devil, which makes those immortal holy places shocked and angry, and his heart is full of terror.

Especially after Ling Xiao released the news of not giving an explanation within three days, and had to come to the door to ask for sin, after the tangled and struggling of those immortal holy places, he finally chose to come to the Temple of War in exchange for Ling Xiao’s understanding.

Soon, outside the mountain gate of the Temple of War, hundreds of powerful figures appeared, one by one with respectful expressions, and with all kinds of strange treasures, came to the Temple of War to ask for sin.

After being greeted by Pangu Tiangang and the elders of the God of War Temple, they were all taken to the God of War Temple.

The God of War Temple is located on the top of the Tianshan Mountain. It is the core of the Temple of War and the symbol of the God of War. It is majestic and majestic.

Today, Liu Baiyi did not come forward, and Ling Xiao came forward to deal with these people who came to invite the immortal holy places.

In the sky above the God of War Temple, Ling Xiao was sitting on the throne, his eyes closed slightly, his fingers tapped rhythmically on the table, and his body exuded an unfathomable breath.

Although Liu Baiyi and Zhanfeng Tianzun are not in the, but the innocent Taoist, the old goat, the white dragon horse, the Pangu Tiangang and others are all in the God of War.

Behind Ling Xiao, stood the four heavenly venerables of Niang, King of Pine and Cypress, King of Liu, and King of Peony, each with a cold face, eyes glowing like electricity, and a strong breath.

Many strong men of the immortal holy land honestly entered the God of War Temple, and once they saw such a big situation, their expression became more respectful.

However, these immortal sacred places and various ancestral gates are faintly headed by the Chinese elder Hua Yuncheng, and everyone's eyes are on Hua Yuncheng.

"Meet Lord Ling Xiao!"

Hua Yuncheng looked at Ling Xiao above, although incomparably angry in his heart, but on the surface there was no expression, and he bowed to Ling Xiao very calmly.

It was this young man in front of him that humiliated the Chinese, and even the ancestors of the Chinese were captured alive, causing the Chinese to bow their heads.

Although Hua Yuncheng hates Ling Xiao, he also understands that people have to bow their heads under the eaves. On the surface, they are extremely respectful.

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