Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 938: Rely on the old and sell the old!

"Chu Qianqian, you are indulging your men to hurt me. This is not the end. I have told my grandfather that this kid must die, and no one can save him!"

As soon as Chu Yuan saw Chu Qianqian, he suddenly got excited, shouting indistinctly, his eyes full of resentment.

"Chu Yuan, I tell you, Ling Xiao didn't kill you today, it's your character! If you don't know life or death, I can't save you, okay?"

Chu Qianqian's face was iron blue, but she knew that Ling Xiao's methods were fierce. She didn't kill Chu Yuan and Zhou Zheng. She was already watching Chu Qianqian's face. Otherwise, these two guys might die.

Ridiculously, Chu Yuan still couldn't understand the situation.

What if it was General Tiangong? In Chu Qianqian's opinion, General Tiangong may not necessarily be Ling Xiao's opponent.

"Qianqin County Lord, the grandson of the old man, I'm afraid it's not your turn to discipline?"

At this moment, an old voice sounded in the void.

The light flashed in the void, and an old man with white hair appeared on the sky dome. He was wearing a black robe, his face was stern, his eyes were deep, and his whole body exuded an unfathomable breath.

But at the moment his face was very indifferent, his eyes fell on Chu Qianqian and Ling Xiao.

"General Tiangong?"

Chu Qianqian's eyes were shocked, and a bit of a bitter smile suddenly appeared, and he was really afraid of something.


But at the moment, there was another flash of light in the void, a middle-aged man in black armor, a black sword on his back, full of murderousness, exuding a domineering domineering.

"Who dares to hurt my son?!"

The majestic and overbearing voice rang in the void, and the eyes of the middle-aged man were full of cold killing intent.

"Father, Ling Xiao wounded me. I suspect that this kid is a spy. He even tried to attack me and the little prince, and he should be guilty of death! I should ask my father to kill him!" Zhou Zhengyi saw wearing black armor The middle-aged man suddenly showed a look of extreme surprise in his eyes.

The second person of the Black Dragon Army, the general public!

General Tiangong and General Digong arrived at the same time, and the cold breath was intertwined, and all the oppressed people were breathless.

Chu Qianqian's face was also a bit ugly, and she did not expect these two generals of the Black Dragon Army to be so short-sighted because Chu Yuan and Zhou Zheng were beaten, and they even came to trouble Ling Xiao at the same time.

Chu Qianqian still held back the anger in his heart and slowly said: "The two generals, the father and the king want to see Ling Xiao, if you are fine, we will go first!"

"The king wants to see this kid? But after rewarding my grandson, would you want to go away? Kneel down and kowtow to apologize, I can spare him today!"

General Tiangong said indifferently.

General Di Gong also sneered: "Yes! Master Qianqian, even if the king wants to see him, he must apologize before leaving, otherwise I will kill this kid!"

Although Chu Qianqian knew that General Tiangong and General Duke were overbearing on weekdays, they didn't expect them to even look at King Chujiang, and their faces suddenly became very ugly.

Ling Xiao's eyes also showed a sharp edge.

Sure enough, there is a father and a son, Chu Yuan and Zhou Zheng are so domineering, as can be seen from General Tiangong and General Duke.

However, if they really think Ling Xiao is bullying, then they are really wrong.

"Relying on old and selling old miscellaneous debris, what kind of things do you deserve to let me kneel?" Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply, and said unkindly.

As soon as his words came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

Ling Xiao dared to point at the noses of General Tiangong and General Digong, and it was really that the newborn calf was not afraid of tigers. Is it true that he was not afraid of death?

General Tiangong and General Duke's complexion instantly dimmed, and their eyes showed cold killing opportunities.

They control the Black Dragon Army. Except for the Chujiang King, almost no one is put in their eyes on weekdays. A little ant-like kid dared to point at his nose and scold them. It was just death!

"Well, no one has dared to talk to the old man like this for years? Boy, since you want to die, the old man will do you!"

In the eyes of General Tiangong, the murderous opportunity permeated, and a monstrous momentum was oppressed towards Ling Xiao.

Although he didn't know how Ling Xiao rewarded Chu Yuan and Zhou Zheng, Ling Xiao did not have any cultivation practices. In his eyes, he was just like a ant, and he could be killed with his hands.

"This guy!"

Chu Qianqin also smiled bitterly, Ling Xiao completely offended General Tiangong and General Digong.

Although Chu Qianqian knew that Ling Xiao was extremely powerful, he was not afraid of the two, but if a war broke out here, it would be a big trouble.

In the chemical building, Yin Qingqing and Tong Yuan were also observing the conflict outside.

"This Lingxiao is not simple. The body is powerful and unmatched, just like the ancient gods and beasts. I am afraid that it really has the power of the title! However, the strength of General Tiangong and General Digong is unfathomable, and Ling Xiao may be suffering!" Qingqing shook his head.

The palm that Ling Xiao defeated the old man Xuan Ming and Zhou Zheng just now made Yin Qingqing feel very surprised and unbelievable.

Ling Xiao didn't seem to have any cultivation methods, but when he started, it was like ruining the world, and his power was terrible.

"Miss, do you need us to shoot?" Tong Yuan asked.

"Look again! If Ling Xiao really lost, you shot again!" Yin Qingqing said lightly.

"it is good!"

Tong Yuan nodded.


From the body of General Tiangong and General Digong, two extremely terrifying spirits were radiated, intertwined with each other, and oppressed towards Ling Xiao.

That kind of terrifying momentum is enough to make the Supreme Strong tremble, his mind is taken away, and he can't even bow down.

But for Ling Xiao, it is useless.

"Old things, hurry up if you want to start, I have no time to accompany you here!" Ling Xiao said lightly, with a cold edge in his eyes.

If it weren't for Chu Qianqian, there was an unfathomable Chujiang king in the Chujiang King City, and Ling Xiao really wanted to shoot these two old things directly.

"If you seek death, the old man will fulfill you!"

In the eyes of General Tiangong, there was a murderous The palm of the sky was suppressed towards Ling Xiao.


The earthquake shook, and the palm print was like an ancient god, with the power of yin and yang intertwined, as if to grind everything to pieces.

When Ling Xiao was about to shoot, suddenly there was a mysterious black light flashing in the void.


The black light is convoluted and mysterious, and that palm print dissipates into the invisible instantly.


Both General Tiangong and General Digong changed their faces. Although King Chujiang did not appear, they all knew that King Chujiang shot.

"Retreat, let Ling Xiao come to see me!"

A light but thick voice rang in the ears of General Tiangong and General Duke, with an undoubted determination.

(End of this chapter)

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