Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 931: Ghost King Grass!

There are hundreds of kinds of elixir listed in Ling Xiao, nine of which are supreme sacred medicine, and there is a ghost king grass, which is actually a quasi-medicine!

That is a quasi-miracle medicine, I am afraid that there are not many strains in the entire Chujiang King City.

Tong Yuan is also proficient in pharmacology. As soon as he saw Ling Xiao listed in Ling Xiao, he suddenly looked, and asked, "Son Ling, these listed elixir, you want to refine the panacea for the treatment of Yuanshen. ?"

"You can even see it? I didn't expect it to be a supreme princess, it's really disrespectful!" Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine glance, feeling the unique breath of alchemist from Tong Yuan, point Nodded.

"Really a panacea to cure Yuanshen's injury?!"

Tong Yuan was shocked. Although he didn't know what this kind of panacea refined by Ling Xiao was, in his experience, it was definitely the top-level supreme pill, and maybe he could not make it.

The panacea that can treat the Supreme Yuanshen is an invaluable treasure and extremely difficult to encounter.

Especially Danfang is even harder to find.

"Is Ling Gongzi an alchemy master?" Tong Yuan asked, taking a deep breath from his heart.

Tong Yuan was originally the chief Dan Daozhi of Zuohua Building. Even in the entire Chujiang King City, he is well-known. He was upset recently, and he happened to come down for a turn today. Unexpectedly, he encountered Ling Xiao.

Xiaoyue has also heard of Tong Yuan Dan Zun's name, but there are many people with the same name and surname. Xiao Yue did not associate the ordinary old man in front of him with the legendary Tong Yuan Dan Zun.

"That's right! Can these chemical medicines be made up together?"

Ling Xiao said lightly.

Tong Yuan was shocked and said slowly: "Mr. Ling, most of these immortals can be made up in our chemical building, but only this ghost king grass is a quasi-medicine in ancient times, even if I made a chemical building! "

Ling Xiao nodded, still disappointed in her heart.

Ghost King Grass grows in a land of absolute shadow and utter shame, and can be promoted to Ghost King God Grass in 100,000 years. It is a true supreme medicine!

Although the ghost king grass required by Ling Xiao is only a quasi-medicine, it must have at least 50,000 years of medicinal properties. He did not even think of building a chemical building.

"Then give me the other elixir, and the ghost king grass will be for a while!" Ling Xiao said.

"Don't worry, Lingzi, I don't have a chemical building, but it happens to be a monthly auction of the chemical building. Some people have deposited a ghost king grass at the auction, which has 80,000 years of medicinal properties. Does the son want to go to the auction? Have a look?"

Tong Yuan smiled slightly.

"80,000 years of ghost king grass? Okay!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, but he didn't expect the old man to leave half of his speech, and there was indeed the whereabouts of Ghost King Grass.

Since this is the case, Ling Xiao of this auction cannot be missed.

"Young Master Ling, please follow me!"

Tong Yuan smiled slightly and took Ling Xiao to the eighth floor of the building.

The chemical building has a total of nine floors, and the eighth floor is a huge auction venue. The monthly auction of the chemical building is held here, and many powerful and nobles of the Chujiang royal city will come to participate.

"Mr. Ling, I will prepare other elixirs. After the auction is over, I will deliver them to the son!" Tong Yuan smiled slightly.

"Thank you!"

Ling Xiao nodded.

After Tong Yuan left, Ling Xiao and Xiaoyue found a place together and sat down.

Thousands of people were already sitting in the auction floor on the eighth floor. A bright and beautiful young woman with a half-step supreme cultivation behavior was presiding over the auction.

"New and old friends, we have met again! I am Su Wan. Today's auction is hosted by me. Today there are many precious treasures. I believe I will not let everyone down! Well, the first treasure below, A powerful demon who is a great bull and demon!"

The beautiful young woman Su Wan smiled at everyone with a different style and started today's auction.

A pretty maid took out a tray with a black demon fist the size of a fist, with strange lines flashing on it, exuding powerful fluctuations.

"Sure enough, it is the demon pill of the powerful Niu Demon Supreme. Good things. If it can be refined, it can not only enhance the physical strength, but also realize the magical power of the powerful Niu Demon family! I will give 10,000 life and death pill!"

"I have 20,000 pieces!"

"Thirty thousand!"


After the appearance of the demon king of the Great Cow Demon Supreme, it immediately caused some people to fight.

Ling Xiao glanced at random, and found that among the thousands of people on the auction floor, at least they were the cultivation of the Emperor Realm. Even the supreme strongmen had dozens of them, and each one had a strong breath.

A few of them should be the commanders of the Black Dragon Army, and the emancipation is very similar to that of the Iron-Blood Commander and Zhou Zheng.

Ling Xiao, who is the most powerful Niu Mo supreme, Ling Xiao didn't care any more than just glanced at it.

However, Xiaoyue felt extremely curious and seemed very excited. On such occasions, she rarely participated in the weekdays, especially when she saw the treasures at the auction, which were very novel and exciting.


Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with precision, he even saw Zhou Zheng wearing a brocade robe, holding a folding fan, and walked in with a few guards.

Obviously, Zhou is a regular visitor here, and soon someone from the chemical building greeted him warmly, arranging Zhou Zheng in the front position.

Zhou Zheng also found Ling Xiao, a sneer in his eyes, and sat down without a word.

"That's Xuanwu Commander?"

Xiaoyue's eyes were also wide open. Her original intention was to take Ling Xiao away from the Dragon Palace and avoid Zhou Zheng, but she didn't expect it to be a narrow road, and Zhou Zheng even came to the auction site.

Xiaoyue was restless and glanced at Ling Xiao with a whisper: "Son Ling, let's leave here first. It is likely that Xuanwu Commander came to trouble you!"

"do not be afraid!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly: "How can I go before Ghost King Grass has arrived? How can Zhou Zhengruo be honest today, if he doesn't know what to do and die, I will give him a lesson that he will never forget."

Xiaoyue's small face suddenly bitter, what should I do now? The governor's account was about to be broken.

At this moment, the ninth floor of the chemical building.

Inside a quaint house The incense is lingering, the light is dim, and a pale girl in white sits on the bed.

Her appearance can't be regarded as outstanding, she can only be said to be very beautiful, but she has an ethereal and ethereal temperament that is awe-inspiring.

There is a water mirror in front of her, which clearly shows the situation of the eighth floor auction.

Tong Yuan was standing beside her respectfully.

"Miss, if I expected it to be good! That young man Ling bought the elixir, and it was the legendary Jiuhuan Huandan that he wanted to refine!"

There was a trace of excitement in Tong Yuan's voice.

"Does Jiuhuan return the soul pill? Although I also feel that this son of Ling is not simple, does he seem to have no training? Is it that the person behind him wants to refine Jiuhuan return the soul pill?"

The girl in white said slowly, her eyes flashing with a splendid color.

(End of this chapter)

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