Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 924: Taiyin Blood God Banner!


Taiyin's blood **** flag spread out, like a **** sky, covering the world and the sound of ghosts crying and howling, hundreds of millions of blood gods seemed to be rushing out of the blood **** flag, and the Lingshen's Yuanshen Crush thoroughly.

However, the Wordless Heavenly Book is shining brightly, with a chain of order gods, permeated by the power of powerful laws, and the Taiyin Blood God Banner is firmly bound in it.

In addition, the Taiyin Blood God Banner seemed to arouse the interest of Wu Zi Tian Shu and began to suppress it with all his strength.


The quake shook, the divine light was dazzling, and the wordless book exuded a mysterious breath. A chain of order gods entangled the Supreme God of the Nine Yin Supreme and began to devour the Supreme God of the Nine Yin Supreme.

The Taiyin blood **** flag contains extremely pure blood gas essence. At this moment, the violent tremor suddenly condensed into a **** dragon, which looked extremely mysterious, as if covered with a mysterious flame, my eyes were mysterious Unpredictable, contains the sun and the moon.

This is the legendary mythical beast dragon, condensed by the Jiuyin Supreme with the Taiyin Blood God Banner, and the breath is very terrifying!

Facing a **** dragon, Ling Xiao shuddered, and his blood began to boil, even a strong desire came out.


Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine awn, and he swallowed Tian Wang Ding out of him instantly, and a colorful divine dragon stretched across the void, engulfed above the Tian Tian Wang Ding, and swallowed towards the **** candle dragon.

Under the double suppression of Wu Zi Tian Shu and Tian Tian Wang Ding, Jiuyin Supreme felt the rapid loss of his primal power, and even Taiyin Blood God Banner and Divine Personality had no way to mobilize.

"Boy, you let me go! I promised not to take you away, otherwise I would provoke the power of the divine personality and explode directly, and then you and I will all die!"

There was also a trace of panic in the voice of Jiuyin Supreme.

At the level of Jiuyin Supreme, the longer he lived, the more he was afraid of death. Although he looked very confident before, the clouds were light and windy, because he thought everything was under his control.

And now, he found that there was not only no way to seize Ling Xiao, but there was a tendency to be killed by Ling Xiao, and he immediately became anxious.

"Does it explode? But unfortunately you can't!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, with a hint of sharp color in his eyes. Under his full urging, the wordless heavenly book seemed to form a terrifying chaotic world, and began to devour the Jiuyin Supreme Primitive God and that piece. The power of divinity.

The connection between Jiuyin Supreme and Godhead actually became weaker and weaker.


Ling Xiao sat in the Taiyin Divine Array, the black light surging around, the clouds rising, and the power of the Taiyin Divine Array exploded, as if he wanted to crush Ling Xiao into powder.

However, Ling Xiao had Wu Zi Tian Shu and Tian Tian Wang Ding around him, and the power of the Taiyin Divine Array could not help him.

"Asshole! Boy, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

Jiuyin Supreme showed a very bitter look in his eyes. He did not expect that the connection between his Yuanshen and Shenge was cut by Ling Xiao.

His temperament was also extremely decisive. Seeing that he was about to be refined by Ling Xiao, he simply aroused the last trace of the power of the primordial spirit and exploded!


Jiuyin Supreme's Yuanshen directly exploded into nothingness.

But that horrible divine light of destruction was swallowed up and refined in an instant by a volume of Wushu Tianshu.

In front of Ling Xiao, there was only a Taiyin Blood God Banner and a divine personality.

Without Jiuyin Supreme's obstruction, that Taiyin Blood God Banner turned into a majestic essence of blood and blood, and merged into Ling Xiao's body.

And that divine personality was also swallowed by the wordless book, and then transformed into the majestic essence of Yuanshen into the sea of ​​knowledge of Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao was surrounded by Jin Xia, and lightning was surging. In his body, a line of blood was like a dragon, and he began to furiously merge the power of the Taiyin Blood God Banner.

A trace of enlightenment flashed in Ling Xiao's heart. The Taiyin Blood God Banner was formed by the Jiuyin Supreme with the blood vessels of the candle dragon. It contained some kind of candle dragon's magical power and was unmatched.

Ling Xiao refining the Taiyin Blood God Banner is equivalent to refining the blood of the candle dragon.

The bright light exploded, and an ancient and mysterious breath permeated Ling Xiao's sea of ​​knowledge. Ling Xiao seemed to see in a vast chaos, there was a red dragon like blood dragon, lingering around the endless The flame, which is millions of miles long, is entangled in chaos, and every time it is swallowed, it will make chaos, countless worlds explode, and countless worlds reborn.

When it opened its eyes, the world fell into eternal light.

When it closed its eyes, endless darkness shrouded chaos.

This is the candle dragon, the ancient candle dragon, the legendary master of darkness and light, the destruction and rebirth of the world, and the great existence that can compete with the ancient ancestor dragon.

Ling Xiao, while refining the blood of the candle dragon, realized the ancient memory contained in the blood, and fell into a mysterious state.

Because of the death of Jiuyin Supreme, in the Taiyin Divine Array, the divine light was blazing and dazzling, except for the Nine Great Sword Masters, all others were completely transformed into a fly ash.

The nine sword masters all changed their faces, looking at the storm of divine light in front of their eyes. When their eyes were extremely shaking, they didn't know what happened.

"Nameless, by this time, don't you want to do anything? If you wait for Jiuyin Supreme to complete the defeat, you won't be able to live by that time! Don't think that you are his great grandson, he will let you go, he won't blink in murder, Would you care about your great grandson?"

Chu Jian's eyes were full of anxiety, and he looked at Wu Ming and said.

"Yeah, nameless! Hurry up and find a way to break the Taiyin Divine Array, otherwise we will all die by then!"

"Nameless, as long as you can save us, no matter what you want, we will give you!"

Runner Hong and Duan Changkong also said quickly.

This time, they originally thought about getting the inheritance of Jiuyin Supreme, but they did not expect to fall into the trap one after another.

Although they hated the nameless to the extreme, they were expecting him to break through the Taiyin Divine Array at the moment, so they all resisted the murderous intention in their hearts.

"Hahaha...Want me to help you? Dreaming! The ancestor took away Ling Xiao, and will sweep the world in one fell swoop, and I will follow the ancestor, and I will be the master of this reincarnation in the future, do you care about you? Good point? You still have to die!"

Anonymous sneered and said He naturally doesn't believe the group of people in front of him. Although Jiuyin Supreme kills Yingye, he is an unnamed grandfather after all, at least more reliable than the group of people in front of him .


Everyone scolded, but there was no solution.

"I don't know what happened to Ling Xiao! Ling Xiao, you must hold it!"

There was a trace of worry in Chu Qianqian's eyes.

"My good sister, don't worry! Ling Xiao's boy will die without a doubt, he must have been taken away by the Supreme Master Jiuyin, but I didn't expect that my Chu Jiantian talented person would die here, I'm not reconciled!"

Chu Jian sneered, his eyes full of unwillingness.

PS: Five shifts are over, the brothers rest early.

(End of this chapter)

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