Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 901: 9 Qu Huangquan formation!

After Ling Xiao came to Xuanguang City, he could not help but glance in his eyes. Is Xuanguang City guarding against him?


Ling Xiao stood in the sky, standing above Xuanguang City, said lightly: "Where is the principal of Xuanguang City?"

Ling Xiao's voice was very calm, but it was like thunder, spreading throughout the Xuanguang City.

"Who are you? Why come to My Xuanguang City?"

A middle-aged man wearing black armor and looking imposing, with a half-step supreme realm of three elephants, gazed at Lingxiao Road with a solemn gaze.

"I am Ling Xiao!"

Ling Xiao said lightly.


Hearing the words Ling Xiao, the middle-aged man in black armor changed his look, and his eyes showed a shocked look.

The name Ling Xiao has spread throughout this side of the earth in these days, killing Xuanguang Supreme and Tianxiang Supreme with his own strength and becoming the new master of this side.

Xuanguang City is so guarded that it is natural to guard against Ling Xiao.

"No! Hurry up and inform the patriarch!"

The middle-aged man in black armor quickly said quickly that several armor quickly left the city wall.

"Master Lingxiao, under Xiawang Yuan, just the general defender under Xuanguang Supreme, can you let you into the city, and you cannot make a decision under Xiaguang, you can only wait for the king's family leader to come and let him make the decision!"

Wang Yuan bowed his hand toward Ling Xiao.

"Oh? Then hurry up!"

Ling Xiao said lightly, but there was a trace of sarcasm in his eyes.

He could already feel it. I am afraid that some people in the Xuanguang City would like to resist the corner and not let him enter the city.

But Ling Xiao did not care, he also wanted to see what reliance Xuanguang City still has.

It didn't take long for an old man with white hair to come, with a dozen elders in the sky, all exuding a strong and unmatched breath.

These dozen people are all half-step supreme!

Especially the old man headed is already the half-step supreme of the four elephants.

"You are Ling Xiao? Why do you come to my Xuanguang City?"

The old man with white hair was staring coldly at Ling Xiao.

These are the elders of the Wang family. The old man with white hair is named Wang Kuan. He is the uncle of Xuanguang Supreme Wang Hong. After Wang Hong was killed by Ling Xiao, Wang Kuan was elected as the patriarch of the Wang family by Wang Xiao. City Lord!

"I won't talk nonsense with you anymore! Hand over 5 million life and death pill and Huangquan Shenghe, I can spare you not to die! Otherwise, don't blame me for killing today!"

Ling Xiao said faintly, with a sharp edge in his eyes.

"Five million life and death pill? Why don't you grab it?"

An elder of the royal family suddenly showed a trace of anger in his eyes.

"You are right, I really came here to grab a few days!" Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

"Ling Xiao, I advise you not to go too far! If you killed Xuanguang Supreme and Tianxiang Supreme, wouldn't you be afraid of King Chujiang's blame? If you are acquaintances, just retreat obediently, otherwise don't blame us for being welcome!"

Wang Kuan's eyes were gloomy.

There was news from the Chujiang King City that Xuanguang's brother-in-law, Commander of the Predator, would arrive in these two days, and Ling Xiao would die without a doubt.

Therefore, Wang Kuan naturally had confidence, and he did not want to bow down in front of Ling Xiao like Tian Xiangzong, and dedicate the treasures of Wang's family to Ling Xiao.

The Great Shield of Xuanguang City was engraved by the Supreme Master of the Chujiang King City personally. It is said that even the Supreme can't be broken.

Wang Kuan believes that Ling Xiao can't attack the moat at all, and when the blood-blood leader arrives, Ling Xiao will definitely die!

"You're welcome? Do you think you want to block me because of this big moat? I'll say it again, hand over 5 million life and death pill and Huangquan Shenghe, I spare you not to die!"

Ling Xiao said slowly, there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Wang Kuan sneered: "Ling Xiao, I know you are very strong. But this great fortification is under the supremacy of the Chujiang King City, even if several supremes attack at the same time! If you don’t, please do it yourself!"

Wang Kuan has a strong confidence in the moat formation. He even hopes that Ling Xiao will not come to break the battle, and may be able to run the power of the big formation and destroy Ling Xiao.

"Isn't it a Jiuqu Huangquan formation? In my opinion, it can be broken! Since you don't give up, then I will show you!"

Ling Xiao said lightly, striding towards the Xuanguang City.

Ling Xiao's previous life was the Supreme of the Dao, even participated in the Supreme Divine Array. He saw at a glance that this was the Jiuqu Huangquan Formation, a very old needle method. Although it was good, it was not put in the eyes of Ling Xiao. .


The sky shook and the void resonated, Ling Xiao's body exuded a sharp wave of unparalleled!

"How did he know that this is the Jiuqu Huangquan formation?" Wang Kuan was shocked. There were very few people in the whole Xuanguang City who knew this, and he suddenly had a bad hunch in his heart.

"It should be just a coincidence!" Wang Kuan comforted himself. But when I felt the strong breath in Ling Xiao's body, the bad hunch became stronger and stronger.

"Patriarch, as long as Ling Xiao dares to step into the formation, we urge Jiuqu Divine Sound to charm his mind, and then use Huangquan Dragon Qi to directly turn him into pus!" The elder sneered.

"it is good!"

In Wang Kuan's eyes, there was also a hint of murderous way: "The news from Tianxiang Sect, this kid has no supreme cultivation, but may have the blood of the dragon clan, and the combat power is too strong!

He certainly can't resist Jiuqu Shenyin and Huangquan Longqi. Since he doesn't know the life and death, then we simply killed him and took his dragon blood! "

"The patriarch is wise. General Wang Yuan has transferred all the God of Extinction Arrows. When the arrows are all sent out, Ling Xiao will die!" Another elder of the Wang family sneered.

"Very good! Everyone is ready to leave Ling Xiao with me today!"

Wang Kuan said with enthusiasm.


At this moment, Ling Xiao had already shot.

I saw him coming across the sky, Jin Xia was shining brightly, the huge palms covered the sky, the mysterious runes lingering around, like the hands of gods, terrifying.


The huge palm print fell on the Jiuqu Huangquan Suddenly a rune exploded and lightning intertwined, setting off a storm of divine light.

The whole formation began to tremble, as if it had to be broken at any time.

The people in Xuanguang City were all shocked, and there was a terrified look in their eyes.

"Do it! Wang Kuan roared loudly.

In an instant, the situation changed, and the sun and moon were dark.

A yellow haze covered the sky and covered the sky in an instant. A mysterious rhythm permeated, and there was a mysterious wave that made people fall forever.

Nine music sounds, launched!

Ps: Second time, there are three more time to post later, this time is very busy, all kinds of things, so everyone said I am also embarrassed to refute anything, the update is indeed unstable, sorry. The normal update will resume tomorrow, and it will still be 12 o'clock at noon and 8:30 at night.

(End of this chapter)

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