Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 880: Against God's destiny!

Destiny is the final form of Destiny, the terrifying power of terror, reversal of destiny, and use the power of fate to destroy the enemy!

The long river of destiny is connected with all living beings, and each soul has a line of destiny in its body, which is connected to the long river of destiny.

Some powerful and unmatched creatures may be able to dominate their own destiny, cut off the line of destiny, transcend destiny, and are not bound by the long course of destiny.

But Left Tianzun and Right Tianzun are by no means listed here.

Contrary to fate, is the power to communicate the long river of destiny and cut off the line of destiny. Without the destiny, it is naturally impossible to exist between this heaven and earth, and it will be completely wiped out in the end!

This type of power is terrifying, but the use of Ling Xiao's current cultivation is bound to be greatly countered.

In particular, Left Tianzun and Right Tianzun are not ordinary creatures, but half-step gods, with all kinds of unpredictable powers.


The river of fate and Ling Xiao merged into one, and turned into a dazzling light, which fell towards Zuo Tianzun and Zu Tianzun!


Both Zuo Tianzun and You Tianzun felt scalp numbness. They felt a fatal crisis. They didn't want to think about it and directly urged the power of the divine personality.


The brows of the two men were shining brightly, and the divine fluctuations pervaded. Ling Xiao could vaguely see that the lines of destiny of Zuo Tianzun and Ryou Tianzun seemed to strengthen a lot in an instant.

That sacred light against God's destiny fell and collided with the line of destiny of the two, and suddenly an unmatched divine light burst out, shining to the extreme!


On the top of Ling Xiao's head, the sky dome trembles, and a black sea of ​​thunder gestates, as if Ling Xiao has touched a certain taboo force, and is about to bring down the terrible sky-tribulation!

However, Ling Xiao's eyes are unmatched. At this moment, he only wants to completely kill Zuo Tianzun and Zuo Tianzun!


The lines of fate of Zuo Tianzun and Youtianzun tremble violently, and both of them spurted a sip of blood suddenly, and their faces showed a terrified look.

The two divinities in their brows turned out to be dimmed, as if consuming great power.

"Chop again!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a sharp edge, urging the destiny of God's destiny, and he fell down again, and suddenly his face became paler, without a trace of blood.


The sky-high thunder, flashing with terrifying power of destruction, came down from above nine days.

This power of thunder and calamity is even more terrifying than Ling Xiao's testimony to the Supreme, as if to destroy the world.

The Swallowing King Ding floated on the top of Ling Xiao's head, the Ding mouth sprayed a thin glow, and the horrible swallowing vortex swallowed all the thunder in the void.

Ling Xiao is ready to resist the punishment of the heavens, and he must thoroughly kill Zuo Tianzun and You Tianzun!


The line of fate of the two shuddered more violently, as if they were to break apart at any time, and the original bright and radiant divine personality even made a clear voice and split!


Both Zuo Tianzun and You Tianzun are in a state of death, and the seven tips are bleeding, and their eyes are full of terrified looks.

They have a feeling that it is as if the power of heaven comes, and they are to be completely wiped from the world.

The power against the destiny, nothingness, so that they have no resistance at all, can only urge the power of the divine power, hoping to escape this disaster.

"Not good! The two Tianzun adults are in danger, Ling Xiao, you are looking for death!"

The White Tiger Dharma King, Suzaku Dharma King and Xuanwu Dharma King all changed their faces, and their eyes showed a very cold killing opportunity, and they rushed towards Ling Xiao instantly.

"Go away!"

Ling Zhen lifted up in the sky, a bright sharp edge was revealed in his eyes, the white jade ancient sword in his hand cut across the sky, and a fierce sword and awn blocked the void, blocking the three kings.

Ling Zhen looked at Ling Xiao's eyes with a trace of worry. The price he had to pay against his destiny was too horrible, but at this moment he could not do anything at all, and he could only try to block the three kings for Ling Xiao.


When the Earthquake trembles and the God of Light is cut down again, the left Tianzun and the right Tianzun are as if they are about to explode, the blood mist is filled, and the whole body is shaking violently.

"What...what strength is this?"

"How could you master this power? Ling Xiao, you **** it!"

Zuo Tianzun and You Tianzun's eyes were full of cold murderous opportunities, roaring again and again.

They can also see that Ling Xiao's condition is not very good at the moment, his face pale to the extreme, his whole body is shaking, only with a will to persevere.

"Chop again!"

Ling Xiao roared, and his eyes showed a tremendous fighting intention. His bright body of light exploded around him, and even with his flesh, he began to bleed blood. The whole person was staggering, and he suddenly knelt in the void In the middle, it was suppressed by the majestic law.

The fourth way is against the destiny of God, and suddenly the world roars, the void is broken, and the brilliance is to the extreme!


The physical bodies of Zuo Tianzun and You Tianzun even exploded into a blood mist at this moment. The two screamed sorrowfully, leaving only two gods wrapped in them in the void!


At this moment, the sky-high thunder finally broke through the defense of the swallowing king, and fell down towards Lingxiao!

The terrifying Rayman hit him and made him tremble and flew out.

The killing flash in Ling Xiao's eyes flew towards Zuo Tianzun and Youtianzun directly.

"Ling Xiao, you are dead!"


Both Zuo Tianzun and You Tianzun changed their looks~ The sky-filled Lei Mang arrived without any difference, covering Ling Xiao and both of them.

One after another, the God of Destruction light hung across the sky, as thick as a mountain, exuding all the breath of destruction, penetrated Ling Xiao's flesh, and also slammed towards the two heavenly lords!

Ling Xiao shivered all over, and the Swallow King Wang Ding was shattered. Although he was resisted by the God of War suit, he was still hit hard and coughed up blood.

Zuo Tianzun and You Tianzun are even more miserable. They only have the body of Yuanshen, even if they have the protection of divinity, they are still being miserable.

Everyone was stunned.

No one thought that Ling Xiao, by virtue of his own strength, wounded Left Tianzun and Right Tianzun to such a level, even the flesh was completely exploded.

"Different from the Supreme Realm, does it even have the power to kill the gods? It is indeed a genius!"

"Yes! But it's a pity that it offended the Temple of War. The Temple of War has a deep heritage. To know that there is one of the most mysterious God of War who didn't shoot, Ling Xiao, even if it is a demon, will probably fall here today!"

"Yeah, what a pity! The Temple of War is too domineering!"


There was a lot of discussion, and the look of Ling Xiao showed admiration and sympathy.

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