Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 873: A half-step god!


The old goat immediately became excited, and quickly heard the voice: "Ling Xiao, you don't want to be bothered, these two old miscellaneous hairs are both half-step gods who have refined the dignity, and their strength is extremely powerful, even if you are not their opponent now. , But as long as you are given a few more years, you will kill these two old hairs, it will be as simple as slaughtering a dog! We will run away if it is a big deal!"

Ling Xiao said: "There are two half-step gods here, do you think we can go? You don't have to worry, even if they are half-step gods, I have the confidence to fight with them and give you the **** stone, just Just in case! Don't worry!"

"Ling Xiao, we fight with them! At that time I will detonate the demon holy scepter directly, it's a big deal!" The old goat's eyes showed a cold killing intention, anxiously said.

"Don't take it easy! Rest assured, I haven't found Jinse, I can't die!" Ling Xiao smiled faintly, glanced at the old goat, then turned and walked towards the void.


The world trembles, and Ling Xiao exudes a vast and mysterious dragon power. His eyes are unmatched, and he is staring at Zuo Tianzun. He is extremely calm, and there is a strong fighting spirit being conceived.

Ling Xiao already has the power to kill the title of Supreme, but in the face of the half-step god, Ling Xiao wants to see how strong he is.

The true deity must be the flesh and the primordial spirit all become gods, and merge with the divine power in the body to condense a divine personality, then it is a deity.

And the Supreme Powerful, if he refines the divinity left by the gods, the primordial spirit is immortal and achieves the gods, but the flesh is still a mortal body, and has not undergone the tempering of the God Realm and cultivated into a **** body, so it can only be regarded as a semi Step god.

Left Tianzun and right Tianzun, that is, the Yuanshen merged with the divine personality, but the flesh is still just a half-step **** of the mortal body!

Although they are only half-step gods, their strength is much stronger than the title Supreme!

"Ling Xiao, although you have extraordinary combat power, you can kill the Supreme Master! But you never know how powerful the gods are. In my eyes, even the Supreme Master can be crushed to death, so you don't have any chance! You promised my terms, my words are still valid!"

Zuo Tianzun gave Ling Xiao a light glance and sighed.

"Who said that humanity can't overcome Shinto? Duke alone seeks to defeat the predecessor. It is said that he once killed the half-step **** in the supreme realm. Today, I want to try it too!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, and the fighting in his eyes rose to the extreme.

"Dugu seeks defeat? When Dugu seeks defeat to kill the half-step deity, he is already the title of Supreme Cultivation. Besides, do you really think you can compare with Dugu seeking defeat? Since you are so ignorant of life and death, look Today, the deity has to kill a genius himself!"

Zuo Tianzun smiled indifferently, with a cold look in his eyes.

"You don't need to talk more, fight!"

Ling Xiao's gaze flashed with a sharp edge, and he instantly drove towards Zuo Tianzun.


The sky dome trembled, and Ling Xiao exuded a powerful dragon power all over him. He directly urged the body of the real dragon to perform the magic of the Dragon Slayer, and took a palm shot in the air. The colorful Shenlong gathered suddenly, dazzling, coiled in the palm of Ling Xiao. Above, suppress towards Zuo Tianzun.

"Wanlong Slaughter Magic? Unfortunately, you still don't reach home!"

Zuo Tianzun smiled faintly and directly punched with a simple punch!


The void blew, the sky shook, the waves of Shinto laws converged, and contained a breath of broken everything. The fist print was unparalleled, exuding a very depressing breath, which made everyone breathless.


The Earth and Earthquake, the colorful dragon is fierce and violent, the huge palm print collided with Zuo Tianzun's punch, and suddenly a fiery storm of light swept through, as if it was a 12th-level hurricane, covering the sky .

Ling Xiao was shocked and backed away instantly.

And Zuo Tianzun also shook his arm and took a few steps back.

"Is this the power of the half-step god? Sure enough!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, although it seemed that he and Zuo Tianzun were equally divided, Ling Xiao knew that he still fell into the disadvantage.

The punch of Zuo Tianzun was the shocking punch that broke out with the power of Yuanshen to mobilize the power of the law of heaven and earth, converging on the fist.

Even if it is just a hit, it has the strength to seriously damage the title of Supreme!

"Your physical power is so terrifying, it seems that it is no weaker than the legendary body of the beast! However, with this power, you have no chance!"

Zuo Tianzun was also a little surprised, but unexpectedly Ling Xiao could knock him back with a punch.

"Pick me up, chaos!"

Zuo Tianzun said indifferently, and then flicked down towards Ling Xiao with a palm.


As if the sky turned upside down, that palm print came across the void, lingering around the endless chaotic haze, eternally shining, gorgeous light, let people have an irresistible power.

It is also the first form of chaos to open the palm of the sky, but in the hands of Zuo Tianzun, there is a kind of power that transforms decay into magic, far exceeding Hua Tianzong.

Ling Xiao's eyes revealed a monstrous fighting intention. The stronger the threat he felt from Zuo Tianzun, the stronger his fighting intention.

The blood in his whole body seemed to be boiling, and the ray of the **** of war's power swept the whole body, making him exude a terrifying breath.


Ling Xiao drank coldly, and punched in the air towards Zuo Tianzun.

The Judgment Fist in the God of War tactics contains a very mysterious power of arbitration. Only the God of War tactics can urge it. This fist seal appears on the sky intertwined with truth and reason. A majestic force.


The world's tremors, the fists intersect, and suddenly the void is broken.

Ling Xiao's adjudicating fist was actually smashed by Zuo Tianzun's palm. The huge palm print came out in a row, and Ling Xiao's double fists came out together, and the whole body was bloody.


He was blasted hundreds of feet in an instant, before he stood firm in the void.

And Zuo Tianzun just shook it a little, still standing on the top of the sky, like a Budo Tianzun from the ancient times, majestic and mysterious.

"Do you adjudicate your fist? It's really strong, but unfortunately your cultivation is still weak!"

Zuo Tianzun said faintly, and he shot towards Ling Xiao with a palm across the sky.


Ling Xiao's eyes were unmatched, and contained a monstrous fighting intent. A fist was blasted out of the sky. The God Punishment Fist wrapped in the power of the God of War, and was killed towards Zuo Tianzun.

Ling Xiao turned the strength of the God of War to the extreme. He judged the fist with his left hand and punished the **** fist with his right hand.


The fierce battle broke out between Ling Xiao and Zuo Tianzun!

However, people with a discerning eye can see that Ling Xiao has obviously fallen into a disadvantage. Although he is eager to fight and exerts various powerful divine skills, he can't cause any harm to Zuo Tianzun at all.

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