Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 870: The war is on!

"Demon Saint Stele, are you sure you are not talking about the Heavenly Dao Chaos? There is also the inheritance of the Red Dragon God of War. The election of the heaven is originally hosted by your God of War Temple. You came to me to ask for the inheritance of the Red Dragon God of War?" After looking at the successor of the Temple of War, a look of sarcasm appeared in his eyes.

"The Heavenly Chaos Monument? What is that?"

Everyone was moved by their hearts and were a little puzzled.

And the look of the successor of the God of War Temple changed instantly. He gave Ling Xiao a glance and said, "How do you know the Heavenly Dao Chaos Monument?"

"I not only know the Heavenly Dao Chaos Monument, but I also know that nine Heavenly Dao Chaos Monuments can open the gate of God Realm, and your Temple of War already has five Heavenly Dao Chaos Monuments!"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly, staring at the crowds of the Temple of War and said.

"What?! Nine heavenly chaotic monuments, can open the gate of God Realm? Is this true or false?"

Everyone shook in an instant, and their eyes were very excited.

Many martial holy places know that no one can become a **** for millions of years. Some people speculate that the laws of heaven and earth are lacking, and others speculate that something has changed in God Realm and closed the door to God Realm.

Countless people wanted to find the secret of becoming a god, but none succeeded.

At this moment, when I heard Ling Xiao said that nine heavenly chaotic monuments could open the gate of God Realm, many people were immediately excited.

"It is said that millions of years ago, as long as you practiced the Supreme Realm, you can cross the robbery and ascend to God Realm, but for millions of years, Heaven and Dao are lacking, God Realm is closed, and no one can become a god! With such a force against the sky, it is no wonder that the Temple of War will pay so much attention!"

A supremely old man said with a look of excitement in his eyes.

Being a **** is the ultimate goal for all people, because the gods represent immortality and endless longevity, especially the supreme, and they have unparalleled temptations.

"Ling Xiao, the Heavenly Chaos Monument is the treasure of my temple of war. It is not something that opens the door to the **** realm. Don't confuse it! There is also the inheritance of the red dragon warlord, which you stolen from the temple of years, I advise you not to toast and not to drink fines, hand it over!"

The successor eyes of the Temple of War were extremely cold, staring at Ling Xiao and saying.

Naturally, he cannot admit that the Heavenly Dao Chaos Monument can open the gate of the **** realm, otherwise the whole world of God of War may be boiling.

Even if the Temple of War is stronger, if the entire world of God of War is against the Temple of War, the Temple of War will not be able to carry it.

"Hahaha... Your treasure of the Temple of War? Have you seen shameless, haven't you seen you so shameless! Not to mention that I don't have the inheritance of the Heavenly Chaos Monument and the Red Dragon God of War, even if it is, you are What is it? Also deserve to order me?" Ling Xiao laughed loudly, his eyes unmatched, his voice thick, exuding a kind of arrogance.

"Ling Xiao, don't think that you have used a mean method to kill the Blue Dragon Dharma King and the Great Sun Demon Venerable, and you are eligible to be arrogant in front of my Temple of War! The two Heavenly Venerable Masters are both powerful gods, killing you is like It's as simple as crushing an ant!"

The eyes of the successors of the Temple of War dimmed in an instant, revealing a cold killer.

"Kill me? Hahaha... Come on if you have the ability! Why am I Ling Xiao? Hua Tianzong, you don't need to pull the tiger's skin to make a banner. Come up with me if you have the ability, do you believe me or kill you like a slaughter? dog?"

Ling Xiao sneered, standing on the void, standing like a peerless sword standing under the sky, exuding a bright edge.

Hua Tianzong is the true name of the successor of the God of War Temple. Ling Xiao devoured and refined the Dragon King, and also learned some secrets of the God of War Temple.

"Yes! Hua Tianzong, come up and play with my cousin if you have the ability, what kind of man is mother-in-law? If you want the inheritance of the Heavenly Chaos Monument and the Red Dragon God of War, it depends on whether you have this qualification!"

Long Aotian also sneered.

Ling Xiao's arrogance of the Temple of War, with extraordinary temperament and pride, made many people feel a sense of admiration in their hearts.

The moon **** and the phoenix are also in the crowd, watching Ling Xiao's eyes splendidly.

This is the Lingxiao, arrogant to everything, invincible, and crushing the eternal Lingxiao!

"Ling Xiao, do you think I am afraid that you will not succeed? Okay, let me give it a try. What qualifications do you have to dare to speak like that!"

The successor of the Temple of War, which is Hua Tianzong's gaze, struck towards Ling Xiao.


Every step of his fall seemed to be the drumming of the sky, causing the void to roar, and the chaos of fog filled him, the golden armor around him was dazzling, the hair was flying, the face was like a crown jade, the body glowed, and the heroic extraordinary, Exuded a mysterious and powerful breath.

Legend has it that Hua Tianzong possessed the Chaos Eucharist and was able to control all the energies of heaven and earth. It was also the legendary Jiu Jue genius, whose strength was terrifying.

At this moment he stood up, and that breath made many of the Supreme Powers tremble.

In comparison, Ling Xiao on the opposite side is quite ordinary.

The left and right Tianzun above the void, as well as the glorious glints of the eyes of the many warlords, did not stop.

Hua Tianzong's strength is superb, even if he is facing the title of Supreme Master, he has the power to fight, just let him try the real strength of Ling Xiao.

Anyway, there are two great Tianzun sitting in town, and Hua Tianzong will not pose any danger.

On the contrary, Ling Xiao, the legendary ten genius genius, so that everyone is a bit inexplicable ~ ~ Ling Xiao, if you want to fight, then fight! "

Hua Tianzong said in a cold voice, the sound shook the sky dome, so that the Quartet Void trembling at the same time.


His whole body was filled with divine light, and the atmosphere of chaos rose, just like a peerless **** of war.

In Hua Tianzong's view, he is a triple cultivation of the Supreme Realm, a higher level than Ling Xiao. With his many means, even if he can't kill Ling Xiao, he can fight Ling Xiao.

As the No. 1 in the Qingyun Ranking, the successor of the God of War Temple, and the first arrogance of the God of War mainland, Hua Tianzong has his own arrogance.

"The successor of the Temple of War, it is really powerful! If Ling Xiao really used other means to kill the Qinglong Pharaoh and the Demon Lord, I am afraid that the real strength is still not as good as the successor of the Temple of War!"

"Yes! How can there be so many ten geniuses? The descendants of the Temple of War are only nine geniuses, and what qualifications does he have? I think they are touted by those people!"

"Look, Ling Xiao is in the hands of the heirs of the Temple of War, up to one hundred strokes!"

"One hundred strokes? You can't look at him too much, and I see ten strokes at most!"


There was a lot of discussion, especially Duan Wuji and Murong Xuantian, etc., with a sneer on them, they danced the most, and wished the descendants of the Temple of War would immediately cut Ling Xiao.

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