Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 849: God of slaughter!

The wordless celestial book is shining brightly, floating in Ling Xiao’s consciousness of the sea, exuding an ancient and mysterious gas machine, a chain of order gods coming out of the sky, transformed into a large interwoven net, directly binding the mysterious **** Got up.


Xuan Tianshen struggled violently, his whole body was blazing with light, exuding monstrous gods, but there was no way to break free from the shackles of Wushu Tianshu.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it! Wu Zi Tian Shu was destroyed millions of years ago. How could it be in your hands? Who are you?"

Xuantian God roared, and the violent fluctuations swept the Quartet. If there was no wordless book to imprison his Yuanshen, I am afraid that the horrible sound wave can directly transform Ling Xiao's knowledge of the sea into a powder.

Wu Zi Tian Shu is the supreme treasure of the Red Dragon God of War. Xuan Tian Shen is naturally very clear, and he also knows that Wu Zi Tian Shu was already completely destroyed in the battle that was millions of years ago, and now it has appeared. How could he not be shocked by Ling Xiao's hands?

"You even knew the wordless scriptures? It seems that you are a character from a million years ago. You don't have to struggle. Even if your soul is not destroyed, you can't escape the shackles of the wordless scriptures!"

Ling Xiao said faintly, with a sharp edge in his eyes.


He urged the wordless scriptures with all his strength, not daring to relax, no matter whether Xuantian God is a disciple of Red Dragon God of War, but this is indeed a true deity, divine and vast, unmatched. Ling Xiao is really likely to be taken away by him.

A chain of gods of order traverses, exuding a terrifying gas, and the power of the law of Tao is pervasive, interweaving a horrible net around the Xuantian god.

Moreover, Wu Zi Tian Shu is also extremely excited, trembling constantly, and begins to draw the power of Xuan Tian Shen.

That horrible swallowing power was even more powerful than Ling Xiao's swallowing the mystery of the sky. The extremely terrifying Xuantian God didn't even have the strength to struggle.

"Ling Xiao, let me go! I promise not to take you away, and recognize you as the Lord. As long as you let me go, everything in the Temple of War is yours, you are the new Lord of the Temple of War!" Xuan Tianshen felt The strength of the whole body is being extracted by Wu Zi Tian Shu, and a very frightened expression is suddenly displayed on his face, and he quickly begs for mercy.

Trapped here for a million years, even if Xuantian God was originally extremely powerful, but at this moment has been weakened too much, it is impossible to contend with the power of Wu Zi Tian Shu.

Moreover, Xuan Tianshen knows the horror of Wordless Heavenly Book. Millions of years ago, countless Demon Gods died in the hands of Wordless Heavenly Book. What could he say about a body of Yuanshen?


Ling Xiao said lightly, his eyes were unmatched, without any relaxation, and he urged Wu Zitianshu with all his strength.

Facing an old monster like Xuantian God, Ling Xiao knew that he could not be given any chance at all.

What's more, Xuantian God is still a disciple of Chilong God of War, maybe he has the means to urge No Word Heavenly Book, Ling Xiao must kill it in one fell swoop.

This is God's feat, but if it is known by the people of God of War mainland, the eyes that would be shocked will fall out.

That is a god, terrifying, sweeping the world, suppressing everything!

But now, when Ling Xiao urged Wu Zi Tian Shu, he was suppressed and refined.

"Ling Xiao, if you dare to kill me, Lord God of War won't let you go! The whole Temple of God of War won't let you go, you will destroy all souls, and there will be no place to bury them!" Xuan Tian God roared again and again, in Threatening Xiao Xiao.

"God of War? Are you talking about the Red Dragon God of War? Unfortunately, he has fallen millions of years ago. As for the Temple of God of War? Without you, I will not let them go!"

Ling Xiao sneered and continued to refine Xuantian God.

"Ling Xiao, you must not die, even if I am a ghost, I will not let you go!"

Xuantian God's body was shining brightly, as if he wanted to burn the Yuanshen to explode, but he was instantly suppressed by the Wordless Book.

"Be a ghost? I can't make you a ghost!"

Ling Xiao sneered, immediately sitting in the void, the whole body was shining brightly, Wu Zi Tian Shu thoroughly suppressed Xuan Tian Shen, and then began to refine the power of Xuan Tian Shen.


Ling Xiao's whole body glowed with light, and the swallowing King Wang Ding emerged behind him like a fiery vortex, and began to devour the endless chaotic haze, extracting the energy of the heavens to refine the Xuantian God.

Even if the Xuantian God has no power at all, he is still a strong god. After all, he struggled violently in the wordless book, and he was unwilling to catch his hand.

Ling Xiao can feel the vast and unparalleled power. If it is not the suppression of Wu Zi Tian Shu, I am afraid he will be taken away by Xuan Tian God in a moment.

But now, Xuantianshen has become the fish meat on the cutting board, let Ling Xiao slaughter.

The invincible power of Yuanshen was refined by Wushu Tianshu. Although most of them were devoured by Wushu Tianshu, there was still a trace of it integrated into Lingxiao's Yuanshen.

Ling Xiao's Yuanshen has already reached a limit, but after swallowing the power of Xuan Tianshen, he began to skyrocket again.

Ling Xiao's whole body is shining brightly and crystally, and the whole person's breath is getting stronger and stronger, and is transforming into a mysterious state.

On the altar of the ninth heaven, the original successor of the Temple of War, Kaye, the Buddha, was struggling toward the heavenly road.

But at the moment there was a blazing glow of light, and the unparalleled divine power came out of the sky, instantly sending the six of them out of the ninth level.

"Do not!!!"

The successor of the Temple of War seemed to think of something, and suddenly his face changed drastically, and an incredible look appeared in his eyes, and he began to roar.

He understands that this means that Ling Xiao has been inherited by the Red Dragon God of War, and everyone else has been eliminated.


The earthquake shook, and the heirs of the Temple of War, Kaye, the Qing Emperor, Zhu Biao, Qingyun, and Zhao Ritian were all swept out of the Temple of Time and appeared on the outside square.

"Who is the Son of Heaven? It must be Lord God of War!"

"Is it necessary to say? Lord Divine Son swept invincible, but it is peerless and arrogant, other people can't be his opponent at all!"

After seeing the successors of the Temple of War and others appearing, the crowd immediately began to cheer. The expressions of Duan Wuji and Murong Xuantian all showed extremely excited expressions.

"No, the cousin didn't come out? Does this mean that the cousin has been inherited?" Long Aotian swept everyone, and suddenly there was a look of extreme surprise in his eyes.

"Yes! It seems that six of them have been eliminated! Ling Xiao is the one who came to the end!" There was a trace of fineness in the eyes of the unscrupulous Taoist, and he said slowly.

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