Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 843: Fight 9 Star Demon!

"Hahaha... This seat is so strict that it has been trapped here for millions of years. You are the second human race I have seen in millions of years! The scar on my face is the one that was hundreds of thousands of years ago. I can’t stop him from the sword-bearing clan, but I can stop you, and I will tear you to pieces!"

Nine Star Heavenly Devil will look at Ling Xiao very cruelly.

"The second human race in a million years? The first person you saw was Sword and Devil Solitary for defeat? Unexpectedly, he even reached the legendary ten extremes!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply, and he immediately guessed.

For millions of years, the one who dared to attack the ten extremes is probably only the first person in the world hundreds of thousands of years ago, who swept through the world.

Ling Xiao did not expect that Dugu's failure to defeat even broke the taboo and became a must-have genius!

"Human tribe, I will never allow you to be like that person, so you will definitely die today!"

Mo Yan shouted, and suddenly the whole person turned into a black light, punching towards Xiao Xiao with a punch in the air.

"Humph! Sword Devil Solitary Solitary Can defeat you, I will not only defeat you, but also kill you!"

Ling Xiao snorted coldly, also a punch from the open air, the body of the real dragon exploded, his whole body was full of blood, and his power was unmatched.


When Ling Xiao and Mo Yan collided, they immediately felt the horror of Mo Yan. The power of the fist seal was like an endless starry sky, vast and unmatched. Ling Xiao was instantly blown by dozens of feet from Mo Yan.

Mo Yan just shook his body, not even taking a step back.

"Huh? Boy, a half-step supreme ant in your area, has such a powerful body? Is the blood of the dragon family? The reptiles that hate the dragon family most, die!"

There was a trace of surprise in Mo Yan's eyes. His flesh was terrifying, and he could almost compete with Heavenly Demon King. Ordinary Nine-Star Heavenly Demon would not be his opponent at all.

As a result, Ling Xiao's physical body was only slightly inferior to him. How surprised was he?

"Your physical body is really strong! But this does not mean that I can't kill you! Wanlong Massacre, kill!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a murderous glance, and the whole body was filled with dragon power. This was the first time he had encountered someone who was stronger than him.

Ling Xiao estimates that the strict physical body is probably close to the body of Dacheng's true dragon. The physical body is terrifying and even stronger than Ling Xiao.

expensive! expensive! expensive!

A powerful dragon yin rushed into the sky, Ling Xiao's golden light spread all over his body, and his palms exploded. The palms were immense. Eighty-one real dragons sprayed out thinly, filling this piece of starry sky, containing A force that breaks everything.

With the real dragon body urging the Dragon Slayer, the most terrifying blow broke out, making Mo Yan a bit of a squint.

"Wanlong Slaughter Magic? If you can practice to the realm of small success, thousands of true dragons flying together can indeed beheaded me! But you are only an entry, and dare to show ugliness in front of this seat? Heavenly Demon God fist, kill !"

Ma Yan's gaze flickered, not shining, and punched towards Ling Xiao.

The sound of ghosts crying and howling wolf radiated around him, and the black magic energy rose, and it seemed to be a huge demon head in the void. Come.

Ling Xiao's eyes were calm. When the eighty-one real dragons were about to be swallowed by the demon god, Ling Xiao spit out a word.



The sky dome trembled, and the eighty-one real dragons exploded at the same time, as if the eighty-one supreme self-detonated at the same time. The horrifying storm of God's light instantly blasted the demon's head into shatters, sweeping the four sides of the galaxy, and Mo Yan also shrouded.

Ling Xiao succeeded, his eyes were unmatched, and he was slain towards Moro.

Ling Xiao knew that Mo Yan's strength was terrifying, and his body was even stronger than his real dragon's body. Therefore, the explosion of the eighty-one real dragons certainly could not kill Moro, even the heavy hit.

The five elements of Ling Xiao's body were filled with divine light, and turned into five pillars of heaven and earth, instantly condensed into a five-element encirclement around the strictness, sealing the world and blocking the energy of the law.

Ling Xiao burst out with a punch, and the Eight Heavens and the Earth swept through at the same time, turning into eight horrible flames, coming toward the strict.

Eight wildernesses!


In the exploding divine light, the strictness was unscathed, and the skin around the body exuded a mysterious color, blocking all the power of the explosion from the outside.

Facing Ling Xiao's Eight Wasteland Burning Heavens, a brutal color appeared in his strict eyes, and a palm came out of the sky, and the black **** light swept the world.


Those fierce fires that swallowed the sky, there was no way to be so strict, and violently collided with Mo Yan's palm, and then exploded at the same time.

"Nine kills return to the market!"

In Ling Xiao's eyes, there was a tremendous amount of warfare, and nine fists were bombarded towards Moyan. Each fist contained an ancient murderous opportunity. The nine murderous intentions converged at the same time, as if to destroy the world, smash the galaxy, and become one. The strength of the world is printed towards the strict body.


The strict eyes are scarlet, the whole body is full of fighting spirit, and the arms are pushed in the air, as if embracing the universe, there is an invincible tendency to swallow the world, the two fists slam at the same time, and collide with Ling Xiao's fist print, even That worldly power was directly resolved.


Ling Xiao's surrounding body seemed to rise to the extreme, the two poles of the world, the land of eight wilderness, there was a terrifying power gathered in Ling Xiao's surrounding The ray of chaotic fist hit the sky.

This style is also the strongest move among the seven magical powers that destroy the world. At this moment, Ling Xiao is forcibly urged, and there is almost a force that repeats chaos and destroys everything.

"Ha ha ha... well done!"

Mo Yan faced Ling Xiao's punch, and there was also a trace of solemnity in his eyes. Obviously Ling Xiao's punch had already threatened him.

I saw behind Mo Yan, the black magic energy rises, the void is broken, and a mysterious power of law gathers. Behind Mo Yan, a terrifying demon is formed, ancient and mysterious, and the sky is toward Ling Xiao Suppression came.


Destruction in all directions VS Demon God's power!

The sky dome instantly shattered, the surrounding stars disappeared, the stars collapsed, and the endless violent energy swept the four sides, like a world of extinction.

Both Ling Xiao and Mo Yan shuddered and were swept away by that horrible monstrous force, and they immediately stepped back hundreds of feet!



Ling Xiao and Mo Yan snarled at the same time, and came towards each other at the same time!

A terrifying war broke out completely!

PS: Sixth, the brothers take a break early and continue to make changes tomorrow.

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