Great doctor starts with adding points

Chapter 281 Strong Desire to Survive (Subscribe)

"Doctor Wu, emergency department, emergency consultation!"

While Wu Xie and Tang Yuewei were playing, someone knocked on the door of the doctor's office.

Wu Xie immediately changed his expression when he heard the words, twisted up his white coat and went out: "Yuewei, you go back to accompany your uncle and aunt first, don't let them mistakenly think that I have kidnapped someone."

Tang Yuewei was still able to distinguish priorities, and began to tidy up the mess in the office: "I'll leave after tidying up. You go first, and try to get a good night's sleep."

"I hope, maybe it's just a scratch or something." Wu Xie smiled like this.

Emergency consultation, only three words, the emergency department will not describe the condition in detail.

Every time on the way to the emergency consultation, it is actually an act of opening a blind box. I don't know what kind of patients I will face.

Maybe it's the aunt who came late and healed, or maybe it's a sprain and bruise, or maybe it's a small cut, or maybe it's a fracture caused by a car accident, or the damage caused by a car accident, and the death patient.

It is more likely that the patient is still on the way to the consultation and arrives at the consultation site. The patient has already pressed for ten minutes, and then went to join in the fun and continue to press to no avail. In the end, he does not need to participate in the consultation.

The Chinese New Year season in the inpatient department is quite deserted.

But on the way to the emergency department, I feel more and more that the emergency department is still quite lively, as if someone brought the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year to the hospital...

The closer he got, the more Wu Xie discovered that there were not many patients.

There are children who blow up their hands playing with firecrackers, teenagers who are hit by bicycles, and there are also car accidents caused by drunk driving...

There were people who died in fights, waited in line at the door of the creation room for sutures in the emergency department, and complained.

"What kind of hospital is this? They don't send more doctors to work during the Chinese New Year. I don't know if others are going home for the Chinese New Year?"

"Still waiting in line..."

Wu Xie ignored such complaints, but went directly to the emergency room.

When I entered, I saw a particularly shocking scene.

A person, let’s count it as a person, including the right lower limb from the navel of the right abdomen, is all empty, looming fleshy paste, and the left lower limb is a little better, it is fleshy paste from the knee joint down.

The person was unconscious, and his trachea was cut and intubated.

Some doctors performed heart compressions, some directly stabbed in to stop the bleeding without opening the abdomen, and some found a intact Gao Wan during the investigation, and clamped it into the bend with tweezers.

"Is the bleeding done?"

"Stop the bleeding? Are you kidding me? How does this stop the bleeding?"

"How much blood can the blood bank currently hold?"

"Where's the orthopedic guy?"


Wu Xie was wearing sterile gloves, and when she heard someone calling herself, she responded, "The orthopedic department is here, but..."

Wu Xie approached, looking at the horrific wound, he also felt helpless.

Outside the emergency room, someone was making noise.

"Doctor, you must save my son, he is only thirty-seven this year..."

"Doctor, can this be transferred to another hospital? The doctors at 120 all said that the nearest hospital could be the nearest one, but none of them were sent to the State People's Hospital..."

There are also people in the emergency department who are hesitating: "Well, it's hard to say for now, but the situation is very dangerous. Basically, the chance of being able to be rescued is very low, very low, very low..."

"And even if you save your life temporarily, the cost of living in the ICU will be a huge amount. Your family members should make psychological preparations first."

"He should have the culprit, right?"

"Yes, but the driver drove away. The police said they are already checking the surveillance..."


Wu Xie got closer, and immediately there was a pungent smell of feces mixed with incompletely digested and fully digested matter.

The spine surgeon said: "From the lumbar spine to the tail spine, there is no good place. The lower limbs are almost eroded, and there is no chance of amputation."

"What about the family members? It's very difficult to save this patient, and if he is saved, he will definitely be disabled..."

"Doctor Wu, what do you think?"

Spine surgery and orthopedics have the same roots, Wu Xie actually wants to say at this moment, I see with my fucking eyes.

But at this time, it is definitely not the time to be clever.

But before he had time to reply, the patient's heart rate, which had finally recovered, suddenly stopped again.

"This is the fourth time. This patient's bleeding is uncontrollable. Should he be transferred to the operating room?" The emergency department immediately pressed it up again and asked the specialist for advice.

"On the way to the operating room, it is estimated that people will disappear."

"If you want to save your life, you must first stop the bleeding."

"Moreover, the general surgery department needs to work hard to revive the organ functions of many organs..."

"No, bro, this operation doesn't mean that we can't do it here. Even if it can be done, it will take at least dozens of hours to make a foundation. Not only is the colon rotten, but the jejunum, ileum, and the right half of the kidney will also need to be removed later. .”

"It is not known whether there was damage to the pancreas or liver."

"It's a miracle that this patient can persist to the hospital. How did the 120 doctor do it?"

"The car accident happened not far from the hospital, it should be about one kilometer..." The emergency doctor who followed the car at 120 reported this, and after finishing the handover work, they left in a hurry.

Throwing patients like hot potatoes is mainly because they have nothing to do.

As for the responsibility, if the patient is farther away from the hospital, it is estimated that there is no need to consider so much.

And at this moment, finally, a chief physician from the emergency department arrived. Following him was a leader of the hospital's medical department.

When the two saw the scene, they immediately froze.

Then he looked at the patient's ECG monitor and said, "Let's do palliative compression first. Even if this person is rescued, it's meaningless."

The director who spoke was very experienced, and directly concluded what no one dared to say.

"Are the family members those outside?" the director asked again.

"It should be." The doctor who came for consultation did not have time to meet with the family members.

"Do you have any comments from the teachers of the specialist?" The director was quite polite.

Everyone, including Wu Xie, shook their heads.

To be honest, in the current situation, even if there are medical skills to treat, there is no corresponding equipment and sufficient equipment such as ICU.

"Then press it first!" The director sighed, turned around and walked out without delaying at all.

However, the director just went out.

Wu Xie found that the heart rate of the patients returned to normal, whether it was due to their good technique or other reasons.

In other words, the present him is another living life.

Then Wu Xie saw that everyone who should have been happy when they heard this pleasant heartbeat felt a little bit numb.

After all, the rescue must not end until the person is dead.

However, this kind of rescue cannot continue in the emergency rescue room.

"Transfer to the operating room. Only by transferring to the operating room can we continue to rescue him. Otherwise, he will die in the end..." The doctor of the general surgery department said so firmly after flipping through for a while.

"No preoperative examination?" The doctor in the emergency department said so.

"Now he is still talking about pre-operative examinations. Is there any point? If he can persist until the operation begins, he has already won the victory. If he can't persist, then there is no other way!"

"Here, how to save, what to save?"

"Then I'll go out and find the family members to sign."


After a few minutes.

A doctor from the emergency department came in and took a signed form: "The family members have signed the transfer to the operating room. The family members still have a strong desire to save their lives and limbs, but they still mainly focus on saving their lives."

"Who wants to save limbs?" Someone among the consulting doctors said so.

Then four or five heads turned to look at Wu Xie.

Wu Xie swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva resolutely, and said, "Teacher, in such a situation, it is very difficult to save limbs, and even amputation is a luxury."

"There are no limbs..."

From the abdomen to the pelvis, and then to the hip joint, there is a pool of meat paste, you tell me limb salvage?

"Do your best and obey the destiny, anyway, this is what the family members are asking for now."

"Let's go into the operating room first!~"

A group of people immediately worked together, including nurses, monitors, etc., and pushed them directly to the operating room.

At the same time, the doctors in the emergency department contacted the operating room and the anesthesiology department by phone, immediately started the most urgent operation procedures, and immediately prepared the operating room and anesthesiologist.

Surgery begins even before anesthesia is applied.

There is no way, without surgery, rescue will become meaningless!

Wu Xie and a group of doctors who consulted immediately called the nurse on duty in the department to report the situation, and then called the director of the specialist department to find the deputy shift to be on duty in the department.

Even in trauma surgery, there is only one patient at present, and the doctor on duty must be in the ward.

In principle, even Wu Xie cannot come to the emergency department for emergency consultation.

The doctor on duty does not leave the ward!

However, in the case of insufficient number of people, they are not qualified to discuss so many issues of principle.

five minutes.

The patient was wheeled into the operating room.

Wu Xie and other surgeons changed their clothes and walked into the operating room. The heartbeat had already stopped when the patient was taken into the operating room and the anesthesiologist didn't know how to turn around and came on stage.

Cardiac compressions have resumed.

However, just when everyone thought that there was no need to continue the rescue of this patient.

Unexpectedly, three minutes later, his heart rate was suppressed again.

Such a strong vitality and desire to survive shocked everyone.

"How many times has it been pressed?"

"The fourth time. It's a bit exhausting. I guess even if the last vital signs can be preserved, it will become a vegetative state."

"I'll go talk to my family members again." The neurosurgery doctor went out.

Cardiac arrest is no joke.

After the neurosurgery staff went out, staff from other specialties, including Wu Xie, had already put on sterile hand sanitizers, and then temporarily sterilized them. After simply laying down the towels, they directly took the operating instruments and began to use them.

Even if the patient will die in the end, once the family members request rescue and the patient enters the operating room, the rescue operation must continue.

The general surgery doctors, the thoracic surgery doctors, and the urology surgeons all knew what they were going to do, but Wu Xie, the trauma surgery doctor and the spine surgery doctor, didn't know what to do.

It is a kind of good reputation for his injured wound.

Vascular surgeons are struggling to find the hemostasis.

Wu Xie took the initiative and said, "Brother, let me start by stopping the bleeding first. I will try my best to find the stumps of the large blood vessels in the lower limbs. I will talk about the rest later..."

"That's hard work. My side is just dealing with the abdomen."

He was embarrassed to say that it was a ruptured blood vessel or blood vessel bleeding.

"Destroy damage!"

Wu Xie's movements were still very quick, and while other specialists were still groping in the abdomen, Wu Xie had already completed the temporary ligation of the arteries and veins of both lower extremities other than the abdominal aorta to stop bleeding.

The consumption speed of the hemostat is the fastest in Wu Xie's hands.

In just two or three minutes, the hemostat on the instrument table was gone.

"Hemostat!" shouted the vascular surgeon.

"It's gone!" The equipment nurse was innocent.

"I'll be there soon." The itinerant nurse moved a spare bag, and at the same time called through the loudspeaker to the nurse on duty in the operating room.

Many people turned their heads to take a look at Wu Xie, but Wu Xie was stopping the bleeding on his own, with a quick technique and exquisite movements, but it felt pleasing to the eye.

Moreover, after temporarily stopping the bleeding, Wu Xie performed a quick ligation with silk thread. Then the vascular clamp that temporarily stopped the bleeding was withdrawn and handed over to the vascular surgeon.

"Sorry, I'll use it temporarily!"

"Brother, don't you have a girlfriend?" The vascular surgery doctor said when he turned around.

Wu Xie smiled: "Yes."

"Not many." He also drove a car along the way.

After finishing speaking, Wu Xie looked at the monitor and found that although the patient's vital signs fluctuated, even after such a short period of time, there was no tendency for the heartbeat to pause.

Does this person have such a strong desire to survive?

Is it because of Chinese New Year?

Wu Xie's arms were covered with blood clots, and some blood even seeped into his body.

It looks very sloppy, but Wu Xie knows that at this time, if you pay attention to any special beauty, it is a waste of time.

Do your best and obey the fate.

Therefore, after the corresponding hemostasis of the orthopedic lower limbs, Wu Xie came to the abdomen to help.

After observing for a while, I found that the vascular surgeon who performed the surgery was looking for the hepatic artery, so he helped to lift the palpated, exposing the hepatic artery.

Then, after discovering that he was looking for the left ureteral artery, Wu Xie continued to help expose the deformed blood vessel.

The old man in the vascular surgery department raised his head instantly: "Are you an expert?"

"How about we switch places?"

"There is no need to change the position, but the task?"

"You help to make an arteriovenous connection channel, otherwise the blood will only go out but not return, which is also a problem."

"If possible, you can go outside and talk to your family members about the extracorporeal circulation machine..." Wu Xie said.

He knew that if this patient wanted to survive, tenacious vitality was definitely not enough, and strong financial support was also necessary, otherwise he couldn't afford the start-up costs of many life-saving machines.

It is also impossible to use!

"Let's open the arteriovenous connection channel first, extracorporeal circulation machine, this thing is quite expensive..." The doctor of the vascular surgery said so first.

Wu Xie, on the other hand, continued to start the journey of hemostasis with a bit of overreach. First, he stopped the bleeding while replenishing blood volume. This is the first emergency rescue written in the textbook, and no one dares to disobey it...

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