Great Artist

Chapter 783: one after another

783 Come One After Another

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"When we saw audience members wiping tears from their faces and walking out of the cinema with a smile, we knew that Evan Bell had made it."

Chris Fairpunk's review on Movie Review begins with this quote. In fact, after the premiere of "The Notebook", the expression of the audience leaving the movie theater with laughter and tears also became news reported by reporters. Amid the scepticism about director Evan Bell, Evan Bell once again proved with his actual actions: For him, it can never be measured by common sense.

"Evan Bell uses his delicate and unique perspective to bring us such a love story, and I haven't seen such a làng romantic movie for a long time. In this movie, there are four points worth paying attention to, It is these four points that impress the audience.

Ellie's mother. I can fully understand the actions of Ellie's mother in the film. Because of a mother's protection for her son, there is reason to believe that the love in the summer is short-lived, and the gap between the right and the right makes her have to face the reality. . Just like Ellie's mother watching her first love from a distance in the quarry, what a mother doesn't want is that her daughter will go her own way. It's just that what she didn't expect was the difference between people. Noah's persistence and Ellie's infatuation made them write a different ending from Ellie's mother. Like Ellie said: You don't look at Dad the way I look at Noah, you don't touch him, you don't laugh, you don't have fun.

Army prostitute Martha and officer Lang. Both of them are expressing their love in their own way, and they are also carrying out their own love in their own way, and they both choose to let go. Maybe this is the true meaning of love. If you really love, then the happiness of your lover is actually your own happiness.

Ellie and Noah. The two of them, as a whole, became part of the story. The film tells the audience the rough life of Ellie and Noah, a pair of lovers, step by step through a rare narrative technique. From the parting at a young age to the choice after the reunion, to Ellie’s memory loss due to Alzheimer’s, Noah recklessly told the story of their past over and over again, and finally realized the desire to die together through love. .

Director Evan Bell. I can't forget the surprise when I saw that the author of the notebook was Ellie's name; I can't forget the beauty of the people rowing boats under the soft music at the beginning of the film, the birds in flight and the sunset that illuminates the river red, this is the first time I have seen it. The most beautiful picture of nature ever. This is a movie that makes people who have never been in love understand true love, a movie that makes people who are in love work for the same goal, and a movie that makes people who have loved reflect on the past.

This is a làng love story belonging to ordinary people. "

Chris Fairbank is obviously very satisfied with Evan Bell's directorial debut. He even gave a high score of four and a half stars and recommended "The Notebook", and greatly appreciated Evan Bell's directing skills. Appreciate.

"How to shoot a clichéd story well, or even have something new, this is a difficult problem. It's like the story of Cinderella, which has been remade countless times, can always re-move the audience in various forms. Evan Bell succeeded Now, the film exudes freshness, beauty, and authenticity, which is convincing. Maybe Evan Bell's directorial performance is not surprising, but at least it is a surprise."

When Neil D'Arcy wrote a review for The New York Times, he and Chris Fairpunk made four points worth noting about the film. However, the content of these four points is somewhat different.

"Memories. The dead have no right to remember, and similarly, no memories means death. Old Noah plays old Ellie's stranger, repeating yesterday's story over and over again, like the loneliness of the living. Memories, maybe This is the most precious thing in our life, and it is unique, and no one can replace it.

Reality. Ellie is an idealist created by Evan Bell, but she is the closest to reality and the most meaningful character. She cowardly and passively accepts love and fate, and never actively tries to get rid of the assistant of society and family. , is also officially incomplete, so she fell madly in love with Noah. Noah is a twist on Evan Bell's realism, and the only thing that keeps the love going in the whole movie is Noah's courage and stamina. When pursuing, he climbed the mountain Ferris wheel to court; after a year of separation, he persisted in writing letters every day; when he returned from the war, he concentrated on building a dream home; after getting old, he watched Ellie's awakening alone. When idealism and realism collided, this time it was realism that won.

fairy tale. Ellie's mother took Ellie to the quarry, pointed to a dirty worker inside, and said, this is my former hero. At this moment, reality turned into the sunshine of the fairy tale, and the fairy tale suddenly collapsed. All love stories always go around in reality, but dare not face reality directly, because the winner is always the ideal. When Noah yells at the essence of the problem, 'money', in this story, fairy tales don't exist.

director. Telling a story of love when you were young and old in a chā-narrative way is the biggest highlight of Evan Bell. He told us that love is not a happy life after being together. There is also chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea. Just the beginning of another. Apart from the beautiful scenery, Evan Bell's directing ability is not much. This love movie is obviously too simple for him. His amazing control ability allows us to see a beautiful story. . "

Nick D'Arcy gave "The Notebook" a five-star rating, including a sentence, "This may be the most touching romance film in ten years since the advent of 'The Bridge's Last Dream'", which has also become The most reprinted comment by many media.

Compared with the praise of "Film Review" and "New York Times", the media headed by "Premier" is much harsher.

"Premiering" said, "A cliché, boring love story, and finally a happy ending. The story of the eldest lady falling in love with the poor woodworker is extremely boring. Evan Bell's debut can be regarded as a beautiful scenery. Judging from the travel documentaries, maybe the National Geographic Channel can find his place." "Premier" only gave one star, especially for "Beautiful Scenery".

"Variety" is also not too interested in this movie. "The love story that is nothing new, maybe the beautiful scene that avoids our eyelids fighting is the only place to be praised."

Relatively speaking, the "News of the World" film review is completely a criticism conference, "Bad pacing, vulgar content, unrealistic ending... If we want to listen to fairy tales, I think Andersen would be a better choice, Of course, the 'Bad Boys' released not long ago is also good, and Evan Bell doesn't need another kick."

As expected by Evan Bell, the media is always prone to extremes when it comes to "director's work", either very tolerant or very strict, so the voices of praise and criticism are very extreme, almost standing in two camps. scolding. However, judging from the current situation, the voice of praise has prevailed.

The freshness rating on Rotten Tomatoes has exceeded 71%, the audience instant rating on imdb has also reached 7.6 points, and the media's comprehensive score has also reached 66 points. It can be seen that most of the audience and the media are still not interested in "Love Notebook". Appreciated.

The survey showed that the audience accounted for 63%, which is lower than expected. After all, male audiences have never been very interested in love movies, but at least this time, Evan Bell has made many male audiences also enter. the cinema. In terms of age, 40% of the audience are currently over 20 years old and under 30 years old, which shows Evan Bell's appeal among young people. In addition, there are 20% of the audience over the age of 40, which is really unexpected.

"Entertainment Weekly" praised, "There is no need to discuss whether this story is a fairy tale, because this love is really sincere, enough to move you and me."

The "Washington Post" also said, "It is a blessing to have a lover like Noah who will never leave you in your twilight years. Noah awakens not only Ellie's memory, but also the point where two people are close to each other. Bit by bit, the sweetness, madness, quarrel of the two people, and the heart that misses each other all the time. If we can, when our hair is gray, let me die quietly together with each other's hands. "

"The Hollywood Reporter" commented more realistically, "This is indeed a more fairy tale than a fairy tale. But it is also true."

Among the comments, The Hollywood Reporter noted, "Maybe we all forget how grandfather and grandmother lived together for seventy or eighty years, maybe they were a designated marriage, maybe their family composition was different, maybe their political opinions were at odds, But they still stick together until now. Maybe, love is not as pure as we imagined, and marriage is not so difficult, so unbearable. Thinking of the sunset at the beginning of the movie, the white boat sailing on the red water pattern, The soundtrack of the flowing clouds and flowing water is so beautiful that it is outrageously beautiful. This love is so rare. Even death can't separate them. Just this love is worthy of our praise. "

The review of "Sight and Hearing" pointed out the true meaning of the movie, "A true and believable love story, evoking the 'love' that we have almost forgotten in our memory, and making our doubts about love vulnerable in our hearts."

Among them, in the comments on Evan Bell Globe" said, "Evan Bell always makes people feel unexpected joy, and this time is no exception. "

"Vanity Fair" is against it, "As a director, Evan Bell lost his personality and became mediocre."

"Time" magazine is not stingy with its own praise, "Evan Bell's excellent career should add 'director'."

"People" Weekly's comments are much more professional, "Evan Bell showed us his ability to control and match bland narratives and romantic dramas. The beautiful use of light and the combination of colors are particularly attractive, and the flowing long shots are matched with each other. Those beautiful pictures are more dignified and noble that are unique to the British. Evan Bell has shown everyone his outstanding directing skills, there is no doubt."

In this fiercely competitive atmosphere of praise and criticism, "Notebook of Love" also hit the battlefield in the summer box office battle.

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