Great Artist

Chapter 740: river of tears

740 Tears flow into rivers

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Radio is a wonderful thing. Hundreds of listeners are sitting by the radio, receiving telegrams, and relying only on the host's voice to enter one story after another. This chapter is provided by netizens to provide you with an update] If an audience calls in, everyone can hear the story of a complete stranger through voice.

Unlike TV and the Internet, radio can only transmit sound, and radio also maximizes the characteristics of the medium of sound. What would it feel like to leave everything aside and just talk about the sound. Close your eyes and listen carefully to the sound coming from the radio. Everyone's voice is his fingerprint, whether it is hoarse or clear, or sharp or low, or happy or sad... Everyone says that eyes are the window to the soul, But what about the sound. The voice also revealed the countless emotions of the speaker, and even a slight tremor could be detected abnormally.

In the "Sleepless in Seattle" that year, the role of sound was maximized. The two characters played by Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan told each other through the radio and fell in love at first sight.

Sound is also a singer's greatest weapon. When the stage effects, backup dancers, and musical instruments disappear, and only the sound remains, the singer's talents, emotions, and skills are all released to the maximum, and they can be brought into full play in the most primitive state. effect. Of course, if it's electronic, dance music and the like, without accompaniment and only sound, it would be a disaster. However, when it comes to songs in the lyrical category, the sound is able to peel off all the coats and enter the heart in the easiest way possible.

Ryan Seacrest's voice, always able to make people feel a touch of warmth, coupled with his unique sense of humor, he won the support of many audiences. Today, Ryan Seacrest's radio once again brought together a large number of listeners. In his warm voice, the listeners once again entered the world of music: Evan Bell's ninth single is officially released today. .

It was already past eleven o'clock at night, and Grey Lennon was still working overtime in the office. New York in the middle of the night is like a giant beast ready to go. It is covered with black skin, but the flickering light is like a ferocious eye that exudes a terrifying aura. Standing in the office and looking out, high-rise buildings are all under your feet, but the oncoming is not a sense of accomplishment, but a sense of empty emptiness. In front of him is the darkness lit by the bright lights, and behind him is the silent darkness. The office where he is located is brightly lit, but he is isolated and helpless in the whole dark night.

On the radio, Ryan Seacrest's voice was dàng in the office. Grey Lennon took Evan Bell's album back to listen to it yesterday. He didn't bring the company today, so he had to choose the radio. But now it seems that he is lucky. Because today the radio not only played "Bad Day" but also premiered Evan Bell's ninth single from "Two."

In the radio station, the piano sound was like mercury pouring down the ground, and the hún was mixed in the cold moonlight, filling the entire office. It's just the sound of the piano, but it's like the sound of nature. Evan Bell has tried this method in works such as "mad world (mad., which simplifies the accompaniment, and only uses a single instrument among the guitar and piano, which simplifies and maximizes the emotion. This time, Evan Bell tried it on the song "Tonight I Want to Cry," Evan Bell chose the piano.

The piano, known as the king of musical instruments, the sobbing sound of the keys can always make people feel breathless, and the flowing notes can always explain the most làng feelings.

Grey Lennon has listened to the album "Two" countless times, and naturally he has heard "Tonight I Want to Cry," which is also one of his favorite songs, of course, strictly speaking, " The ten songs on this album are all classics. However, when I listened to it again, it was just the prelude. Grey Lennon could feel his thoughts had settled down. The coldness of the moonlight and the estimation of the dark night began to slowly surround him. ròu began to relax little by little, and his mood began to drop little by little.

Derek West opened the mén at home and looked at the empty room. The newspapers on the sofa and coffee table were thrown away. The boxes of Chinese takeaways from yesterday and the day before yesterday were scattered all over the table, and the beer bottles on the floor were dripping. After putting it in a big circle, the quilt fell to the ground like a mass of garbage. He remembered that he should have been too anxious to get to the ground when he woke up this morning. Bend down, pick up the newspaper in the mouth, and throw it on the sofa.

He closed the mén, took off his jacket and threw it directly on the bed, walked to the landline next to the sofa, and pressed the listen to the message button, "Your number of messages is zero." Derek West pressed the button again irritably. I took off my leather shoes and threw them directly into the mén mouth. When I turned on the TV, I found that the fee had not been paid for a while, so there was only a piece of snow. Derek West took off his crumpled brown suit jacket and threw it directly on the TV. Then he tore off his tie and threw it on the pile of beer bottles. Go to the radio and turn it on.

On the radio, Ryan Seacrest's voice came out, but Derek West ignored it, opened the bag he brought in with him, took out two fast food boxes of Chinese food, and ripped open his chopsticks once. Sit down on the sofa. The newspapers on the sofa sank into the sofa, making a creaking moan.

A cold piano sound flowed out, and Derek West didn't respond. The sound of the radio just made the room seem less deserted, and had no other effect.

"I'm home alone again tonight, I'm turning on the TV, the innocuous voice, the wine bottle, and the pictures of the two of us plastered all over the wall, just overflowing into my heart."

The voice was familiar, but Derek West couldn't remember who it was. However, the lyrics of each sentence were like a bullet, slamming into his heart fiercely. In the empty room, the rustling of the TV constantly came, and the sound of wine bottles slamming against each other could be heard before the feet moved. Looking up a little, the whole room was filled with pictures of him and her, but she was gone.

Derek West's hand stopped, the fried noodles in his mouth began to slide, and he just sat there stupidly, without any resistance, hit by every lyric, hit again, punch after punch , shot after shot, he only felt that his whole body strength was taken away by chōu, and even his soul was taken away by chōu.

"I can't come out of the pain of your leaving, I've never had the emotional flow of myself. I think being strong means never losing self-control, but right now I just want to get drunk so I can Free me from the pain, only that my bitter self-esteem is peeling from my eyes like drifting rain. Tonight, I just want to cry."

In an instant, Derek West was drowned out by the pouring piano sound, and Evan Bell's clear, hoarse voice was like the moonlight in the middle of the night, recklessly filling the whole room, letting the sound of the room be filled with impunity. The air is being chōu away little by little. He opened his mouth involuntarily and tried to take a breath of air, only to find that it was all in vain.

Derek West has lost his strength and slowly fell to the right side. The strength of his fingers loosened a little, and the fast food box in his hand slid down. When it touched the ground, he let out a low muffled sound. With a bang, the fried noodles in the box spun around and scattered all over the floor. Derek West didn't care about it, he just opened his mouth wide and tried to search for the air in the room.

"Whether it would be helpful to play a sad song, 'The loneliness really hurts me, just like you who left me at the moment, and then unfold those yellow and broken love letters, it hurts more deeply before gradually recovering .But the cover up didn't make me let go."

Derek West suddenly found that the air was gone, he couldn't breathe, he made a fist with his left hand and slammed it into his own mouth, but he couldn't feel any pain, he seemed to be drowning, struggling hard , but still can not breathe fresh air. Suddenly, a sadness that destroys the sky and the earth invades like this, and I was caught off guard. Derek West only felt extremely cold all over his body. He tried to curl himself into a ball, but he still couldn't find any warmth. He was trembling, like a dog curled up on a street corner in the ice and snow, trembling, those eyes that were originally dull, now they are like extinguished candles, without any brilliance.

When the sentence "Tonight, I just want to cry" sounded, Derek West only felt that his eyes collapsed in an instant, and the tears poured down like a He Still curled up into a ball, hugging himself tightly, but the tears could no longer stop. He was sobbing like a child in the pile of newspapers on the sofa.

She left and never came back. A car accident took her away, and his life could no longer find its focus. For the past two weeks, he has been like a walking corpse, unable to feel any emotion. Friends advised him to vent and mourn, but he couldn't help it because he couldn't feel sadness.

But in fact, it's not that he can't feel sadness, but sadness kills all his emotions, until this moment. Derek West bit his chin tightly, but the sound of crying still leaked from his teeth. He was in so much pain, his whole heart seemed to be torn to shreds, he couldn't even think, and despair overwhelmed him. At this time, Derek West realized that she had left, his dearest her, forever.

Evan Bell's cold voice still echoed in the moonlight like water, "At this moment, I just want to get drunk so that I can be freed from my pain, and I just want my bitter self-esteem to be like drifting rain, from Peeling in my eyes. Tonight, I just want to cry."

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