Great Artist

Chapter 700: Crimson Harvard

700 Crimson Harvard

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Evan Bell's 2004 kicked off in silence, and Evan Bell, who devoted himself to the post-production of "The Notebook", continued to disappear in front of the media. To this end, Eleven Studios announced that Evan Bell will be absent from this year's Golden Globe Awards ceremony, and the subsequent Grammy, Oscar and other award ceremonies will see the situation. That's hardly good news for fans and journalists looking forward to seeing Evan Bell on the red carpet.

However, media reporters firmly believe that Evan Bell will definitely attend the awards ceremony in February, because "November" will officially open on February 1 at the Saks department store on Fifth Avenue, and Evan Bell will not only appear at the opening ceremony. In the ceremony, it is bound to appear at the awards ceremony to work hard to boost the sales of the "Eleven" brand.

Halfway through January, Evan Bell still disappeared. In fact, the post-production of "The Notebook" is coming to an end, but Evan Bell has devoted most of his time to the adaptation of "Mysterious Skin", so he is still reclusive. .

"" became synonymous with Evan Bell in January 2004, and after the third week of January's Billboard singles No. 1, "" continued on and off. In the next three months, he won four more championships, accumulating five weeks before and after winning the championship. Such momentum is enough to show that although this single has insufficient sales bursting ability, its durability is enough to make all singles envious.

Who would have guessed that the eighth single from the album "Two" would burst out with such amazing energy, even less so than "Desperate (us.nst.the. released last July. inferior. The "Bad Day" in the early stage was not obvious, and the sales even made people think that Evan Bell, who had not been publicized for a long time, was weak, but in the end, with the accumulated word of mouth, it became the first choice for radio songs after entering 2004!

Unexpectedly, "Bad Day" won the recognition of ordinary listeners with the excellent artistic conception in the lyrics. The single's online downloads and total radio-on-demand sales have remained high. And those listeners who are not Evan Bell fans also fell for the song. If "Ent" put Evan Bell in the ranks of top singers, "Bad Day" has allowed Evan Bell to expand his audience base in all ages.

Outstanding performance on the Billboard Singles Chart and placed in the Adult Contemporary Singles Chart category, "Bad Day" runs from the second week of January to the first week of June for two full It has been difficult to find opponents for ten weeks, and it completely dominates this category list. It wasn't until the summer break that the single's momentum waned slightly, and it was fully realized that even if Evan Bell didn't release a new album, he was still a part of the music market that couldn't be ignored.

Evan Bell stretched, the adaptation of "Mysterious Skin" is almost done, and he is thinking about how the final scene should be arranged. At this time, Evan Bell has long since stopped reading the original book. The content of the original book is very clear in his mind, and he hopes to express the last scene of the movie from his own perspective.

Evan Bell remembered the last scene of "The Notebook" not long ago, and he used a medium shot to leave a deep aftertaste, which is a good idea. However, "mysterious skin" is more than just "aftertaste", there should be something more profound. Evan Bell thought about it for a while, and felt that it was a good idea to pull the medium shot from the close shot, then the long shot, and finally the black screen. It is somewhat similar to the ending of "The Notebook of Love", but it has a more profound flavor.

I conceived this picture in my mind, and finally Evan Bell decided to adopt this picture. When he finished typing the last line, Evan Bell suddenly felt a sense of relief. It took nearly fourteen months to complete the script. Mainly because there is no previous experience in writing scripts, Evan Bell has to conceive the picture and plot direction in his head, and then convert it into words, which is not an easy task. With the first time, I believe it will be much better in the future.

After a stretch, Evan Bell only felt the muscles in his back and shoulders tighten, and now the whole person stretched out, making people want to groan comfortably. At this moment, the phone that was thrown on the sofa rang, and Evan Bell ignored it. After stretching and stretching completely, he walked to the sofa and took the persevering phone. up.

"Hey, Mark, what's the matter? Isn't it winter vacation now? Why did you think of calling me?" The caller was Mark Zuckerberg. The two of them don't talk on the phone often. They are not the kind of friends who like to chat. Most of the time, we only get in touch when something happens.

"Evan, I have a proposal now, and I want to ask your opinion." Mark Zuckerberg said straight to the point with a machine gun.

"Tell me." Evan Bell glanced at the apple on the table. There is no one at home. Catherine Bell and James Frank have arrived in Paris. Go ahead and prepare. Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson are busy preparing for the first "November" store, which will officially open early next month. Evan Bell was considering whether to eat an apple. Anne Hathaway's expression of forcing him to eat fruit came to mind every time. Evan Bell smiled, picked up an apple and took a bite.

"Do you remember the program I wrote last time? Compare the looks." Mark Zuckerberg went straight to the subject, and Evan Bell responded, "Remember, emash." This made Mark Zuckerberg Berg was satisfied, Evan Bell did not forget, and he was sure that he had not found the wrong person, he then quickly said, "Yes, this is the program, which has been very popular at Harvard in the past two months."

After Mark Zuckerberg created the emash website, in order to get the rosters of other dormitories, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Olsen even sneaked outside the dormitory, secretly connected the network cable, and then successfully stole it. After the roster, the photos of the twelve dorms at Harvard University, a total of ten dorms, were compiled by Mark Zuckerberg into the emash website.

It was Sunday, November 2nd, and that afternoon Mark Zuckerberg started running the emash website on his internet-connected laptop. The Q&A on the homepage was written by Evan Bell, "Will we be admitted to Harvard because of how we look? No. Will others judge us for how we look? Yes."

Mark Zuckerberg sent the website link to a few friends, then stated that he just wanted them to try it out and make suggestions. But after people start using it, they can't stop. One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, emash quickly became a hit in an undisclosed state.

The judging site quickly became popular among students and caught the attention of Harvard University's journal, the.harvard.

Although the Harvard Crimson's review sternly rebuked Mark Zuckerberg's behavior, calling it "appealing to the most vulgar ethos of Harvard students," their reporting also showed this to some extent. The enchantment of the program: "The eccentric senior who squinted and the charming character of a chapter in your medieval manuscript—click! Your roommate and the young man in the Annenberg cafeteria who keeps staring at you— Click! Two of your best friends who are equally outstanding - is there any hesitation, click, click, click to choose! Evaluate people around you with simple standards like this without directly facing any judges, we Harvard students of course will be fascinated by it.”

It was, and it was fun.

Crimson is the color of Harvard, many buildings are dark red, Harvard's sports team is called Crimson, and the "Harvard Crimson News" also represents the official speech of Harvard University, representing the love of Harvard teachers and students for the pursuit of learning And perseverance, as well as the incomparable glory and self-confidence of Harvard, an ancient and prestigious school. It can be said that the "Harvard Crimson"'s attention to emash has further promoted the website among schools.

Chris Hughes, a **** student who lives next door to Evan Bell's, was delighted that his photo was ranked as the most attractive boy on emash within the first hour of being noticed. Of course, he also got all his friends to follow the site, and those students started logging on to the site.

By the time Mark Zuckerberg returned to his room at 10 p.m. after a busy day, his laptop was already dead because of the influx of emash users. But classmates living near Mark Zuckerberg weren't the only ones who noticed emash. Two women's groups—Latin American Women's Issues ( and Harvard Black Women's Association (n.of.harvard.k.en) ) began to protest against him. They believe the site is grossly insulting to women, and they demand that the school ban the site immediately.

Then, Harvard's computer services department quickly took action and shut down Mark Zuckerberg's website at about 10:30 that night. By the time UU Reading closed, more than a thousand students had visited the site and voted on nearly 30,000 photos.

If things only stop there, then the problem is not too serious, after all, the access of a thousand students is still manageable for Harvard University, and now that the website is closed, it will not expand its influence.

However, afterward, Harvard's management committee responsible for discipline and discipline convened all the students involved. It's worth mentioning that Evan Bell's name was also mentioned during the investigation - because in a way, he and Mark Zuckerberg came up with the idea for this site, but management When the committee called Evan Bell, it was Teddy Bell who answered the phone. He said that Evan Bell was filming the "Love Notebook" and could not go at all. More importantly, when Emash was launched, Evan Bell was not at school at all, which could be regarded as alibi, so the management committee finally had to give up.

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There will be an update after twelve o'clock for a while, and there will be a super explosion at the end of the month. I hope everyone will support it, hehe!


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