Great Artist

Chapter 679: lead acting

679 Leading Acting

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Evan Bell left the director's seat, a symbol of power on the set, and walked over to Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, "Karen, can you bring a hairpin over with Rachel's suit. Book mí group 4∴⑧㈥", watch the latest update of this book Evan Bell first called stylist Karen Wagner.

Afterwards, Evan Bell turned to look at Ryan Gosling, "Ryan, you still haven't let go, warm up again. Imagine, before this meeting, you forced the first meeting in a threatening way. The point is that you like this nv child very much, so how should you feel now?" Evan Bell did not express his thoughts on the scene, but the background of the whole scene. , the mood needed to roughly map out, and let Ryan Gosling come up with a solution on his own.

Acting, if you just learn other people's acting skills, it is very difficult to surpass the predecessors. Acting must be learned from theoretical knowledge, and then combined with your own experience and experience, only then can you have a unique performance. Even in the school, teachers teach students to learn, but it is impossible to follow the mold in a strict manner.

Therefore, Evan Bell prefers to use a guiding method to achieve the purpose of making the actors comprehend, rather than a hand-to-hand teaching method. What's more, Ryan Gosling was a very talented actor. To this day, Evan Bell still remembers Ryan Gosling's brilliant performance on stage during the "Sniper Phone Booth" interview.

After listening to Evan Bell's words, Ryan Gosling stood there and started to think, Karen Wagner just came over, Evan Bell pointed to the hair on the right side of Rachel McAdams, "Here was walking just now. When it’s time to block the camera’s line of sight, don’t get up.”

"Evan, but if you don't have it here, you'd better don the other side, otherwise the look will be a bit nondescript." Karen Wagner exited and looked at Evan Bell with an embarrassed expression.

Evan Bell nodded, "Don't get up and try it out. If it doesn't work, think of a way." Then Evan Bell ignored Karen Wagner's job and looked at the obedient standing where she was. Rachel McAdams, who was waiting for her hair to be trimmed, said, "Rachel, you are too stiff. When you smile, your facial expression is too restrained, and your eyes are not enough. Your eyes have been floating in the camera just now." It was the first scene. Although the scene was not difficult, everyone was still a little nervous and did not enter the state. 9vk. starter

After seeing Rachel McAdams nod to confirm, Evan Bell turned back to discuss the composition of the picture with cameraman Robert Faris. When it comes to picture composition, this is a strength that Evan Bell is very familiar with. Whether it is photography technology or architectural design, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of composition. So after Evan Bell said his thoughts, he and Robert Faris quickly reached a consensus.

After filming started again, the effect was obviously much better, but Evan Bell still felt that something was missing. After he called "ka", he did not rush to stand up to command, but sat in a folding chair and pondered. Now Evan Bell has no time to think about the mood of being the director for the first time. All his energy is put into the filming work. He doesn't care that this is his first time as a director. He only cares about being able to shoot. A good work, at least one that satisfies him.

In the filming budget, apart from the well-known special effects, scenes, etc., there is actually a huge cost that is always easily overlooked, and that is the cost of film. The film length of a 90-minute film is naturally different from that of a 120-minute film. During the shooting process, the more ngs are used, the more film is used. It is also a very large cost.

The reason why ng makes the director angry is because the expected effect is not achieved, and it also makes the producer angry because the cost consumption skyrockets. In addition, some directors, such as Wong Kar-wai, are always unrestrained in the use of film. He likes to shoot according to his own feelings. No matter whether the performance of the actors is right or not, he hopes to find the feeling he wants. This is normal again, and this is also one of the contradictions between the producer and the director.

Evan Bell is not only a director, he is also a producer, and the film is invested by Eleven Studios, of course, he will not blindly keep shooting to find the feeling. If he is really looking for feelings, he is only now serving as a director for the first time. It is estimated that he is looking for feelings for the whole movie and can't find them. Therefore, Evan Bell must know what he wants, what he is shooting, and be aware of the situation in order to rationalize the use of all resources to the greatest extent. He didn't want to spend a lot of money after filming a movie, and as a result he didn't even know what he was doing, it would be sad.

Evan Bell thought for a while and had an idea in his head, but it seemed that méng was covered in a layer of fog, but he couldn't say it. This kind of thought was really embarrassing. Looking back, Evan Bell found the figure of Mark Johnson and Teddy Bell chatting, and he waved, "Mark, Teddy, come here." He is not a self-righteous megalomaniac and needs help At times, he wouldn't be embarrassed.

Evan Bell saw Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams also come over, and waved the two to greet them, "You watch this scene, I always feel wrong, but the problem is not It's very clear." When all four people gathered around, Evan Bell clicked playback.

In fact, this part of the scene is less than a minute, because the close-up will be shot in separate shots later, so now it's just the first part. Evan Bell did not expect that the first scene shot after the start, a relatively simple scene in reason, would be so frustrating.

After watching it, everyone fell silent. The two actors were thinking about whether their performance was not in place, because Evan Bell didn't ask for it just now, but just said a direction; Mark Johnson also noticed something was wrong and was thinking. At that time, it was Teddy Bell, a mén foreigner who suddenly said, "You don't think Ryan..." Teddy Bell's words attracted the attention of several people around, especially Ryan Gosling, Teddy Bell -Bell paused, as if looking for an accurate adjective, "A bit negative, not lively enough. Especially Rachel is so sunny, and in comparison, Ryan doesn't seem to be so positive."

Evan Bell was instantly delighted, and snapped his fingers on his right hand, "Teddy, you are a genius." Then Evan Bell turned his head to look at Ryan Gosling, "Ryan, Noah is this character. It is very different from your previous works, and I think you are very clear about how it is different. The point is, you should be cheerful, no matter what the mood in your heart is, Noah, this boy, is generally sunny, cheerful and positive. "

Ryan-Gosling has acted in four works before, "The Believer", "Murder by Numbers", "Deadly Identity", and "Lee Lan's America". The characters of all these films are relatively dark and relatively depressed. And Ryan Gosling's paranoid, twisted, dark acting is also appreciated. But the problem is that Noah in "The Notebook" is not. He is also a persistent person, but more of a persistent yearning for love. His whole person is positive, bold and enthusiastic. Noah is closer to Ryan Gosling's own personality, but when Ryan Gosling enters the state of acting, he is still used to being paranoid, which makes the color of the corners dim and not bright enough.

It's not that Ryan Gosling didn't have a good understanding of the diagonal, but he made the mistake of getting used to xìng. His performance just now was actually very good, showing the entanglement, tension, shyness and expectation of a young man who has fallen in love. It came out, just because Noah's mood at this moment is still relatively negative - because he is waiting for the judgment of Ellie's own dating invitation, so the most fundamental trace of Ryan Gosling's heart has not recovered. Come on, so the contrast of the picture is not normal. Before Evan Bell became a director, he was first of all a very talented actor. He was very sensitive to the psychological changes of characters, so he realized that something was wrong.

Under the reminder of Teddy Bell's mistake, Evan Bell was awakened and instantly understood the problem.

After Ryan Gosling listened, he was lost in thought while standing beside the monitor. Evan Bell knew he needed a little time, so he didn't rush, turned his head to Rachel McAdams and said, "Rachel, the second time just did a good job, but I think if you add a little joke Psychologically, it will be better.”

Rachel McAdams also came back to his You mean, do you have a little bit of catching mentality? "She saw Evan Bell nodded, so she bit down and began to ponder.

Seeing that Evan Bell was finally busy, Mark Johnson said with a smile, "Evan, the actor who plays in your work is very lucky." For actors, it is possible to meet someone who knows how to use actors and how to play actors. It's not an easy task for a director who even knows how to train actors' acting skills. If you can meet a director who can train your acting skills, or bring out the acting skills that actors are good at, it may mean that the awards season is dawning. And Evan Bell, the actor who is known as the first person in the new generation, has now become a director, which is indeed a good news for many actors.

But Evan Bell shook his head, "Mark, if I'm standing here to point out the acting skills of an actor like Tom Hanks, it's not a self-inflicted humiliation."

Mark Johnson laughed, "No no, Evan, you have to know that on the set, if the producer and the director are on the same side, then the actor has no ability to resist. If you have any scruples about the actor. The director is another matter, but you, I don't think you will worry about the actors being disobedient."

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