Great Artist

Chapter 649: 1 song relieved

Evan Bell is always good at capturing inspiration in life, integrating his own understanding of life into songs and expressing them in various musical forms, so his songs can always easily touch people's hearts, because it is not only Evan Bell's life experience is the life of all listeners. "I'm just looking for a shortcut home, but it's complicated, it's all too complicated."

When Evan Bell sang this lyric, Catherine Bell's heart moved slightly, her nose suddenly became sour, and an uncontrollable emotion came to her heart. The sentence "too complicated hits the bottom of her heart. Katherine Bell has always known what she "should" do, but when she saw Edward Schmidt, she couldn't tell whether it was William - Bell was another person's face, so she was disturbed. Catherine Bell knew that she shouldn't be like this, and she was flustered and disappointed with herself, so she ran away. Now, Evan Bell's The phrase "too complicated" fully sang out Katherine Bell's inner confusion.

Life has never been "simple", even the life of ordinary people has its own complexities. Adults have the troubles of adults, children have the worries of children; the rich and the poor have different needs; men and women have different thinking... The complexity of life makes us exhausted.

Evan Bell's voice is mellow and hoarse in the strong wind at midnight, which is different from the usual clear hoarseness, just like a cup of warm *coffee, pouring a strong aroma into the heart, making people feel any resistance. Evan Bell is good at many genres, but he has always been a rock lover. This time, he chose rock again, but it is not the "roar of catalyst, nor the atmosphere of "ent". Evan Bell chose lyrical rock this time, integrating the bard-style rhythm and blues into the guitar strings, and completely released the rock toughness in the tones through the lyrics and emotional conflicts precipitated in life. -Bell's British rock temperament is delicate and moving, but it is not lacking in perseverance and masculinity. The most important thing is that the heavy emotion in the song is fully expressed, which is definitely a classic.

"Somewhere in this city, I know there's a trail that we used to find, but maybe never again. We've been in denial for so long, and now we're finally tired of trying, we've hit a wall and can't turn back , I can't let go for a long time, just like the gurgling water passing through the wooden bridge, you said that I understand, I think that's the only way

When Evan Bell sang the sentence "You said, I understand, I think that's the only way", Catherine Bell's emotions that had just calmed down suddenly collapsed, and her tears were like a flood that burst a dyke, Tears flowed down her cheeks in an instant.

"That's it, the original meaning of the phrase is to stay the same and stick to the original color, but it can have different meanings in different contexts. It can be a regret of "that's all", or it can be "that's all" To miss, it can also be the relief of “that’s it.” The emotion contained in a phrase is too rich.

The helplessness of life, in fact, we feel it all the time. When the lyrics of "That's it" exuded helplessness and relief in Evan Bell's moving voice, all the thoughts that had been suppressed in Catherine Bell's heart during this time burst out. She was panicking, afraid, angry, painful, worried, and tangled... But at this moment, all her emotions turned into tears. As Evan Bell said just now, isn't the sentence "that's it" not expressing this truth?

"I used to try to bury the pain, but you were crying because of me, and I couldn't stop crying. You were just trying to save me, but I lost you again. Now there are only lies, how I wish I could say it was just because I."

The lyrics sung by Evan Bell are actually telling the story of Catherine Bell, the story of 20 years ago and the story of now. Catherine Bell's inner struggle Although she has never spoken to her two sons, it can be seen from the fact that she has never said a word of "William Bell" or "your father" in her 20 years, she is injured, even if Twenty years later, the wound still hasn't healed. On the surface, she let go, but deep down she still hasn't let go. So, when Edward Schmidt appeared, whether he was William Bell or not, just that face was enough to knock all of Katherine Bell's protection to the ground, so she was confused.

When Evan Bell spoke again, the relief in his voice became clearer: "I guess it can only be like this, whether we are ready or not, what should come will come eventually, and we finally found that it was not what we thought. That way. If time can give us a chance again, what was lost can also be found

"What should come will come" is life. And the last sentence of the lyrics, it is all the vicissitudes of life. Catherine Bell's tears still flowed wildly, but the soothing firmness restored her inner peace little by little.

"I'm just looking for a shortcut home, but it's complicated, it's all too complicated."

This is the last lyric in the song. After Evan Bell finished singing, he did not speak, and the surroundings fell into silence. The dark night is like a soft silk cloth, slowly winding Catherine Bell, the quiet silence with silky softness spreads from the soles of the feet to the top of the head, the desolate cold wind opens all the pores on the skin, and collectively drills into the body , shivering slightly one after another. Catherine Bell could clearly hear her own heartbeat, from chaotic at first to slowing down to order.

When Evan Bell sent the time-precipitated voice into Catherine Bell's heart, even if it was just a lyrical rock, the slow rhythm was not as exciting as electronic music or drum beats, but the inner dàng rippling The ups and downs are like turbulent waves, and the emotion that surges in my heart ranges from sourness and pain, to peace and relief, to happiness and indifference, almost taking away the breath from the nose. It is an emotion that is enough to suffocate, firmly Surround Katherine Bell.

Catherine Bell suddenly opened her arms, hesitantly, but firmly, and listening to this song made her think, so she did. The open arms embraced the intense colors of midnight in Paris, and the cool and comfortable wind passed under his arms, blowing the clothes into a rattling sound, and the smell of freedom instantly filled his heart, and his whole heart opened up. At this moment, Catherine Bell felt that she might fly at any time, and Catherine Bell finally understood why her younger son always likes to travel, because it can make him smell [freedom], and now, She felt like she was gliding in the night sky, and the breath of 〖freedom〗 made her relax.

Evan Bell's words opened Katherine Bell's heart, but this song completely relieved Katherine Bell. What about Edward Schmidt, even if William Bell does come back, she can face it calmly, everything is in her heart, that's enough, isn't it?

"What's this song called?" Catherine Bell has always admired her younger son, but until today, she understands why so many people are crazy about Evan Bell's music, because that's life, that's emotion, that's what Own.

"'That's what Vin Bell said with a smile.

At this time, this phrase was heard in Catherine Bell's ears, and it also brought a taste of "freedom", some vicissitudes, some regret, some loss, some pain, some helplessness, but more of it was relieved.

"That's it." Catherine Bell repeated in a low voice, then lowered her head, wiped away the tears on her face with both hands, smiled, and said firmly again, "Yes, that's it." At this time Catherine Bell, really thought about it.

Looking at his mother's appearance, Evan Bell's heart couldn't help but let go, he breathed a sigh of relief, and murmured, "That's it, that's it..."

Raised his Evan Bell looked at Catherine Bell, "Catherine, is Edward Schmidt the one who insisted on giving you roses?" Evan Bell suddenly changed the subject, trying to I searched for the appearance of Edward Schmidt in my mind, is that his blood father? There is no special feeling, not even the resemblance on the faces. Evan Bell laughed dumbly.

"No. Edward Schmidt only knew me not long ago and said that he fell in love with me at first sight. The one who insisted on giving roses before was Dibbos Francis, a regular customer of Eleven Design's suits." Catherine Bell said briskly, The mood has clearly recovered completely.

Evan Bell raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "It seems that your suitors are very competitive. Enjoy, I'm really looking forward to seeing what tricks these two competitors will use to impress the beautiful. Miss Bell." Catherine Bell was immediately amused by her younger son's teasing, and a little shy. "I personally think that Mr. Francis is very good. He insisted on giving roses for so long, which is long enough. As for this Mr. Schmidt, it is not clear how long the love at first sight can last."

In Evan Bell's view, it doesn't matter whether Edward Schmidt is William Bell or just looks like him. Because he is only one of Catherine Bell's suitors. Catherine Bell, the one who has the power to decide, isn't she? ! .

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