Great Artist

Chapter 564: Do it with ease

Evan Bell took steps to the left of the stage, and the backing dancers dressed as six flight attendants came out. Evan Bell stood in the middle of the dance group and sang, "If you feel that you are rejected by the people around you, It should be noted that watching Broadway is no longer reserved for the elderly, all young and energetic middle school students, please pay attention, and sincerely invite you to come here to watch the play: it is no longer only for the elderly to watch!"

Cheerful tunes, lively singing, and Evan Bell's light dance steps made the atmosphere lively.

"The magic of Broadway is calling for young people." At this time, six more dancers in high school cheerleading uniforms ran out, slid from the left side of the stage to Evan Bell on the right, and entered another surrounded by Among the dance troupe, "Those young people who are drunk in school, call on everyone to learn more about drama: it is no longer something only the elderly can watch!"

Returning to Evan Bell in the center of the stage, he sang to his heart's content, "It suits the youthful 'American Idol', and they memorized all the songs in 'Grease'." Hear Evan Bell, the godfather of the draft. Self-mockery, there was a kind of laughter at the scene, "It is suitable for clear-headed business people, everyone is eager to have a good catharsis and leisure." Accompanied by the singing of Evan Bell. Six male dancers in gray suits and six men in fancy clothes appeared, lined up on both sides of Evan Bell, dancing the same dance steps.

"Don't let go of your 'The New Yorker'. Go make a good plan and choose your playlist. That's what's trendy." This time, the backing dancers who took to the stage under Evan Bell's singing were a group of The hotly dressed bikini girl suddenly made a low voice from the audience again, "There are so many wonderful things waiting for you, and your self-proclaimed friends to explore together: it is no longer only for the elderly to see !"

Evan Bell supported his head with his left hand and fell to the left. Six bikini girls supported Evan Bell. Then push hard. Just lift Evan Bell up. Lying on twelve palms was like a beach chair, and Evan Bell lay on it leisurely, still singing comfortably.

"It's the young people and the Jews, and the relatives out of town that you have to entertain! Of course, there are also the people who keep writing comments in the pitiful prison." Evan Bell released the left hand that supported his head. Then he counted the fingers of his left hand with his right hand, "There are also foreign tourists, babies and children, wealthy suburban people, and liberal intellectuals..." Then the audience saw Evan Bell's blank expression, "Well, in the end this group is actually young and Jewish. I don't even know what I'm going to say. Oh, yes! It's not just for the elderly anymore!"

At this point, Evan Bell was finally put down, and he opened his arms. He walked off the stage, "Am I right?" There was thunderous applause and cheers from the audience. The 6,200 spectators at the scene were all the most loyal Broadway groups. Naturally, the content of the singing couldn't be more favorable.

Evan Bell took the microphone from the side of the stage, walked down the stage steps, and said, "Thank you. Wow. Do you feel the youthfulness in the air? Look at this place, it's all young people. "

Evan Bell walked down the aisle into the audience. "Angela Lansbury," said to a classy lady on the right side of the aisle. The British actress, who voiced the 1991 version of "Beauty and the Beast," won over seventy-seven years of her life. She won four Tony Awards and two Oscar nominations, "You really feel smokey." Evan Bell looked at her beautiful figure under the black evening dress, "Are you sure you didn't have surgery? ?" The audience burst into laughter.

Evan Bell then took two steps to the side, "Steven Colbert!" The Emmy-winning comedian and comedy celebrity on a current affairs show, "You're really young, very young. ." Stephen Colbert is 39 years old this year, "Uh... I'm not wrong?" Even Stephen Colbert himself burst out laughing, in fact, he is known as a cold-faced comedian of.

"Look, look, young people here are really everywhere." Evan Bell looked around, as if looking for the figure of the young man, and then waved in the distant direction, "Anne-Hay Servi, this is definitely a young man." Anne-Hathaway stood up from a distance and waved, the two of them were at least fifty yards apart. Evan Bell couldn't help wiping the invisible sweat on his forehead, as if he was glad that he finally found a young man, and the laughter came again.

"Rachel McAdams, young man; Payne Lecce, young man..." Evan Bell began to call names in the audience, although Evan Bell and Payne Lecce were not on the right track, but this did not Influenced by Evan Bell to promote the Tony Awards, this year Payne Lecce was nominated for the Tony Award for his outstanding performance in "Oklahoma". "Sienna Miller, young man. God, these people are so young that no one even knows their names." This joke made the audience burst into laughter immediately, and everyone was happy.

"James Earl Jones..." This black actor, who has performed in "Star Wars" and "The Lion King", is one of the most successful black actors in American history, "Oh, at night Well, thank you for coming." James Earl Jones is seventy-two years old. The laughter at the scene was once again connected.

"Wow, look who this is, Bōji-Xiaosi." Evan Bell seemed to have discovered a new world. Bōji-Xiaosi, the 38-year-old actress who was hailed as the eighth wonder of the world by Hollywood in the 1980s, also had an affair with Michael Jackson at a young age. "You are really beautiful and unusual. I think I will put you in the ranks of young people. Stephen Kerber should not have an opinion." Evan Bell teased Stephen Kerber just now, and Bōji-Xiaosi is only one year younger than Stephen Colbert. So, the laughter broke out again, almost drowning Evan Bell's voice. "Do you have any comments?"

Bōji-Xiaosi took the microphone, "When I walk on the stage, there are always a group of men who don't buy it..." She paused after singing, "I'm going to try again."

Evan Bell looked back at Bōji-Xiaosi, shrugged his shoulders and raised his eyebrows, and said "five, six, seven, eight" for bōji-Xiaosi to beat the tempo again. Bōji-Xiaosi sang again, "When I walk on stage, there is always..." As a result, she failed again, "I don't even know what I'm doing, God, the lyrics are really so many..."

This was apparently pre-rehearsed, with Evan Bell interviewing Bōji-Xiao Si, and then she sang a line. It's a pity that Bōji-Xiaosi didn't memorize the lyrics. In the face of emergencies, Evan Bell was not in a hurry at all, and waved back to the audience, causing everyone to applaud and take the shot, "Five, six, seven, eight", once again for Bōji-Xiao Wire restarts.

Bōji-Xiaosi picked up the script she put on the seat, looked at the lyrics and sang, "When I walk on the stage, there are always many young men who like to read it, and one person even posted him on his blog. A picture of that."

Finally finished singing, Evan Bell took the microphone back again, "Very good, hard work always pays off." All the audience at the scene burst into warm applause, Evan Bell continued with a smile, "This is It's Broadway, and everything is live." Almost everyone at the scene was infected and burst into laughter.

"See?" Evan Bell took a step back towards the stage, but stopped in the first row of the audience, "As long as you come to Broadway, you will always feel at home. Look at these young people, Al- Pacino, you are not worthy of you for such a small activity, at least you are still young in my mother's heart." Amidst the laughter, Evan Bell took another step to the side, "Hugh - Jackman, countless women in the world have fallen for you, and even if you are here, who would be willing to give up Broadway? The Wolverine of Broadway!"

Everyone's laughter made Hugh Jackman stand up with a smile, "Do you have anything to say?"

"Broadway touches a place I've never touched, and I really love it..." The series of bold swear words in the middle made the scene burst into laughter again, while Evan Bell looked embarrassed "Is there any problem with the live broadcast?" The laughter rose and fell again, "Well said, well said, sir."

"Wow, I mean, it's really wonderful, it's really Evan Bell walked up the steps of the stage, handed the microphone to the staff next to him, a series of small steps I ran to the center of the stage and made adjustments quickly, and the dancers just now were all ready.

Evan Bell took center stage, "We've got a lot of Mormons, showgirls, high school kids, sailors, hip-hop dancers, dancers and nuns. And countless budget overruns facing spiders that burn to death. "This is another satire of Broadway's bleak status quo where the budget is now fake, and the constant investment is not getting the corresponding return. "So, whether you're from a red state or a blue state," referring to supporters of Republicans and Democrats, "a Broadway skylight is hanging over New York, come and be blown away by the show, you don't need to be old-fashioned to enjoy it. Because it's not just for seniors. Can watch, not only for the elderly, as long as you are willing to join this stage, the excitement can be doubled. Broadway, it is no longer only for the elderly to appreciate!"

The complex and gorgeous stage, Evan Bell's sing-song, made the atmosphere of the scene reach a climax. As the tune got higher and higher, Evan Bell walked to the front of the stage, greeted by thunderous applause from the audience, as well as the continuous whistle.

The Tony Awards, with Evan Bell's skillful performance, officially kicked off.

The outbreak broke out, the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket! By the way, add more later. ! .

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