Great Artist

Chapter 544: 2 hard choices

The importance of roles and movies is an eternal and unsolved issue. For example, "Pirates of the Caribbean", if there is no classic character like Captain Jack, is destined to be in the street; in turn, taking "The Mechanical Enemy" as an example, Will Smith's charm is above the movie, making the theme of the movie Not deep enough, and the final result was lower than 20th Century Fox expected.

Therefore, most producers and directors have their own preferences. For example, Tim Burton has a paranoid preference for Johnny Depp, and every cooperation between the two will inevitably spark endless sparks; For another example, James Cameron, he hopes that the actors can be integrated into the film and become an integral element of the entire film.

Alex Proyas is the latter, and he pays more attention to the overall style of the film. In the last 200 years of his life, Evan Bell once read a film review, which was devoted to Alex Proyas. That review believed that, in fact, Alex Proyas is very talented, whether it is "The Raven" or "The City of Shifting", they have made the essence of science fiction. It's a pity that Alex Proyas has always been bad at using actors and doesn't pay much attention to it, so both films failed to bring him enough reputation.

In the film "Enemies of the Machine", Alex Proyas put all his energy on the control of the script, but it was overshadowed by Will Smith, which caused the film to lose the essence of the original book.

However, "The Mechanical Enemy" still achieved good results. The box office of 150 million US dollars was not as good as expected, but it still earned it after all. It's a pity that everyone's eyes are focused on Will Smith, and Alex Proyas has become a dispensable character to the "Mechanical Public Enemy".

In his last life, Alex Proyas had no choice, and Twentieth Century Fox's official first choice was Will Smith. Then, Will Smith took over the script, and Alex Proyas had no right to refuse. In this lifetime, because of the rise of Evan Bell, Twentieth Century Fox gave the possibility of choice. Choosing Will Smith is a guarantee of box office appeal; choosing Evan Bell is an opportunity for both word of mouth and box office. Either way, Twentieth Century Fox has it all. So, as a director, Alex Proyas has the right to choose.

As far as Alex Proyas is concerned, he wants to work with Evan Bell. Not only because of Evan - Bell's great role in the film, but also because of Evan - Bell's personality: in line with Alex - Proyas's personal style.

In fact, it can be seen from Alex Proyas's previous works that he is actually similar to Richard Kelly, a director who is full of obsession with science fiction movies. Hope to be included in the movie. However, the sluggishness of Cvya films at the box office also doomed Alex Proyas's low popularity. This time, the director position of "Enemies of Machinery" is both an opportunity and a challenge for Alex Proyas. He hopes to get the help of Evan Bell to ensure the movie's box office appeal while establishing the quality of the movie according to his style.

So, it was that line, "Because I like it." Alex Proyas chose Evan Bell.

Evan Bell couldn't help laughing when he heard the director's words, "Mr. Proyas, if I will take on this film, there is only one reason."

Alex Proyas looked up to see the embarrassment still lingering on Evan Bell's face: persuasion had never been his forte. "Isaac-Asimov's three laws of robotics?" Sure enough, the conditioned reflex in his mind, a loyal fan of science fiction, proves this.

Evan Bell smiled and shook his head, "No, because of the director." Leonardo DiCaprio glanced at Evan Bell, and the eyes of the two exchanged in the air, both with smiles on the bottom of their eyes. , "Because the director is Mr. Alex Proyas. I am willing to take over this film." Whether it is "The Crow", "Moving the City", or the embarrassment, embarrassment and embarrassment of the chubby middle-aged uncle in front of him. Sincerity has become the reason why Evan Bell is willing to take over this script.

Alex Proaston's mood was relieved, and a relieved smile appeared on his olive-shaped face, "That's really great."

However, Evan Bell's words are not finished yet. It would be a good thing to be able to cooperate with Alex Proyas. However, it would be even better if some changes could be made to the script of "Enemies of the Machine" to deepen the theme of the film, which would not disgrace the famous three laws of robots. Of course, it would be even better if the quality of the movie was improved due to the changes in the script, and the box office and word of mouth were improved.

"Mr. Proyas, what I'm talking about at the moment is just a hypothesis." Evan Bell then expressed his thoughts, "I still have to read the script before making a decision, don't I?" In the entertainment industry, actors appear in works, The script is bound to be an important part. Of course, a director at the level of Steven Spielberg has an extraordinary appeal, with exceptions; and Johnny Depp's trust in Tim Burton, as long as Tim Burton calls, Johnny Depp will Unconditionally agree, this is also an exception.

Alex Proyas patted his big tuǐ, put down the knife and fork in his hand, and told Evan Bell the context of the script in detail. Leonardo DiCaprio and Giselle | Zhan Chen became foils, but they didn't mind, and listened carefully beside them. However, the attraction of science fiction to girls is still a little low, and Gisele Bundchen soon began to lose her mind, but she just didn't know what she was thinking.

Evan Bell listened carefully. There was still a slight difference between the plot and the "mechanical public enemy" in his memory, but it was not much. Evan Bell guessed that after he was determined to play Will Smith in his last life, he would not be interested in the male The setting of the protagonist has been slightly tweaked.

A commercial blockbuster, the plot is not complicated, even if the three major robot laws are used as the main line for packaging, it still seems weak. After a while, Alex Proyas finished his story. Evan Bell didn't speak immediately, but slammed the ring finger of his right hand and began to think about the career of screenwriting. Evan Bell tried it when he was six years old, but failed. But now, Evan Bell is no longer the layman who knew nothing. Evan Bell is now trying to adapt the script of "Mysterious Skin", and has gained a lot of experience, and the speed of writing the script is also speeding up a little bit. If it weren't for "Nine", it is estimated that the script of "Mysterious Skin" has now been adapted. So, for the screenwriter, Evan Bell still has a little experience.

"I have some opinions on the script, you can listen to it." Evan Bell's answer is not surprising. Many top actors will comment on the script, including Will Smith. When the actor's qualifications and achievements reach a certain stage, he will make a cameo. The thing about filmmakers is actually not uncommon. Evan Bell's first film "Death Illusion" was produced by Drew Barrymore. And Evan Bell himself, has also achieved success in his production debut. Therefore, Alex Proyas did not speak, and stared at Evan Bell, making an appearance of listening.

Evan Bell is also not polite, "I think the male lead is too weak, which makes the plot too rigid and the theme is not deep enough. There is no problem with the world view of the film, the analysis of 'order and freedom, security and representation,' It's also very profound, but the lack of excavation of the male protagonist makes the plot itself and the characters lack a point of integration. This will inevitably lead to the fact that the plot returns to the story, and the characters return to the characters, and the movie itself needs to rely on the charm of the actors. Drive the angle. This is not a good phenomenon."

Alex Proyas himself participated in the adaptation of the script, so it is easy to understand Evan Bell's words. Leonardo DiCaprio sat next to him, and he also gained a lot. He saw it from Evan Bell: a new perspective to look at the script from the perspective of an actor, which is for his future understanding and role in the role. It's definitely going to help.

"The source of the male protagonist's dislike of robots was not explained clearly, which led to the lack of a source for the male protagonist's obsession." Evan Bell didn't beat around the bush, and put forward his point of view directly. "The direction of the film is because of the persistence of the hero. When everyone gave up resistance, only the hero persisted, and it was his persistence that saved everyone. But the point is, the source of the hero's persistence is What? What is the reason for his dislike of robots? Without explaining it clearly, the entire main line has become isolated. The result is: Why is the male protagonist so persistently suspicious of robots and disgusting ~No one knows. And the so-called happy ending at the end is even more inexplicable-”

I remember the classic film "Inception" created by Christopher Nolan in the last life. It is also a commercial blockbuster. "Inception" not only shocked the world because of Christopher Nolan's whimsical ideas, but also in the actor. The excavation of the film has also raised the theme of the film by a full notch. The hero's dedication to returning to the family and a series of reactions triggered by his guilt towards his wife make this simple commercial blockbuster also endowed with profound meaning in the theme.

Evan Bell believes that the same is true for the film "Enemies Mechanical". The source of the actor's beliefs must be explained clearly, so as to influence the direction of the plot, the quality of the script is bound to be much higher.

Alex Proyas was lost in thought, he was a little troubled. On the one hand, he knew what Evan Bell said was correct, which made him suddenly enlightened and understood the biggest flaw in the script; on the other hand, the script has been revised four times, and now it has entered the final stage of preparations. If the script is changed again, I don't know what the attitude of 20th Century Fox will be. This puts Alex Proyas in a dilemma.

Big companies and big productions are really troublesome. ! .

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