Great Artist

Chapter 533: standing ovation

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This is a moment that belongs only to Evan Bell.

Gu Yiduo's profile was outlined by the light, only the lonely perseverance remained, the soft hair no longer fit, only the decadent depression remained. "I can't keep making this movie, I can't get started, I can't stand seeing the camera roll anymore, I'm surrounded by difficulties, I can't heal. The problem is, the writers have lost control!"

There were bursts of low roars in Gu Yiduo's throat, like a dying beast, whimpering, but still with the ferocity in his bones, when the anger and despair in the words became more and more profound, the words between the words and the words became more and more profound. The rhythm begins to play a melody that falls into the abyss.

"I wish this had never happened, but we can start to reduce the damage from now on, knock the machine to stop it, and the crew can leave." Guydo decided to destroy all of this, and personally destroyed the establishment of his own of all this. He went and kicked the machine over, tore up the screen, and knocked down the shelf. All his anger erupted like a volcano, until the surroundings became empty and nothing.

"Going to find another genius, I'm incapable, I'm not a genius! I don't even know how to start. Help me, Luisa, help me, mother, help me, anyone... I never got anywhere in this place I've been here! Gu Yiduo can't find his way in the universe, Gu Yiduo is at a loss, Gu Yiduo has no suitable actors, Gu Yiduo is at the mercy of critics, Gu Yiduo is here alone..."

On the huge stage, there was only the lonely and thin figure of Gu Yiduo. He shouted in the open space, as if walking on a single-plank bridge. One wrong step is an abyss.

Guyido was completely in despair, he had completely collapsed, helplessness, fear, loneliness, sadness, grief, all erupted. In despair, like a self-mutilating beast, releasing all his life energy.

"Can't piece together a story, can't make a better sense! Hard to comprehend, hard to comprehend! How I continue to see my being, the plan ultimately fails completely. Have I lost myself and my dreams, has my life turned into a greedy one Game." Guy Duo walked back and forth in the middle of the stage in a hurry, he helplessly pulled his tie, pulled his hair, and even beat his head... as if countless pressures were about to drown and suffocate, "Gu Yiduo, I I can't bear this name! Guydo, **** of shit, who is Guydo! Guydo is alone, only Guydo. Guydo..."

It's just a figure standing on the stage...Guyido's majestic momentum covers the entire stage...All the light and shadow are shaking with his roar, the desperate howl standing in front of the abyss, in all The audience's heart echoed with endless voices. A person is a stage; a person, his performance is enough to fill the huge stage space, enough to fill all the emptiness of the entire theater, enough to make up for the emptiness in everyone's heart.

When the lonely figure on the stage shouted his name "Guyido" to the sky, disappointment, despair, anger, sadness, pain, loneliness, silence... All emotions broke out completely at this moment, turning the whole darkness into darkness The stage is instantly illuminated. But after illuminating it, it dimmed less than a second later... Only a lonely spotlight shone on the fragile figure.

Gu Yiduo seemed to have drawn out half of his strength, and knelt on his knees...with his hands on the ground, the long hair in front of his forehead was reflected on the ground, dividing the light into countless tiny fragments. His voice was full of ashes, "I destroyed everything, Mom." This handsome man was like a helpless child at this time, his voice was full of weeping, although the yīn shadow on the side... It's hard to see his expression, but his voice is the best paintbrush...depicts all the frustrations in his heart, "I destroyed everything...I, I...... I went wrong... One step, and then everything is destroyed. You are so far away from your goal, you mí lost, and then…………… you, mí lost.”

In the light and shadow, a tear fell out of thin air, radiating a dazzling light under the illumination of the light, and in less than a second, it fell to the ground and reintegrated into the endless darkness.

In the low cry, Guy Duo suddenly stood up, and the spotlight changed from a dark blue-gray tone to a bright spotlight. Gu Yiduo rubbed a hand on his face, and then used his right hand to comb his messy hair. When Gu Yiduo put his right hand into his pocket, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the darkness below the stage.

I saw this man, elegantly tying his bad tie, then tidying up his suit, and lightly lighting a cigar. That serious and meticulous appearance, as if the madness just now had never happened, but the silent stage at the back and the messy props still remind everyone that the collapse of Guyido just now really happened.

After finishing the packing, Guydo put the cigar in his mouth, took a deep breath, and said softly to the front, "I announce that there are no more movies!"

After he finished speaking, Guy Duo turned around and strode forward, the lights gradually dimmed, and the wine-red curtain slowly fell.

ended! The four-hour "Nine" is over! In the back of Guydo-Kantini's unrestrained and unrestrained back, it's over!

At the end of the story, Guydo finally realized his greed and self-righteousness, and announced that the preparation of the ninth film was officially terminated, and he would no longer deceive the audience, the media, and himself. Although there is no one to accompany him, at least he is no longer confused, fearful, and desperate.

When the curtain of the wine red color completely fell, the 800 spectators in the audience realized that the play was over.

Natalie-Bōtman was sitting in the middle of the second row at this time, and beside her was the male companion who came with her. Evan-Bell gave her two tickets at the beginning.

Unlike watching a movie, the location needs to be in the middle to be the best place to watch a movie. The tickets closest to the stage on Broadway are the most expensive - except for "The Phantom of the Opera", this Broadway has a large chandelier falling in the middle. It is a gimmick, so the tickets under the chandelier in the middle are the most expensive - because on Broadway, the more the front row is, the more clearly you can watch the performance of the actors, and the shock that hits your face is more real.

This is the first time Natalie-Bōterman has watched Evan-Bell's performance so closely. Although she also watched the "adapted script" before, Evan-Bell's performance in the movie is more of a precipitation The restraint that comes down is not even as direct as the explosion in the "sniper phone booth". But today, Natalie Bōterman clearly felt that Evan Bell's explosive power contained in the suit, as if the emotions rushing in the blood would burst out at any time, that kind of self-confidence in gestures made People are dazzled.

Although Evan Bell's appearance has been praised by many people, Natalie Bōterman still has to admit that she was shocked today. It’s different from being surprised by Evan-Bell’s erudition when he just met him, also different from being surprised by Evan-Bell’s investment in learning, and different from admiring Evan-Bell’s talent in music and movies. Just being blown away by the amazing charisma that Evan Bell burst onto the stage. Shocked, this word is still in Natalie-Bōterman's heart.

In a trance, Natalie-Bōtman even forgot the male companion who came with her, and just stared at the stage vigorously, applauding vigorously, expressing her own movement. What kind of love is this, what kind of love for the stage, acting and music, can it burst out such pure and surging charm. Natalie-Bōterman's eyes shone with brilliance, and a trembling slowly flowed through her heart.

Even aside from Evan Bell, in the entire play "Nine", the entanglement between Guydo and the seven women is delicate and real, and a lot of ink is devoted to the description of each emotional source. Songs are interspersed in the story, making the story more three-dimensional, vivid, and more convincing. Although the whole story is simple, it brings out all the charm of Guyido, and it is no wonder that there are so many outstanding women around him.

Costumes, songs, melody, dance, rhythm, plot xìng... No matter which aspect, Natalie-Bōterman thinks this is a successful play.

Suddenly, Natalie-Bō Terman remembered how she felt when she watched "The Phantom of the Opera" last year, and the show in front of her was definitely of the same quality as "The Phantom of the Opera".

Eden Hudson, Katherine Bell and Teddy Bell also sat in the second row. They know Evan Bell's musical talent, they also know Evan Bell's passion for acting, and they know more about Evan Bell's sweat on Broadway over the past is Katherine- Bell and Teddy Bell were on Broadway for the first time and saw Evan Bell perform for the first time.

In the past, Evan Bell had few opportunities to take the stage. Later, when he appeared in the "Cat" drama, the situation of the Bell family was really not good, so the family never supported it in person. However, today Kathryn Bell and Teddy Bell feel deeply that this is the stage that Evan Bell has fought for for ten years, and this is the stage that Evan Bell has fought for for ten years, even in the face of slander. Without losing the source of belief, this is the most incisive performance of Evan Bell's charm. They are not proud, but they are moved.

When the curtain fell, Eden Hudson didn't think much of it, he simply obeyed his instincts: stand up, applaud!

In Eden Hudson's view, there is no doubt that this is the most brilliant Broadway show since "The Phantom of the Opera" last year! This is not only his appreciation for his friends, but also his love for the show.

With Eden Hudson taking the lead, the audience all stood up one after another in an instant, giving the show "Nine" the highest praise on Broadway: a collective standing ovation!

The outbreak continues, and there will be an update later, please recommend, ask for a monthly pass, and ask for a subscription! Ming! .

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