Great Artist

Chapter 526: independent category

"Deadly Identities" is an independent film, no doubt about it. Eleven Studio's independent investment, low cost, niche themes, all elements of the film are showing that this is an independent film. However, after the film was released, the attention it received and the discussions it sparked proved that this film, as an independent film, has achieved excellent results beyond the scope of independence.

On top of "Film Review", the top-selling professional magazine in the American film industry, a special feature was made for "Deadly Identities", which included four film reviews including Chris Fair Punk, occupying five pages. Such treatment, even last year's box office champion "Spider-Man" has not received it, and it can be compared with movies such as "The Lord of the Rings" and "Star Wars". Such a solemn treatment makes "Deadly Identity" look nothing like an independent film that "no one cares about".

Chris Fairpunk's film review innovatively raises the point of... lethal identity, the best part of this film is the character building, and the meaning of the death sequence of the personality".

After analyzing the slightly weaker six personalities, Chris Fairbanks analyzed the other five personalities in more depth.

"Larry the greedy motel manager, Rhodes the hypocritical fake cop, Ed the good former cop, Paris the submissive prostitute, and Tim the resentful kid. West. These five people were left to the end.

Larry is another reflection of McCann's real father. Unlike George's cowardice, Larry is confused and unable to support his family. He hates his wife for relying on betrayal to provide her family, and finally chooses to abandon her, so he hates prostitutes very much. In the end, though, Larry died trying to save the prostitute Paris. Larry likes money, he'll be bribed by Caroline's money, and he'll try to steal Caroline's purse after she dies. Gambling, love of money, greed, this is a microcosm of McCann's father. In the end, Larry was shot by Rhodes, not Timsey. Perhaps, deep in memory, McCann didn't hate his father.

Ed and Rhodes are the two most important personalities of Weiken's adulthood, and they are also two extremes.

Rhodes is a typical evil personality. When McCann murdered him four years ago, it was the crime that Rhodes committed when he controlled him. Many people mistakenly believe that when McCann murdered, it was controlled by the personality of the little boy Timsy. In fact, it is impossible to analyze the causal relationship of the case. When the murder happened, the police in the real world successfully arrested Fatty, but in the personality world, under the influence of the doctor's drugs, the evil personality assassinated the real policeman during the escort, and then pretended to be himself. As a [police] identity. This difference can be found. In fact, Timsey is a primitive evil personality hidden in the depths of McKelling hún, and it is not easily discovered, including the doctor. And Rhodes is the evil personality that was split from McCann's real adulthood and acted on his behalf.

Ed is the offshoot of the good personality and the perfect image McCann has created for himself. Although Ed accidentally injured Elise, it can be considered that McCann's subconscious positive personality is willing to make himself believe that his murder was unintentional, but he has the courage to take responsibility and has the ability to protect the people around him. Ed left the ranks of the police because of his inner condemnation to show the difference between him and the fake police officer Rhodes. At the same time, he was the only man who was willing to treat prostitute Paris well. This personality is McCann's ideal for himself, but in the end it perishes with Rhodes.

The prostitute Paris, who was obsessed with washing her hands and planting orange trees, was an insinuation of McCann's real mother. She used her body to cheat money, and she was discriminated against and despised. She submits to her husband, to money, and to the sinful world. In order to survive, she is willing to submit to everything. But at the same time, she also hopes to turn her back on evil and return to Liu Ding in her hometown. Paris is not a branch of good, nor is it a branch of evil, but a complex complex. In Weiken's heart, the presence of a prostitute as the image of his abusive mother actually represents evil. However, Paris' wishful thinking to return to the right path expresses that McCann still hopes in his heart that his true mother will return. But from the ending, McCann believes that prostitutes don't have a second chance, so Timsy ends up eliminating Paris.

Finally, there is the reverse character of the movie, the little boy Timsey, who is an insinuation of McCann’s childhood with split personality, the so-called original sin of the beginning of all evil, all other ten split personalities are affected by this personality in childhood. The influence of parental bad behavior is slowly split and produced. In addition to the six personalities that died at the beginning, Timsey finally killed Paris, the personality that represented his real mother, which shows that McCann, who was abused by his mother, actually had a deep love for his mother in his heart. Expected, but never forgave his mother.

In addition, looking back on the entire movie, it is not difficult to find that although there is a doctor's drug intervention on the surface, in fact Timsey is the core character. Although George and Elise's car ran over Paris's high heels, Timsey's accident was caused by Elise's car. The serial murders that took place in the semi-hotel was planned by Timsey from the beginning: killing the female star and the new husband to blame the criminal, killing the criminal and the stepfather to blame the hotel owner, killing the new wife to make himself Fake death to stay out of the matter, thus avoiding the final trial conducted by the former police officer directed by the doctor. It can be predicted that this original sin personality who killed all the split personalities, after killing the doctor who treated him in the real world, those dead personalities will be resurrected one by one, and everything will return to the beginning...

Timsey's ultimate survival is not only the recovery of the original sin's evil personality, but also the beginning of another sin cycle. This is the most real purpose of the screenwriter. The personalities of inferiority, self-esteem, sin, cowardice, numbness, greed, hypocrisy, kindness and obedience have all disappeared, leaving only deep resentment. After resentment is reintroduced into reincarnation, a series of negative personalities will again breed.

McCann-Rive, he has always been full of sin, and the prison van parked on the side of the road is a new beginning. After this special issue of "Film Review" came out, it sparked a heated discussion, and the magazine's sales reached an incredible figure of 600,000. You must know that today, when the Internet is gradually replacing paper media as the main reading tool, The average monthly sales of the magazines are 400,000 bō, and it is worth celebrating when it reaches 500,000. As the number one selling film professional magazine in the United States, this issue of "Film Review" won 600,000 sales and became one of the top twenty film magazines. The highest-selling issue of the century, which is beyond the expectations of the editor-in-chief of the magazine.

In fact, the New York Times, not only "Film Review," which published a Neil Darcy film review, also had its highest sales since July 2002.

In addition to writing the analysis of the film, Neil Darcy wrote in a brief review of the film, "The plot of the film is well-structured, the plot is coherent, and the ending is unexpected. It can only be described as "classic and classic, and the whole film is very classic." There is no place where you can let go of your psychological defenses. It is full of weirdness and suspense everywhere, especially the fear of dying one after another without finding the murderer. The unexpected ending is perfect. From the depressing beginning, to the suspenseful theme, and the final thrilling ending, this is one of the most exciting movies of the year! "At the same time, Neil Darcy also agreed with Chris Fairbank's point of view on "reincarnation"" "The poem that reappears at the end echoes the opening. In addition, this also shows that McCann-Rive will continue to Personality split begins, and it is estimated that the first person to split will be the fake police officer Rhodes, driving a police car on the road to escape."

"Variety" thinks "a wonderful suspense movie, Evan Bell brings us" sniper phone booth, and later, "Deadly Identity, this masterpiece." The Los Angeles Times commented that "it seems like Reading a detective novel with sound and color can satisfy your curiosity while satisfying the taste of being a detective, and at the same time omit the trouble of flipping the book. James Mangold is undoubtedly a very good storyteller. "

The Hollywood Reporter put the film together with classics like "Fight Club" in "another masterpiece of split personality" for a discussion.

The comment of "Meigu Weekly" is very interesting. "Evan-Bell adapted the script to "make everyone run after their own tails once, and this time they made everyone an idiot with a hidden murderer." "Comments think that Evan Bell once again brought everyone a surprise and laughter. For a thriller and suspense film, "US Weekly" thinks the film brings laughter, which is indeed quite unusual, making it difficult to distinguish whether it is praise Still criticism.

The "immaculate details" comment published by the Washington Na newspaper is the ultimate praise, but it will surely attract countless doubts.

There are also negative comments from "Vanity Fair" that "no disease shēn yin ~ ~ reasoning is out of order". "Chicago Readers" commented that "it's quite satisfactory, no surprises but no surprises, it's a movie to pass the time"

It's unusual for "Deadly Identities" to gain attention beyond the realm of independent films as an independent film.

As expected by Columbia Pictures, the topical character Evan Bell brought attention to the film, and Zaoying itself detonated the discussion, and the film market at the end of April and early May instantly became lively.

On Rotten Tomatoes, the film's freshness has reached 78%, and the score on imdb once rushed to a high score of 8.9, which can already touch the edge of the top 250.

It's a testament to the rave reviews of the film and the fact that more than 20,000 viewers voted, and it's a testament to the unusual level of attention this independent film has received. In addition, nearly 40 media have written film reviews, and the average score has also entered the threshold of seven points, scoring 7.1 points.

After the release of "Deadly Identity", it can be described as infinite scenery. So, what about the box office? What's going on at the box office for this indie film? ! .

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