Great Artist

Chapter 519: first production

Over the past month, under the shadow of war, the entire American entertainment industry has suffered a severe blow, just like the decadence after September 11. This time, however, the United States took the lead. The biggest impact on the entertainment industry is because people have focused their attention on the battlefield and spent their energy on opposing wars. Beyond that, the entertainment industry is still moving forward in chaos.

The holding of the Oscars is one of the phenomena. The continued popularity of "American Idol" is the second phenomenon. The movie box office and music sales are only slightly affected. The third is the phenomenon. When the US-British coalition forces officially entered Baghdad, the unease surrounding people's hearts finally calmed down a little, and the entertainment industry gradually recovered.

Just as the 75th Oscars wish to award the best picture to "Chicago", after the war has receded, people desperately need something cheering to lift their mood. If Oscar were to exert his strength at this time, the ratings would not be so bleak, and it is estimated that there would be no confrontation between Evan Bell and the Academy. Of course, the rebound in the box office of "Chicago" can also be seen that people's mood is gradually recovering.

While April isn't the peak season for movies, most studios are gearing up for the upcoming summer season. But in the current situation, film companies have their own considerations. They must revitalize the film market and let people go to the cinema with renewed energy. Only in this way can the summer season be brilliant. Therefore, even in April, when the news of the US-British coalition entering Baghdad came, film companies still adjusted their schedules and moved the films that were originally scheduled to be released at the end of March and then postponed to the theater, and a small number of films were scheduled to be released in May. Movies have also adjusted their schedules and are released a week or two in advance.

In an instant, the movie market, which had been silent for more than a month, immediately became lively.

Although veteran actor Jack Nicholson lost to the young and ambitious Adrien Brody at this year's Oscars, he still has a strong appeal. He teamed up with comedy comedian Adam **** and starred in "Anger Management". The audience brought joy, and the chestnut room, which accumulated 90 million in two weeks of release, finally rejuvenated the North American box office market.

Disney launched the movie "There Are Other Places", with "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", the "Bulletproof Monk" starring Zhou Tiaofa, the Spanish comedy film "Three Boats", the musical comedy "Song on the Wind" and Warner Bros. is also warming up for the summer season with the "Malibu Kidnapping Case", which makes the big screen lively.

Within many of Hollywood's top film companies, the competition for summer and Christmas is always approaching white-hot, and no one is willing to give up this piece of cake. Columbia Pictures is also in the mood for a piece of this year's summer box office battle. The sequel to the huge box office success the year before last, starring the action blockbuster "Counter-Terrorist SWAT Team" and "The Emperor" Will Smith The "Jedi Boys 2" ~ The first episode of this film won 140 million at the box office seven years ago with an investment of 20 million. These three films allow Columbia Pictures to have absolute ambitions for the summer season.

At present, in the face of the low mí brought by the Iraq War, Columbia Pictures naturally will not sit still, so they took the lead in withdrawing from "anger management" and successfully made the North American film box office see the light again. Later, Columbia Pictures thought of another important person. Evan Bell.

Evan Bell created the topic in the first four months of 2003. The best supporting actor sweep of the awards season, including the Oscars: Fashion Week was favored by Karl Lagerfeld, the fashion Lafayette: Berlin Film Festival's Great attention: The Grammy Awards swept seven awards: "〖Freedom〗 Tower" won the bid for the new World Trade Center building: anti-war declaration, refusing to attend the Oscars Aside from 2002, this year's Evan and Bell have already It's so bright that you can't take your eyes off it.

Columbia Pictures currently has a very important work of Evan-Bell: Evan-Bell's work "Deadly Identity" as a producer. The distribution rights for the film are held by Columbia Pictures.

Because of the theme, "Deadly Identity" is destined to not be able to do much when it is released in the summer, and because it is very esoteric, Columbia Pictures estimated that the box office of the movie is 40 million US dollars. The original "Deadly Identity" will be launched in mid-May. Now, Columbia Pictures feels that it can use the gimmick of Evan Bell to further break the dull atmosphere of the North American movie box office.

Therefore, Columbia Pictures immediately decided to advance the release of "Deadly Identities" by two weeks to the last weekend of April.

"Deadly Identities" was released on Friday, April 25th, just five months after Evan Goul's last film "Adapted" was released. It is worth mentioning that because of the influence of awards season , and it is still showing up to this day - now Evan Bell's new work is going to the big screen again.

According to the latest news from "Entertainment Weekly", Disney's hugely-funded blockbuster "Pirates of the Caribbean", which has been in preparation for more than 15 months, will also catch up with the upsurge of this summer. Everyone recognized that "Entertainment Weekly" is now Evan Bell's closest media. Even at the most critical moment of the slander incident last year, "Entertainment Weekly", under William Wood's insistence, never gave up on Evan Bell. Now "Entertainment Weekly" has become the most stable and reliable media for Evan Bell's sources. Not even the "News of the World" small "National Enquirer", which is omnipotent in gossip.

Therefore, the news from "Entertainment Weekly" is very real. It appears that Evan-Beldo 2003

The year's explosive journey will continue.

After the 75th Academy Awards ceremony, Evan Bell, who disappeared from the public eye, finally appeared again.

Next to the Times Square at the crossroads of the world in Manhattan, New York, you can see the theaters lining the broad and straight Broadway at a glance. In addition to Broadway theatres, cinemas can be seen everywhere. This itself is a place where tourists from all over the world gather, and it is also a bustling city center. There are many events held here, and there are countless premieres. At this time, on the right side of the entrance of the Broadway Cinema, in the northeast corner of Times Square, a huge white stage was built. There is a long red carpet on the right side of the stage, which connects to the stage from the edge of the square, and a relatively short red carpet on the left side of the stage, which connects to the Broadway Cinema. door.

The construction of the stage is not gorgeous, it is just a little better than the rudimentary level.

However, the surrounding crowd made this small stage the focus of attention. As many as 700 shadows surrounded the entire stage, and both sides of the red carpet were full of people. When tourists from all over the world saw such a grand event, they couldn't help but stop and look at the stage carefully, or choose to stay and watch the excitement, or move on.

Elliott Shite stood among the reporters with a slightly displeased expression, because the crowd behind him was constantly crowding, which made it impossible for him to stand firm and take pictures. For those old reporters who have experienced countless storms, there is always a way to achieve the purpose of taking pictures. It's just that Elliott Carter was really dissatisfied with Evan Bell's rapid rise.

At the opening ceremony of the "Sniper Phone Booth", the teenager who was ignored and despised by all the reporters has now grown into an existence that people need to look up to. Who could have predicted it? In fact, even after the slander broke out last year, Elliott Carter did not expect that Evan Bell would explode in the next eight months, after experiencing the bottom of the valley, with a jaw-dropping posture rebounded, and soared into the sky.

In fact, although the media now know that "Entertainment Weekly" and William Wood are staunch supporters of Evan Bell, the same media also know the entanglement between "News of the World" and Evan Bell, and also There are "Premier" magazines headed by Elliott Carter who always go to great lengths to throw cold water on Evan Bell. In a sense, Elliott Carter is also famous, known as the "Inverted Bell School". Just like the strategy of "premiering" at the beginning, the number of people singing praises is countless. Since Elliott Carter didn't like Evan Bell from the beginning, why not keep walking on the opposition position, and he can get attention and increase sales. .

The "Premier" strategy succeeded.

Elliott Tente is a journalist who became famous and depended on Evan Bell for a living. But for Evan-Bell, Elliott-Carter's initial impression set the tone. After that, Evan-Bell's uninhibited and full of life made Elliott-Carter dissatisfied everywhere: why do you Being able to live so freely and freely, I need to run around for a living. Therefore, Elliott Carter never had a good impression of Evan Bell. It was before, and it is now.

"God. That **** Evan hasn't appeared yet, can you stop crowding?" Elliot Shite muttered depressedly. He knew that there was no reason to speak to these irrational shadows, so he was not angry. , just muttering and complaining.

Looking back, Elliott Carter couldn't help but murmured complaining again. Looking at the situation, when Evan Bell appeared, it would not be a problem to have more than 1,000 people at the scene, and the crowd would definitely be enough.

"Isn't it just an independent film that has invested 7 million, and looking at the propaganda, it looks like it has invested 700 million." Elliot Shite obviously complained a lot. "This premiere is estimated to cost 7 million. It's gone." He thought viciously, the film was a box-office flop, and Eleven and Columbia Pictures lost everything. ! .

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