Great Artist

Chapter 515: sparring sword

Right and wrong, in fact, there is always a standard to judge.

Evan Bell refused to attend the 75th Academy Awards ceremony, as he told the media, "I refuse to attend the awards ceremony that was still singing and dancing three days after the outbreak of the war. This is my position. That's all." This is just his own personal position, and no other issues are involved. Even if Evan-Bell demonstrates, even if Evan-Bell incites a group of actors to withdraw from the Oscars, this is his [freedom]. At least, he didn't have a bomb strapped to him and stormed the inside of the Kodak Theater to protest the awards ceremony.

The old-fashioned forces of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences represented by Frank Pearson are not angry with Evan Bell's remarks, but Evan Bell's extraordinary actions and challenges to the authority of the Oscars. Anti-war, there are more people shouting anti-war slogans, and even the academy itself has an anti-war stance. However, others just shouted alkali, and Evan-Bell put it into action. As far as the academy itself, they don't like Evan-Bell, but they have no intention of pointing fingers at Evan-Bell's behavior. America is a country that pays attention to human rights, isn't it? Therefore, although the Academy was angry, the Best Supporting Actor Award was finally awarded to Evan Bell.

Evan Bell is not wrong, nor is the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, because it is not a matter of right and wrong, and neither side is on completely opposing positions.

It's just that the media's retelling made things out of control. Of course, this is what the media wants to see.

Since then, Evan Bell has refused to make any further comments, and has also refused all media interviews, including "Entertainment Weekly". Because Evan Bell has already said what he wants to say, what he wants to say, and what he should say. In the end, William Wood compiled an article on Evan Bell's position and published it in "Entertainment Weekly" to restore the incident.

Although Evan-Bell declined to be interviewed, it is naturally impossible for nearly 6,000 members of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to refuse interviews. Therefore, this confrontation was still hyped up by the media.

Producer Hawk Koch is an old school representative "I think Evan Bell is a pretentious asshole, he should calm down and see the truth. Of course, the premise is that he can't drink anymore." He thinks Evan Bell Just an alcoholic, drug addict, mindless young man.

John Lasseter, then the college executive, also sided with Frank Pearson. "It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, it's completely self-hype, can't you see it? He got attention, won awards, won He got everything he wanted. As a result, only our academy got hurt, we were the victims and we were the victims."

Sid Ganis, who is 63 years old this year, has a different view. "First of all, Evan Bell deserves the praise of the little golden man, which he deserves. Second, his statement is correct.

At the critical moment when the war broke out, our sight should be on the Middle East battlefield. The Academy originally thought that through a lively party, people could temporarily forget the pain of the war, but it turned out that we were wrong. "The results here, referring to the all-time low ratings." Evan made the right decision. Of course, this is his personal decision. I think he is very wise. "Sid Ganis has been on the board of directors of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for 21 years, and he is still the manager of several studios including Columbia Productions and Pyraméng Films. It can be said that the De-Ganes is considered a member of the old-fashioned forces, but at the same time because of his personal relationship, he also understands and agrees with the new-school forces.

It can be seen from Sidganis' speech that he supports Evan Bell. However, vaguely, he was still excusing the academy.

He successfully expressed his point of view while saving the face of the academy.

Tom Hanks, the second famous actor in history to win the Oscar for best actor, is also a veteran in the academy, but he upholds the middle way to Evan Bell's behavior "Evan just made his own He chose and did what he thinks he should do, that's all. Likewise, the Academy only made choices based on votes, nothing special. Don't make hype, Evan doesn't mean to oppose the Academy, the Academy is more There is no idea of ​​hitting Evan." Another veteran college member, Tom Sherac, is a representative of the new school, and he expressed his unequivocal support for Evan-Bell. "I think Evan did what everyone wanted to do. What I dare not do. When the war is on, no one really wants to watch the awards ceremony. On the one hand, the college wants to support anti-war and maintain peace, but on the other hand, it is reluctant to cancel the awards ceremony. This kind of contradiction does seem very ridiculous.” In time, various media broke the news in an endless stream, and the major media were completely swordsmen and swordsmen. At the beginning, the topic was still around Evan-Bell, about Evan-Bell's behavior and remarks. Everyone expresses their opinions. As expected, there are pros and cons and neutrals. interview,

〖Words are flying all over the sky, making a lot of noise. Even in the midst of the Iraq war, the entertainment news in this area is still very lively.

However, as Evan Bell dived, refusing any kind of interview, the topic gradually changed direction. At first, some members of the academy thought that Evan Bell was self-reflection and realized his mistake, and some media believed that this was a signal that Evan Bell was showing weakness. After all, no actor is willing to really oppose the academy, because the opposition will mean a bumpy road to the Oscars in the future.

But soon, the form changed again. The topic left Evan-Bell itself and morphed into a feud within the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences itself. The struggle between the old school and the new school has spread.

The old-fashioned forces believed that although the ratings of the 75th Oscars continued to be low, they finally made people forget the pain of war for a short time, and the awards of "Chicago", "The Pianist" and other films also well expressed the Academy's opposition to war position.

On the contrary, the new faction believes that no one will pay attention to who won the Oscar when the war breaks out. If it weren't for the Evan Bell incident, no one would know what happened to this Oscar. The fact is that the "New York Times" did a street interview, and more than 60% of the public only knew that Evan Bell won the best supporting actor, and other than that, they had no impression of this Oscar. Therefore, the new faction believes that Oscar needs to be reformed. It is not just a question of whether the 75th Oscars need to be held, but more importantly, the direction of the Oscars should be innovative and break the shackles.

It was originally a war between Evan Bell and the academy, but the war spread to the inside of the academy and became a struggle between the old school and the new school, which was shocking.

Unsurprisingly, this incident also caused a violent reaction among ordinary citizens.

In the "New York Times", "Washington Post", "Los Angeles Times" and other print media and Fox TV's investigation of this incident, more than 70% of the citizens believe that Evan Bell's move speaks out Americans' opinions Voice of the heart.

The Iraq War has just broken out for three days. Who else cares about who wins the Oscar? What theme does the award-winning film reflect, and does it matter at this moment? Not important at all. People don't even have the mind to walk into the cinema to watch movies, so why bother to pay attention to which movies have won awards?

At the same time, more than 70% of the citizens feel that Evan Bell's behavior is laudable, he has done many things that artists want to do but dare not do. Before the Oscars, many actors expressed their anti-war sentiments, but no one was willing to withdraw from the Oscars: because the golden statues are of great significance. And Evan Bell dared to risk the world, refused to attend the Oscars, and really did it, sent his anti-war signal to the Academy, the White House, and the common people with practical actions.

These citizens all believed that what Evan-Bell did was what they wanted to do and what they hoped to do. Because war is really not what they want.

About 20% of the citizens believe that Evan Bell is self-hype. His act of withdrawing from the Oscars earned him a reputation: he also won a statuette, and he also gained attention. It was all a ruse by Evan Bell, who managed to deceive all Americans. This part of the public thinks that maybe Evan Bell is against the war, but in fact he is still an entertainer who relies on the spotlight to eat, so he is still unreliable.

The remaining less than 10% of the citizens are neutral. They are not talking about the neutrality between Avon Bell and the academy, but the neutrality that has no opinion on the matter. They don't have the heart to care about other things. The war has already made people devastated, and they still have to What Evan-Bell, what academy, what Oscar, are just clouds.

Surprisingly, after this incident, Evan-Bell caused violent repercussions among ordinary citizens. They think that Evan Bell dares to speak and act, he is full of personality, and his stance is firm.

At the same time, Evan Bell's anti-war remarks represent their voices. "Top

This song has become a representative song under the background of anti-war under the rendering of the media, so Evan Bell's positive image has been rapidly improved. This is definitely an unintended result.

The support from ordinary people has made Evan Bell's anti-war remarks pick up again, and the anti-war wave in the United States has once again set off **.

The struggles within the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the academy's view of Evan Bell, and whether future Avon Bell Oscar trips will be affected, have instead become irrelevant.

Both the media and the public once again put all their energy into the wave of anti-war protests.

The outbreak continues, please subscribe! ! .

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