Great Artist

Chapter 442: return to the former residence

For the performance of "True Love Comes First", it is more appropriate to say that it is a cameo instead of participating in the performance. Although Mark, Pete, and Juliet are also one of the ten stories in the movie that cannot be ignored, there are not many scenes.

Evan-Bell, Keira-Knightley and others took only three days to complete the filming of all the scenes, and the speed was completely beyond expectations.

The filming process was also as expected, Evan Bell did not see Hugh Grant again, and the two did not have any intersection. Eden-Hudson heard some clips on and off the set, and it seemed that Hugh-Grant's convulsive syndrome had also subsided, and he did not bother the staff anymore.

Three days later, the shooting of the straight line of Evan-Bell was officially completed. For Evan-Bell, who has accumulated a lot of experience, this play is the easiest work for him to shoot at present, but it is very enjoyable. Not of Hugh-Grant's inexplicable hostility, of course, but a pleasant relationship with Keira-Knightley.

From the Langham Hotel, Evan-Bell skillfully took Eden-Hudson onto the subway.

As the birthplace of the subway, the London subway is the oldest underground transportation in the world. It is even older than Bōston. However, old does not mean inconvenience. In fact, the technology and management equipment of the London subway are very advanced. Much more convenient than the dilapidated subway in Bōston.

Because of the early completion, Evan-Bell's time is much more convenient. Today, he and Eden-Hudson are returning to their former home, their childhood home in Greenwich.

Greenwich area, people who like to travel always like to make it a place where the east and the west meet, because the Greenwich meridian is where the east and west hemispheres are divided. Many tourists always like to stand here across the meridian, claiming to dominate the east and west. Hemisphere, and then take pictures. The Greenwich Observatory is always full of tourists throughout the year and welcomes tourists from all over the world.

Naturally, the Bell family could not afford to live in such a bustling, noisy and expensive area. The Bell family was located on a quiet street three blocks behind the Greenwich Village Market. When passing through the village market, Evan and Bell discovered that fourteen years later, the place has been turned upside down. Even the second-hand market where the residents bought and exchanged items has now developed into a tourist attraction. It's still a cold January, and you can see all kinds of tourists in the market, old-fashioned turntable phonographs, lava lamps, second-hand can see it on the main street of the market.

This place is no longer what I remembered. I can only search for the pictures of the year from the houses on both sides. Even many of the houses have been renovated. It is difficult to piece together a clear image. I remember that Catherine Bell often held him when I was a child, and Teddy Bell obediently followed a family of three to the vegetable store to buy ingredients for dinner. Later, Catherine Bell did not have time to go home because she was working for others, so Teddy Bell walked on this road holding his hand.

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar house in front of him, Evan Bell was a little surprised that there was no change in this house. To be precise, it has also been updated, and it should be refurbished once in recent years.

"This is where you lived when you were young?" Eden-Hudson looked at the two-story building in front of him, and was surprised that the building in front of him was well preserved.

"Well, we live on the first floor, and the rooms on the second floor are rented out." Evan Bell walked to the front of the small building, although the surrounding things had changed, but the room remained the same.

No need to recall, the image in my memory is vividly presented in my mind. Teddy is chasing the ball in the yard. Looking like a daze...

And that stormy night, that fateful night.

Catherine Bell hugged Teddy and Evan in the corner of the sofa, shivering. The flimsy wooden door was knocked loudly. Evan-Bell remembered that it was a sharp female voice, like the sound of sandpaper rubbing, like Lucifer's death in the rainy night with thunder and lightning.

Catherine Bell tightly covered Teddy's ears with both hands, and then pressed Evan into her arms, not wanting them to hear the scolding of the woman outside. But Evan-Bell still heard it, because the voice of the woman outside the door was really hard to ignore. Even if the thunderstorm clattered, the woman's voice still passed through the paper-thin wall and entered his ears.

The woman was accusing Catherine of being a vixen and seducing her husband.

Evan-Bell knew who her husband was. He was the owner of the dry cleaners where Catherine worked part-time. That disgusting man bullied Catherine's orphans and widowed mothers. Not only did he find various opportunities to deduct Catherine's salary every month, but he also used words to molest Catherine all the time. Fortunately, the man had no courage, and never dared to do anything out of the ordinary to Catherine. But even so, Catherine's beauty still made the proprietress jealous and pushed all the hardest and heaviest work on Catherine. The scars on Catherine's hands were left at that time.

At that time, Catherine Belle had no other survival skills besides tailoring. There was no man in the family to bear the main source of income. She had to work to support her two sons. in the eighties,

Tailoring skills are very serious. Tailors rarely hire outsiders, and they are relatively strict in accepting apprentices. Catherine Bell seems to have never wanted to use her own tailoring skills, so there is only manual labor. This dry cleaner was the most lucrative of Katherine Bell's three jobs, and she was reluctant to leave this job.

Furthermore, Catherine Bell did not have the courage to resist. Although she mustered up the courage to choose Sirun, she was only a little girl in her early twenties who was oppressed by life, and she did not have the courage to create a piece of her own. sky. Therefore, Katherine Bell worked in the dry cleaners for nearly four years.

The reason why the proprietress at the door came to the door was because her man had not returned for three consecutive nights, and the sentiment that seemed to have been oppressed had finally overcome her timidity and burst out. Of course the proprietress meant that her man had come to Bell's house, so she came to confront him directly.

Of course the boss wasn't at Bell's house, but the lady boss didn't give Catherine a Bell at all to explain, and she was desperately trying to hold a kitchen knife in her hand. In order to protect their two sons, Catherine Bell had to hide in the bedroom with the children, and then called the police, waiting for rescue.

Evan Yibel clearly remembered that a flash of lightning flashed through the window, illuminating Yinsen's room with snow and snow, the tears fell from Catherine's face, her pale mouth was trembling slightly, she was afraid, she Trembling with fear. The light disappeared, and the whole room fell into darkness again. The woman outside the door seemed tireless, knocking on the door frantically, cursing frantically, the surrounding neighbors were woken up, everyone was watching this farce, But no one knew what to do.

Catherine Bell was trembling all over. The pressure of life had made her embarrassed and exhausted. Her only source of strength was her two sons. In order to protect her sons, she could give everything she had. So, even though she was shaking constantly, she still held her two sons firmly, protecting them in her arms with the warmth of her body.

Evan Bell thought more than once in the years to come, if, if his father, whom he had never seen before, hadn't left, would his mother be a little more relaxed: if, if his grandparents, who never showed up, were willing to lend a helping hand. , Mother doesn't have to face this situation: if, if he and Teddy can grow up quickly, and grow up sooner, mother won't be afraid anymore.

At the end of that night, without the blood of soap operas, the police arrived and took the crazy proprietress away. The next day, news came that the owner of the dry cleaners was found in a prostitute's house. He was intoxicated in Wenrou Township and did not return for three days, which led to a farce.

It is a by-product of that night, and it is also the first time Evan Bell has experienced the power of gossip. It can easily ruin a person's reputation that has been painstakingly managed for many years. Although the maddened roar of the proprietress was confirmed to be untrue, the gossip among neighbors,

The strange vision still defeated the last bottom line in Catherine Bell's heart.

When a person collapses, there are two possibilities. One is to fall into a slump and completely fall into the vortex of self-defeating. The other is to fight back and show unparalleled courage.

The source of their courage is known from the courage of the Bell brothers when they faced the defamation incident last July, and Catherine Bell chose the latter.

Break and stand.

Facing the dry cleaning shop owner's trouble and molesting again, Catherine Bell did not hesitate to use the ironing board to give him a heavy When the proprietress tried to fight, Catherine Bell took the lead and gave the other party first. With a slap in the face, he gave the sloppy belly a slap in the face.

After doing all this, under the stunned expression of the proprietress, Catherine Bell calmly counted her salary from the cashier, and then left the dry cleaners where she had worked for less than four years with her head held high.

After that, Catherine-Bell made up her mind that she must muster up the courage to open up her own world and work under others, not the way out. Staying in London is itself a kind of dependence on the familiar environment. If she does not get rid of this dependence, she will never be able to create a new world.

The event of the stormy night gave Catherine Bell courage, and the two sons gave Katherine Bell motivation. That's how fate changed at a fork in the road. From London to New York, started a new life.

Now, Evan Bell still thinks that "if" is just a change in content, if his father, who he never met, appeared, if his grandparents, who never appeared, helped him, maybe he would not have become a strong woman today. With Katherine and Bell, there is no longer the calmness of the Bell brothers.

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