Great Artist

Chapter 427: 1 novel

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Coffee is a very wonderful species, its aroma will always linger in the air, in the morning when the sun is full, in the afternoon when the rain is pouring, and in the quiet night, the rich coffee aroma is in the oxygen and carbon dioxide factors. He scurried up leisurely, and then let the aura flowing in the space become lazy and charming. Especially watching coffee beans turn into coffee powder, and then after brewing, from powder to juice, the aroma becomes stronger and stronger, and the mood becomes more and more calm, this process is already a kind of enjoyment.

The coffee beans from Bell's family are not of the highest quality. They are just a pack of coffee beans at a special price of 19 yuan and 9 yuan in the supermarket. Although the Bell family has been lifted out of poverty and become rich and well-off, they have been diligently and thrifty for the past 20 years. Now the family of three has no plan to splurge. . Therefore, coffee beans, which have a petty bourgeoisie complex and improve the taste of life, have never been paid too much attention by the Bell family.

Although it's just cheap coffee beans, Anne Hathaway watched Evan Bell's slender fingers busy, and the aroma of coffee lingered between them, even if it wasn't in the mouth, it made people drool involuntarily. The rain outside the window was still pattering, opening the floor-to-ceiling windows, the sound of rain falling clearly, the water vapor in the air became heavier and heavier, and the light and fluttering aroma of coffee made this rainy afternoon more peaceful and peaceful. Looking at the floor-to-ceiling glass where the water droplets are walking, it seems that you can see the time of the whole world passing between the raindrops.

"The aroma of coffee is really strong. It seems that I came just in time for afternoon tea." A familiar voice came from the stairs on the third floor. Evan Bell and Anne Hathaway turned their heads and saw someone coming , did not mean to stand up, but they all smiled.

"Michelle, your time is always so precise." Anne Hathaway said with a smile.

The visitor walked to the sofa and gave Anne Hathaway a big hug. He put the briefcase in his hand on the coffee table and looked at Evan Bell who was pouring coffee. Evan Bell made me coffee, and I think my colleagues would be envious of me, especially those female colleagues."

"It's not the first time you see me, so there's nothing to make a fuss about. If your colleagues envy you again, you can tell me one or two embarrassing things about me when I was a child, and they won't think there is anything special about me. That's it." Evan Bell poured the coffee, looked up at Michelle Hathaway, who had just sat down, "Add sugar and milk yourself?"

Michelle Hathaway took over the coffee, only to hear Anne Hathaway say with a low smile, "I was talking to Bei just now that we have known each other for fourteen years." Michelle Hathaway Servi, the eldest son of the Hathaway family, and the older brother of Anne Hathaway. He used to come to No. 11 Prince Street often before, so he didn't encounter any obstacles when he went upstairs just now.

"Fourteen years?" Michelle Hathaway was stunned, apparently not expecting that time passed so quickly. Thinking back carefully, Michelle Hathaway couldn't help laughing, "You two are both twenty years old, indeed fourteen years."

While speaking, Anne Hathaway had already added sugar cubes and milk to the coffee in front of Evan Bell. These tiny habits, they couldn't get to know each other better. Evan Bell picked up the coffee, "Didn't you say you need my help? What's the matter?" In fact, Michelle Hathaway had mentioned this to Evan Bell three weeks ago , but Evan Bell has never had time to go back to New York. This time, it happened that he needed to take a leave of absence from the crew. Evan Bell also told Michelle Hathaway, and this was the meeting today.

Michelle Hathaway put the coffee on the table and opened the briefcase she had brought with her, "It's like this, I have a novel here that I want you to read." Michelle Hathaway took it A book came out and handed it to Evan Bell.

Anne Hathaway saw that her brother and Evan Bell were going to talk about business, so she walked off the sofa barefoot and went to the opposite bookshelf to buy books. The last time I listened to Evan Bell's opinion and read more English literature, Anne Hathaway immediately fell into the world of those romantic words. Therefore, every time she comes to 11 Princes Street, she always likes to stand in front of the bookshelf and choose her favorite books. Until now, Anne Hathaway did not know why Evan Bell likes to read so much, including Katherine Bell and Teddy Bell, who also read books often, because books do have a charm that makes people go deep into them.

Evan Bell took the book handed over by Michelle Hathaway. The sixteen pages were not very thick, only about 300 pages. The cover of the book is very special, with donut-shaped Skittles in various colors on it. In the middle of the Skittles, there are two spoons stacked on top of each other, and there is a green candy between the spoons. On the top of the cover, "Scott-Heim" is written "Mysterious Skin" in white print.

Seeing the title of the book, Evan Bell was stunned, always feeling that he should read this book. I thought about it carefully, but I still couldn't come up with it, as if the answer was about to come out, but it was stuck at a juncture, which was really disappointing!

"This novel was actually published in 1996," Michelle Hathaway briefly introduced for Evan Bell, "but it was recently brought up again when someone planned to adapt the novel. But it came out. One problem, the author Scott is not very satisfied with the candidates for the adaptation."

"Adapted into a script?" Evan Bell turned the page, and followed the printed text with his right fingers, and the brush and ink were fragrant. This word always makes people feel the essence of the book.

I only heard Michelle Hathaway say "en", expressing affirmation, and then said, "You also know that adapting the script is not an easy task. Although some people are interested in the adaptation rights of the novel, this is a good thing, But Scott still hopes that someone can read and understand the essence of his novel." Hearing this, Evan Bell's mouth couldn't help showing a smile, Michelle Hathaway didn't stop, and then said , "I just want to see if you can introduce a better screenwriter and see if they are interested in adapting the script. In this way, Scott can also weigh whether it is appropriate to hand over the adaptation rights to that screenwriter."

Evan Bell was talking to Michelle Hathaway at this time, and dual-mindedness is not a good behavior, so he didn't read it carefully, just flipped through it. Occasionally, some sentences jumped into his sight, giving him a simple understanding of the novel. "Did you publish this book? The adaptation rights also came to you, right?"

Michelle Hathaway works in a publishing house, and he has published quite a few novels.

"No, I was just an assistant at the time." Michelle Hathaway shook her head, "But Scott and I are very good friends. When he found out that someone wanted to adapt this novel, he came to me. already."

"Oh..." Michelle Hathaway found that Evan Bell was distracted, making a long meaningless sound in her mouth, and looking at the book in her hand with a thoughtful look, he thought Evan -Bell was reading the passages inside, so he didn't interrupt.

Evan Bell was really distracted, because he remembered the novel, not because he had read the novel and didn't remember it, but because he had seen the movie, but didn't remember it for a while. No wonder just now that the name of this novel was so familiar.

"Mysterious Skin", this independent film is adapted from the novel of the same name. The film is about two laughing boys who were raped by a baseball coach at the age of eight. After this, one of the boys, Brian, couldn't remember the fact, he thought he was abducted and studied by aliens until he found out the truth. He wakes up in the basement of his home with a **** nose and no recollection of what happened or who he was with, the journey of his life. Another boy, Neil, chose to completely liberate his body. He became a male prostitute and had **** with almost every single middle-aged man in town. He depraved to sell his **, put on a mask of disguise, and indulge himself.

This film with the theme of child abuse, also contains elements such as love, AIDS, growth and pain, telling a moving and sad story. And what Evan Bell is most familiar with is the hero of "Mysterious Skin", which is one of his current friends, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. His stunning performance in this film has made loyal fans Unforgettable for a long time.

Evan Bell was impressed with the film, not only because of Joseph Gordon-Levitt's but also because the film tells a story of growing up, the kind that suffers from growing up The pain and scars of our life make our life go to different trajectories and become an indelible part of our life. I remember that Evan Bell didn't have much shock in his heart after watching this movie, but he had an aftertaste that could not be dissipated for a long time.

Evan Bell didn't remember it for a while just now, and it was just a little strange for a moment. Looking back now, the memory suddenly became vivid, and he could even recall the darkness in the room when he was watching DVDs at home, and the rock music playing in the hún in the film.

"Michelle, does Scott have any ideas for adapting this script? In fact, he can also participate in the adaptation himself, so that the essence of the novel can be preserved." Evan Bell's distraction was only for a moment, he He quickly raised his head and looked at Michelle Hathaway.

Michelle Hathaway gave a wry smile, "Evan, it's not like you don't know that whether or not to adapt the script to involve the original author in this matter also needs to be negotiated."

Evan Bell raised his eyebrows, "Is it a big company?" Producers of independent films are generally better at speaking.

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