Great Artist

Chapter 419: mystical quest

The noon sun projected down from the pattern of the carved window lattice, reflecting the shadow of broken gold in the shallow room. Looking out from the gap in the window, you can see the bare branches of the French plane trees, but occasionally you can glimpse the green ivy spread over the wall next to it, which brings a touch of warmth to the winter sun.

Catherine Bell was wearing a cream-colored knitted sweater at this time, with a wide collar drooping down on her right shoulder. With her busy hand movements, she could clearly see her good figure that had not lost its shape due to the passage of time. , and then paired with a tún denim kù, Katherine Bell's elegant curves are fully displayed in front of her eyes. For the convenience of work, she simply **** her golden curly hair, and occasionally a few strands of hair hung down, but it added a touch of style.

Catherine Bell is a beautiful woman. No one will deny this. Otherwise, the genetic genes of the two Bell brothers will not be so splendid. I am amazed at the temperament that has become brighter and brighter because of the precipitation of the years. Now, without the morning hours and nights at Eleven dry cleaners, without the oppression of life, and immersed in the career she loves, Catherine Bell has become more and more moisturizing.

I don't know if it's because of the relationship between half [Chinese] blood, Catherine Bell is not like most European and American beauties, because of the strong relationship of Horméng, precocious and easy to appear old. At this time, Catherine Bell, who was over forty years old, still had shiny and elastic skin. Even though the wrinkles on the corners of her eyes and forehead inevitably grew out, the charm of her gestures made Katherine Bell full of charm and at the same time she looked Much younger, saying that she is in her mid-thirties, is definitely believed by some people.

Since she heard a knock on the door just now, Catherine Bell naturally raised her head and saw that the two sons who had not seen him for a long time immediately put down what she was doing and greeted her, "Don't you have to rush to the crew today?"

Evan Bell gave his mother a big hug "come back to New York for something."

Catherine Bell hugged Teddy Bell again, looked at her two sons, and frowned, "Have you been too busy lately, why have you lost so much weight?" Catherine Bell squeezed Teddy Bell and lost weight down face. Teddy Bell has always been relatively sturdy. The recent busyness has made Teddy Bell less fleshy and firmer, so in terms of visual effect, he has indeed lost a lot of weight.

In the past, it was Evan Bell who lost weight, not only because of his heavy workload, but also because his stomach was not good, and his nutrient absorption was naturally inferior to that of Teddy Bell, so it was easier to lose weight.

This time, it was Teddy Bell who lost weight. Facing her mother's concerns, Teddy Bell couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. "Catherine, I only lost five pounds, I'm just tight."

Teddy Bell became the focus of Katherine Bell, and he realized the pain every time Evan Bell faced such a situation. In fact, in the mother's eyes, no matter what the state of the child is, she is always worried that the child will lose weight, get sick, and endure hardship. What's more, Catherine Bell has always known that the two sons are too busy with their work, and it is normal to worry.

Receiving Teddy Bell's cry for help, Evan Bell laughed happily beside him, but he did not let Teddy Bell continue to suffer, but said aloud, "Catherine, I heard that there is a suitor. , send huā to your door every week for two months. Don't you plan to share it with us?" In fact, Evan Bell was mainly curious about the suitor, so he helped to clear the siege, otherwise he would have to let Teddy Bell do it. Enjoy the attentive care of your mother.

When Catherine Bell heard the question from her youngest son, a faint blush appeared on her cheeks, not like the shyness of falling in love, but rather the nervousness of being mentioned by her son about having a suitor. Under the tension, Catherine Bell's attention on Teddy Bell naturally withdrew.

Watching Catherine Bell turn back to the edge of the workbench, Teddy Bell breathed a sigh of relief, he followed, and asked curiously, "What kind of person? I heard there are cards."

Looking up, Catherine Bell saw the excited expressions on the faces of the two sons. Teddy Bell was better, not too obvious, while Evan Bell was completely interested at this time, and he didn't dig it out. The stance that the secret never stops. Katherine Bell couldn't help laughing, maybe she felt a little fuss.

In fact, it is normal for Catherine Bell to be nervous. In her life, she had only been in love once, running barefoot and devastated, but now she does not have the courage to look back on that relationship. Once in love, Katherine Bell left her hometown. Twenty years have passed, and she has not had any contact with her parents. Just once is enough to be unforgettable. Not to mention, this pair of outstanding sons is the greatest wealth left to Catherine Bell in this love affair.

After the first love, Catherine Bell devoted her entire life to her two sons. Although when she was in the Bensenhe district before, more or less people tried her idea of ​​remarriage. But before because the two sons were still immature, Catherine and Bell refused, so there was never even a suitor or even an ambiguous beginning. But this time, it was different.

Today's Katherine Bell has regained a new life again, Teddy and Evan have their own careers, and she no longer has an excuse to escape love. Therefore, the suitor this time can be regarded as the first suitor of Catherine Bell in the past 20 years so solemnly, and it is normal for her to be a little nervous.

"I don't know who he is, and I haven't seen him until now." Catherine Bell's nervousness faded, and then she flipped through the books on the table and found a stack of cards. Evan Bell immediately couldn't wait. After picking it up, Teddy Bell also got behind his brother and looked at it together, "I looked at the card, and I only knew that it was a customer in the store. But he didn't have a signature or a special mark, so I really didn't know who it was. .I don't even know if the other party is male or female."

Evan Yibel turned over the card, and the font on it was slightly blocky. If the words were like a person, this person should be honest, but not rigid. This is a good first impression. "It must be a man. This font looks like it was written by a man. It can be seen that he often writes with a pen, and he will come to Eleven to design custom suits. He should be a calm and successful man."

"Dear Miss Bell," Teddy read the card as soon as Bell looked at the card, and then patted Evan Bell on the shoulder. "North, he calls Catherine Miss. Wow..." The two brothers cheered like children. When she got up, Catherine Bell's cheeks couldn't help but get hot.

"Catherine, shouldn't Hua call you a lady?" Evan-Bell winked there, seeing the lightness between Catherine-Bell's eyebrows, his mood couldn't help but jump up "It seems, either the man's native language It wasn't English, or the man thought Catherine was still a beautiful young lady."

"Luobei!" Catherine Yibell stared round her eyes, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

But Teddy Bell responded with a smile, "No matter what the possibility is, this man is very caring."

"I'm overwhelmed by your grace." Evan Bell continued to read while holding the card, and suddenly shouted "an unnamed admirer." The meaning of the name, from the beginning to the end, is just signed "an unnamed admirer" Teddy Bell and Evan Bell both sat directly on Katherine Bell's work table, with a gossip expression on their faces "Then Who sent this huā, didn't I show up?"

For these two living treasures, Catherine Bell really had nothing to do for a while, she just smiled helplessly, but looking at her moving eyes, the light of joy was constantly flowing and vivid.

Such a vivid and comfortable Catherine Bell, I haven't seen it for a long time.

"No, they were all sent directly by the staff of the huā store." Catherine-Bell was also a little depressed about this, and she still doesn't know who sent huā.

"Mysterious suitors, mysterious and gentlemen. That's exactly the beginning of a rom-com, isn't it?" Evan-Bell chirped, Teddy-Bell nodding smilingly behind him, and Katherine Yi Bell leaned on the chair with a helpless smile and "passively" listened, "Catherine, look, this man brings her here every Tuesday and Friday, so you can check the Depending on which guest has an appointment on Tuesday and Friday, it might be him."

"If he doesn't want to talk to him, why should I bother to investigate it?" Catherine Bell retorted to Evan Bell's idea, "Anyway, it's him who wants to pursue me, so I'm not in a hurry.

From Katherine Bell's words, we can see the origin of Bell's younger brother.

Teddy Bell immediately applauded, "That's it. If you want to pursue Catherine, let him be more active. Even if he meets him, Catherine may not like him. What's more, he only supports insisting on sending huā, and only two Months are nothing."

Evan-Bell also nodded in agreement, but after thinking about it, he went on to say, "We need to be careful when we go home. If Catherine goes out on a date, it's a small matter if there is no one at home: but if the family Someone, the two of us are uninvited guests, and that would be a total disappointment."

Evan Bell's teasing words immediately attracted Teddy Bell's cheerful laughter, as well as Catherine Bell's helpless eye knife.

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