Great Artist

Chapter 402: old love is dead

, the night is as cool as water, and the sea breeze is raging. Although the temperature in Los Angeles in November still does not reach the level of winter, it can only be regarded as autumn at most, but because it is close to the sea, the wind is constant, so whenever it falls at night, the temperature is always particularly infiltration.

After Evan Bell left, he did not go home directly, but walked along the empty road all the way to the east, only vaguely remembering that this was the direction back to the hotel. The strong wind was blowing hard behind him, making him move faster involuntarily. The gaps in the kù tube, cuffs, and neckline were unscrupulously pierced by the salty sea breeze, and the warm skin cooled down little by little, and it became cold until it was cold. I pulled the collar hard, trying to get back some warmth, but it didn't work, so I gave up, let go of the collar, and let the sea breeze continue to pour in.

Los Angeles in the middle of the night is still brightly lit, and the lights dotted with stars will embellish the whole night with prosperity and dazzling. Walking on the avenue, Evan Bell lowered his eyes and fell into his own thoughts.

Suddenly, there was a voice in my ear, "Hey, Bei."

Evan Bell's footsteps stopped suddenly, and his body swayed because the friction between his footsteps and the ground was too fierce. This voice was so unfamiliar, yet so familiar, the ring finger of his right hand began to burn again with severe pain, causing him to lose his mind for a moment. Twenty years later, in an instant, the scene changed, the night in Los Angeles faded a little bit, and the scene in front of me returned to November 11, twenty years ago.

Across the street, she and him raised their heads happily, waved to Evan-Bell, and shouted, "Hey North." Evan-Bell froze in place, at a loss, just raised his hand blankly and waved waved.

The horns in the city of Beijing kept blaring, and the old city wall with the yellow sand filling the sky above my head stretched infinitely in the corner of my eye. This is where he got into a car accident twenty years ago, and the same goes for the man and woman across the street. Gu Luobei stood in the same place, the soles of his feet seemed to have taken root, and he was at a loss.

"North, where are you going?" she shouted from across the street.

Gu Luobei looked down involuntarily. She and his hands did not hold each other, they just stood side by side. She pulled him over and Gu Luobei clearly saw the faces and expressions of the two of them. She and he are both old, and the wrinkles on the corners of their eyes and forehead are very clear. The street scene is still the same, but the people are not the people in the pictures in memory. It's like, it's like being twenty years older.

"You are still young, you are getting more and more handsome." She said to Gu Luobei with a smile.

Looking at the men and women standing in front of him, he looked at Gu Luobei with a displeased face and critical eyes: her smile was fake and a hint of flattery, and the years took away her youth and her simplicity and happiness. . All Gu Luobei's restraint, all embarrassment, all distress, all of a sudden vanished.

"Okay, everything is fine for me." Gu Luobei had a big smile on his face, the darkness in his heart gradually dissipated, and a little bit of gold was scattered. For the past 20 years, Gu Luobei, who has been unrestrained, unrestrained, and high-spirited, broke free from all restraints at this moment and was reborn. "What about you?" She looked at Gu Luobei's smile, a little dazed, he opened his mouth, but said, "I heard that you have made a lot of money recently, and your net worth is over 100 million.

"There was a strong sense of sourness in the words.

Gu Luobei doesn't think it's funny because the society is like this: Gu Luobei doesn't feel the need to be ironic, because when the other party starts to be jealous, he's ironing himself: Gu Luobei also doesn't feel the need to make a fuss, because the past is gone." Over 100 million? It's alright, just live at ease." She still looked at Gu Luobei attentively and affectionately, "Bei, do you have a regular girlfriend? We are not married yet." She pointed to He was beside him, and then exaggeratedly took a small step to the side, teasing with a smile. Hearing this, he glanced at her impatiently and muttered, "What can I do if I can't afford a house in Beijing." Gu Luobei looked at her, and what he thought was resentment, disappointment, sadness, pain, and disaster, It seems that they no longer exist, and he even kept recalling: what was her name? "Girlfriend? Not for now. You should enjoy your single day and a half." Gu Luobei's smile was indifferent and pleasant, but he didn't show off deliberately, just the faint alienation of an ordinary friend. "Then I'll go first, see you another day." Gu Luobei stepped forward, smiled and waved to the man and woman in front of him, and left calmly. The man complained from behind, "No more shopping. Go home!"

"What's wrong with you?" The woman's voice was drowned out by the sound of trumpets coming and going in the capital.

The severe pain in the ring finger of the right hand suddenly flared up again, and the surrounding scene deepened a little bit, and quickly changed from a sunny afternoon to a dark night. Evan Yibel blinked and looked again, it was still Los Angeles, it was still the familiar night scene, and the sea breeze was still raging.

Originally thought that he would never let go: Originally thought that if there was a chance to meet, he would be fiercely confronted with them. Only then did he realize that when two people are already strangers, no matter whether it is love or hate... they will all vanish... because the other person is just a simple stranger.

They won't gloat over the other party's embarrassment, nor will they feel sympathy because of the other party's situation, nor will they be curious because of the other party's current situation. A stranger is just a stranger, just a stranger who seems to be similar.

The most terrifying emotion in the world is neither love nor hate, but indifference. When even the emotion of hate is stingy, the word stranger is the most deadly and hurtful.

The happiest emotion in the world is neither love nor hate, but a stranger, because it is none of your business, no need to care, no need to worry, no trouble, just a stranger who passes by and never even meets.

Evan-Bell stood there, recalling for a long time, but couldn't remember her and his names, just like the faces of his parents in the past life, they became blurred, and only a silhouette remained.

After breaking free from the shackles in his heart, Evan Bell realized that the burden on his shoulders had disappeared. He's not sure if he can devote himself to a relationship again, but at least, he won't reject it now. This is already a big improvement.

"Oh God, what a peculiar thing it is to meet you again, when we were introduced to each other by friends of friends and we would smile and say, 'Yes, I think we met before,'.

At that moment, the rain poured down. Even soaking wet we threw a taxi over and we drove silently across the Brooklyn Bridge. At this point, you think I'm in a sad mood when I'm actually trying to recall your name. "

Evan Bell stepped forward, slowly moving forward, humming the melody of the cello, and then whispering the lyrics of the story, recalling the vision in the hallucination just now, and recalling the imprisonment that he could not break free for the past 20 years.

"Love's scars are like spots on my flawless skin, you tried to get into the depths of my heart and it didn't work. Now you can only see the beauty on the outside and regret all your mistakes. But you don't Too much will be lost, at most only lost time and a once-familiar face.

I choose to feel all the things of the past that are churning again, and you have no choice. I will send you a postcard with a message from the hut where true love lives. "

The humming of the song was very smooth, and the lyrics contained a touch of sadness, but a smile slowly emerged from the corner of Evan Bell's mouth, indifferent but relaxed, small but firm.

"I know life goes on like this, and you won't remember. I know life goes on like this, and you won't remember. But I will bravely say the secret I have to tell you: that you once It's everything I want to embrace, I give it all, I don't regret meeting you, I don't feel sad that it's over, I'm not sorry that there is nothing between us."

Evan Bell was playing this song in his mind, the sounds of cello, piano, guitar, and drums were clear and clear in his mind, and a complete melody slowly flowed out.

Relatively weak and gentle way of expression, the style of the song adopts the retro folk ballad and pop feeling of the 1980s, and the cello at the beginning makes the song cut a bit weird, the kind of weirdness that seems to be walking alone in the medieval ivy-sprawling castle , with a pale vampire-like whisper, slowly penetrated into the skin in the sad and mellow musical symbols of the cello. At first glance, it makes people feel goosebumps suddenly, very uncomfortable feeling.

However, after cutting into the main melody, the fit of the cello and the piano is as soft and smooth as dancing in soft ballet shoes, and gradually moves towards the spirit of the drum beat that gradually joins. But the low-mellow voice of the cello's signature xìng runs through the languid guitar strings, and still fills the melody with a touch of sadness, like the endless fog in the mountains, passing between musical symbols and staves. The sonorous piano sound, the bright guitar sound, the rich cello sound, and the fluttering drum beat are intertwined with each other, making the middle board's fast rhythm with a strong sense of suffocation. UU reading match Evan Bell's clear and indifferent moving voice brilliantly weaves the most charming chapter.

The lyrics clearly tell a story, which is straightforward, but with strong conflicts and contrasts, pulling away all the colors of the story world constructed by the lyrics, becoming pale and powerless, but full of emotion. Obviously sad, but with a strong vision for the future.

This is the most full-fledged song by Evan Bell since he wrote it. No matter it is the arrangement, the lyrics, or the artistic conception, it is a gentle and violent, peaceful dàng wave entwined with despair, quiet, clear,

Bitterness, the kind of deep and gorgeous beauty, the gentle and shocking melody, just like the brilliance overflowing from the crack of the door, the tiny light carries a touch of hope, which fully demonstrates the daring of Evan Bell. There is also a passion for music.

After thinking about it, Evan Bell looked at the dark night ahead, and the bright lights were guiding the way, and Evan Bell smiled, "Old love is dead (sdead)

). "That's the name of the song.

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