Great Artist

Chapter 316: Backpacking

The Rhine, Germany's "father river", is the longest river in Germany and the third largest river in Europe after the Volga and the Danube. This long river originates from the scenic northern foothills of the Alps, winds its way through the northwestern part of Europe, and finally empties into the North Sea.

According to legend, in the middle and lower reaches of the Rhine, there lived a beautiful girl next door Loreley. This girl from a poor family fell in love with a child from a rich family, just like in countless fairy tales. Therefore, every morning and evening, Lorelei will climb to the highest point of the cliff, sit on the top of the momentum, comb her golden hair, and sing moving songs, hoping that when the lover's cruise ship passes under the cliff, it can be made God saw her figure. Finally one day, the lover's cruise ship sailed under the cliff, and Lorelei jumped down from the mountain, burying the beautiful youth and hopeless love in the Rhine together. Since then, every morning and evening, people can always see Lorelei sitting on the cliff with an ethereal figure, combing her long hair, singing songs, deviously, like weeping.

This beautiful legend has another version in the poems of the great poet Heine.

The seductive and mysterious beauty Lorelei was cursed by a curse, and was forced to use her beautiful face and moving singing to attract boatmen on the Rhine River. Many boatmen couldn't concentrate on sailing well, and the boat crashed and died. To escape the spell, Lorelai finally jumped from a cliff into the Rhine.

Similar to the legend of Loreley Cliff, it not only tells the local people's love for Loreley wine and the beautiful scenery of Loreley Cliff, but also shows the poets and thinkers who were fascinated by the charm of the Rhine during the German Romantic period. Two Hundred Years of Rhine Romance".

On a small cruise ship departing from Mainz, there were only more than a dozen tourists at this time, and everyone turned their attention to the beautiful scenery on both sides of the strait. In the last row of the cruise ship, there was a man dressed in white with irregularly stitched short-sleeved sleeves, a pair of dark purple slim-fit denim kù, paired with a pair of sky blue round-toed flat shoes. There was a tall black backpack on the ground, and it was obvious that it was a backpacker's luggage.

The man wore a pair of huge sunglasses on his nose, covering most of his small cheeks, leaving only a thin layer of brown hair, as if he shaved a bald head not long ago, and then it grew out of nowhere. How long is the general, neat spirit. The corners of the slightly pursed mouth showed a touch of comfort, the right palm rested on the chin, and the slender fingers were casually placed on the cheeks, which was a bit leisurely.

This is the Evan Bell that the whole America is frantically looking for. After quietly leaving the United States in the middle of the night in mid-July, Evan-Bell made his first stop in Sweden, and then went all the way south, passing through Denmark, the Czech Republic, Austria and other countries, and after arriving in Greece, he recovered from Italy and Spain all the way. It drew a full circle on the grounds of Europe, and finally reached Germany after passing through France and Switzerland.

Leaving the attention of the media and the hustle and bustle of the stage, Evan-Bell felt that this journey could not be more fulfilling, which reminded him of the comfort of a road trip across the United States, a life he really enjoyed.

It is a blessing to meet new friends along the way, see different scenes, then part ways, meet new friends again, and embark on a new journey. Travel, you can create gods to make people enrich, you can create gods to make people calm, and you can create gods to relax.

After arriving in Germany, Evan-Bell walked all the way northwest along the banks of the Rhine. Although he made an appointment to meet in Cologne with a few new friends, Evan-Bell was in no hurry and stopped all the way. There is even a leisurely ride to board the cruise ship and enjoy the scenery along the coast.

Sitting on the cruise ship, the winding river channels are laid out in sight, and the crystal clear river water is mixed with refreshing water vapor. As far as the eye can see, the green vineyards are arranged in an orderly manner on both sides of the river, making people involuntarily swallow their saliva. Sitting under the grape trellis and enjoying the shade, with a glass of wine in hand, paired with fresh grapes overhead, is one of life's great joys.

Small towns with truss buildings and eye-catching small towns are displayed on both sides of the river. The Rhine River is worthy of being the father river of Germany. Countless lives and civilizations have been nurtured on both sides of this long river. Each small town has its own story, not to mention The majestic and towering ruins of ancient castles and palaces, these ancient buildings are dotted in the green mountains and green waters, quietly telling the smoke tip of history, as if there may be vampires living in that dark corner, and it seems that See the nobles of the Middle Ages gathered together for an elegant afternoon tea.

On both sides of the Rhine River, the centuries-old landscapes are integrated in nature. Listening to the sound of flowing water, you can even hear the history whispering in your ears. Once here was the battlefield where heroes swallowed mountains and rivers. Huā Garden, the humanistic atmosphere of the mí people flows through the deep and winding canyons.

A bay with clear water, a boat, and a layer of white mist. A small dwelling sits at the foot of the mountain, and a penny holds up to wake up the heavenly immortals.

This comfort, aside from the trivial troubles in life, still lives the most primitive happiness.

Backpacking all the way, Evan Bell saw the prosperity of big cities, even though the density of each big city is similar, but different cities still have their own unique colors: also saw the beauty of the town, that one A small town with winding bluestone bricks is like a castle in Andersen's fairy tales. Going to the Alps, icebergs, lakes, forests, and flowing water have become indelible landscapes in memory.

Along the Rhine all the way to the north, the silent vineyards and quiet castles have disappeared, the outline of the city is a little clearer in sight, and the large oil tankers and freighters on the river are even more clearly felt, Cologne Not far away.

The sky was freshly washed, high and far away, and scattered white clouds floated quietly in the sky, slowly changing into different shapes. Under this crystal clear blue sky, all the scenes became extraordinarily clear. Not tall Gothic roofs often have small shutters on the attic, ivy creeping up the walls, tall oak trees on both sides of the road, roses and tulips blooming in the altar in the center of the street, and the asphalt road that disappears at the bend not far away, A transparent watercolor.

The wide Rhine slowly runs through Cologne, dividing the city atmosphere from east to west. Standing on the Deutsches Bridge overlooking, you can make a **** to see this huge industrial city at a glance. Although there are some new buildings in the new area in the east, it is very reasonable and harmonious with the old city in the west, and there is no sudden jump visually. This city seems to have been designed 2,000 years ago, and it will only be built according to the unified blueprint in the future. On the west bank of the Rhine, the azurite Cologne Cathedral shone in the morning light, solemn, solemn and sacred.

In the fourth largest city in Germany, Evan-Bell saw Cologne Cathedral, the tallest twin-towered church in the world, as well as the ruins of the Roman era. He could also see the road painter copying the ground with colorful chalk. The famous painting, just on the first day of arrival, made Evan Bell fully experience the saying that "you have not been to Germany if you have not been to Cologne".

At dusk, I randomly walked into a small bar near the hotel. This is a bar with a history of more than 200 years. There are not many customers during this time. Two old ladies and an old man, Evan and Bell are tonight. Fourth guest. Picking a place at random to sit down, the old people raised their heads slightly, with sincerity and kindness in their eyes, but they did not disturb the tranquility in the evening.

"Good evening," Evan Bell said in fluent German. Please give me a roast pork trotter, a mashed potato, and a stout beer. Thank you. Practice is always the best way to learn a language. Along the way, Evan-Bell only used German and French to converse. Even if it was difficult, he never used English. Coupled with a good language environment, Evan-Bell can now use two languages ​​proficiently. .

"Son, you should have come to Cologne a few months earlier, or a few months later. Now is not a good time for Cologne," said the old man kindly.

Evan Bell smiled. He knew that Cologne's annual carnival began to warm up in November and would last until April of the following year. This was the busiest time in Cologne. Although there are many tourists in August, it is not a good time to integrate into the local area. The old man also heard Evan Bell's proficiency in German, and then he exported the suggestion.

"Cologne is always a good place to go, although the carnival is lively enough, but now the people of Cologne also make me feel the kindness here, don't they?" Evan Bell's words made the three old people and the shop owner laugh.

At this time, the background music of the bar was actually the songs "Night on the outskirts of Moscow", "Katyusha" and so on from the period of the Great Patriotic War of the former Soviet Union. Path doesn't have any grudges. Just like after the defeat of World War II, Germany readily apologized and admitted its mistakes. That natural and calmness made people have a clear favorable impression of the Germanic nation.

The tranquility of the dusk is slowly flowing, and time seems to stop moving forward at this moment, and a little bit of yellowing becomes a postcard of memory, which is quietly treasured in the depths of my mind. Travel, you can create a **** to feel the breadth of the world, and this indifference will make people grow up quietly.

"Crackling..." A series of old door knocking sounds came, and the five people in the bar looked back subconsciously, and the person who came foolishly nodded, and asked "Good evening" in a strong London accent. Then I looked around and saw Evan Bell sitting at the table of four, with a happy expression on his face, "Evan, you are finally here." . ! .

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