Fang Ping took the lead in rushing over and faced Lin Xuan directly. With a punch, Lin Xuan first blocked a few times with his arm 3.

3, but found that the people around at that time did not take the opportunity to greet him.

At the moment, he thought that they were trying to use the wheel battle to exhaust himself, and then when he stopped just now... he thought of using the method of exhausting his stamina to exhaust the opponent's stamina one by one.

This way, you can win easily.

Chapter 779 ━ Money

I didn't notice it before.

When I was at home, besides.. what else did I do to help Zhile add firewood? Seeing that it was about to be cleaned up, I cheered loudly.

Show her the second brother.

Glad to see that really doesn't help, so sorry to stop here.

Second Brother really needs help.

"Brother Jin Yun, you don't have to bother to cook by yourself.

I'll... send it to you in a moment."

Huanxi left in a hurry.

"Oh! No need.

Lin Xuan parted ways with Zhijun a long time ago.

Jin Yun smiled and stood in the yard.


Happy to lead Brother Wu to his booth.

Both brothers are very busy and it is time to start lunch.

more people eat.

Zhien and Zhile just took the time to say hello to their fifth child, and they were busy driving.

This time I'm used to doing this, seeing a bunch of bowls of dishes.

Then he went to work consciously.

After this stubble is done, there are four people sitting idle.

District is preparing lunch for his family.

Happy to make him alone again.

It is estimated that Kim Yoon's brother is in a hurry.

They always eat much later than others.

"Nice to come over for me!"

Zhijun felt that he could not stand it and had to talk to her.

"What happened to Angkor"

Lin Xuan said.

Zhijun narrowed his eyes and said, "To be honest, what plans do you have for Jin Yun?"

Happy Confused: "Try I didn't try"

"Really isn't it? Why did you miss Lan when you were young?

Is Jin Jinyun's beauty so beautiful?"

Ji-joon believes she is a ghost.

Staring at the old street with happy eyes: how to say, Angkor, I am still a child! How can you tell the children these words "happy, how can Zhi say it"

Ji Eun said unhappily.

Zhi said anxiously: "Second brother, you don't know.

Concentrate in front of you and smile like an idiot.

It is a virtue to meet a good son in the street with a Duntu woman.

Lin Xuan stopped for a moment.

Angkor said she smiled like an idiot.

Isn't she ashamed in front of Brother Yun? What should I do? "Second brother, do I really look like an idiot?"

She was generally happy and aggrieved.

"Bullshit, my family is the happiest.

Your fifth brother is talking nonsense! Ignore him,"

the second brother said.

Lin Xuan heaved a sigh of relief.

Turning his head, he was anxious to know that this was a serious truth: "My five 55 brothers, brother Yun and I are both diligent, this is for grace.

The ancients said that the grace of dripping water should be reported to Yongquan, not Yongquan.

Mention it as a life-saving grace.

"Happy to do the right thing, you will know Entubao.

Let's be your brother Jin's dinner together, and you'll give it to him."

Zhien expressed 000 agreement.

"Thank you, brother, you are so kind."

Lin Xuan slapped at the right time.

Zhijun was speechless and rolled his eyes again.

He didn't care if he didn't eat, just because he was worried that Jin Yun would not be able to attend the meeting.

"Happy meals are ready, please give them to your brother Jin Yun!"

Zhile cried loudly.

"Okay, I'll go now."

Lin Xuanhuan responded quickly.

Pay attention to the meals that Brother Liu prepared separately.

Happy to send it to Brother Jin Yun.

"Get up, Brother Jin Yun opens the door! I'm happy to bring you food,"

Huan Lin Xuan shouted.

Chapter 780 ━ Change of Face

The door slammed open: "Brother Yun, are you at home?"

It got stuck and didn't say a word.

The old man looks at Brother Jin Yun in the bathtub.

Not knowing what to do, Jin Yun was so frightened that she stood up from the bucket, thinking she had no clothes to wear, and sat down quickly.

Can't help but bother him why he's lazy and not locked but someone who lives alone would lock the door on purpose! It's still day.

"You go out for me!"

Jin Yun's eyes were ecstatic, he stood still, like a wood, his face was dark, and his tone was bad.

Lin Xuan went back to God and said, "I'm sorry..! I'm sorry..! I didn't mean that.

Brother Jin Yun, I, I,"

After a while, I ran back and closed the door.

Of course, she was still a child and accidentally beat someone to take a bath.

A little embarrassed, but no big deal, but she just saw clearly the two kinds of anger in Brother Kim Yoon's eyes, and the tone with scum! It doesn't feel good! What should I do! What should I do if I die suddenly! Kim Yoon brother is taking a bath.

Oh no no no, she forcibly broke into someone's home and watched them take a shower.

But she saw nothing! She swore, anxiously rejoicing in the yard.

I can't think of a reason for this at the moment, I just want to run away before saying it.

Jin Yun's face turned black like this just now, let's dispel our anger and apologize to you! Xuan Xiyi moved the stool, leaned it against the wall, stepped on the stool, thinking about climbing up the yard wall, and then said the same way back! "Lin Xuan, stand for me!"

Brother Jin Yun said that when he heard this voice, you can imagine that he was gnashing his teeth! He happily stepped on the chair with one foot.

And you dare not move, your back feels cool.

I told you to run away first, but it's not a duty to be a human being.

If you dare to provoke, you must consciously accept the anger of others.

Although she didn't mean to.

Lin Xuan was like the wood in the yard until his legs became numb, and then Jin Yun's brother slowly walked out of the house.

Happy, I dare not look directly at others, I only peek out of the corner of my eyes, hehe! The clothes are neatly dressed and the hair is perfectly combed.

Even his face was so dark.

Brother Jin Yun, I'm sorry... I didn't know you were taking a shower.


Jin Yun's face darkened for a moment, and he said coldly: "How did you come in? He squinted happily and squinted at the wall honestly: "..climb up!"


Jin Yundao said.

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