I have known him for many years, worked a lot, and have never encountered such difficulties, but Lin Xuan has never thrown paper balls, ripped open books or shouted "Mother's End" like I should

"Arc de Triomphe"


Lin Xuan suddenly jumped out.


The two didn't seem to understand.

"Arc de Triomphe"


Lin Xuan repeated: "It is also located in District 8, high enough and only a few kilometers away from the villa.

Just be on it, use it as a distance point and kill the Val'kyr! The people must have figured it out!"

Sanchez and Lin Xuan looked at each other.

The former thought Lin Xuan was joking: "If you give up on yourself, wouldn't that be the case? Do you know how many tourists there are? Do you want to climb the ladder in the crowd and board the Ba Yue News?"

"Of course I don't want to, but as long as I'm fast enough, nobody's going to find it."

Lin Xuan understood Lin Xuan's intention: "Are you sure?" Not sure, but do we have other options?

"The gangster who really changed the color of US negotiations."

Sanchez understood what he meant, and said it in a semi-serious and sarcastic way.

"Honey, let me down"

The woman was lying in the arms of a man, and the man shook his head sadly: "No! You don't want to die, I do.

I don't want you to be "darling."

The woman smiled and stroked the man's cheek, "I love."

"ladies and gentlemen."

The TV screen suddenly switched to a white background, and a masked man was speaking in French using a voice changer.

"I'm Moss.

My host and I found a group of 10 super-loving people living around the streets of Ba Yue, trying to destroy Ba Yue.

There are also people from Love Life Investigation Bureau and CIA also in Hunter's City, some or some people, so before their riots start, please let all ordinary people go back to their homes and lock their doors and windows, but don't Panic, the police and the Civil Guard will keep you safe.

0 People in the coffee shop panic.


"Why Security Intelligence Service Personnel Are Fake"

"what should we do"

Franklin asked in a low voice.


Lin Xuan ordered briefly.

Dai Gao.

"what super big"

"Love life"

Avenue Saint-Michel.

Chapter 677 ━ Good

"What, what, no, no, no!"


Lin Xuan first held up the gasoline can and towel: "If my mother always gave me gasoline on my head when I was a child, then I wouldn't be a lunatic, but now I can only kill people!"

"Don't torture with water!"

Lin Xuan ignored Mr. Li's cry, kicked the chair tied to the chair, and covered his face "Zero Zero Zero"

He put on the towel, and then madly poured: gas! "Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Mr. Li shook his head so as not to drown in the gasoline.

When the two-liter fuel tank fell by half a barrel and Mr. Lee was about to suffocate, Steve said, "Okay, don't drown him."

He stopped, put down the chair, and took out the towel.

"The darkness is terrible!"

Steve whistled to Mr. Lee, who was speaking in a low voice: "Okay, can you tell me the characteristics buddy? Why didn't you ask me earlier, Val'kyr, that I know the Valkyrie!"

Mr. Li seemed a little confused, "I installed her home theater!"

"Hurry up, hurry up and tell us what she looks like, such as height, weight, hair, age, etc...!"

They shook hands and shouted, now that he's sweating so much, time is life! "Medium, middle age, medium height"


Mr. Li said intermittently.

"Look, look, it's not difficult, it sounds perfunctory, but I hope it works!"

Then, Steve and the others called Lin Xuan and the others, "Anyway, medium, medium height! Let's see if this information is useful, because I think that's what most people look like? I hope the villa is fat or thin. the little guy!"

De Gaulle.

"Well, I might get to a distance here."

Lin Xuan put down the phone, but did not hang up.

Lin Xuan came over with a jet plane: "Lin Xuan, you do have everything they need.

It is convenient to have it.”

"Everyone's here, let me talk about the battle plan!"

Lin and the three greeted him and approached him.

"The four of us were communicating on walkie-talkies at all times.. First, I activated my ability and boarded before the CIA sentries responded.

Go to the top of the Arc de Triomphe and set up a range rifle.

Then, Lin Xuan, the others, and Sanche covered me with drones to prevent CIA agents from sneaking into me.

After I killed Valgeri and the others and flew down, Franklin and the others drove us to the embassy, ​​Steven they met and left! The three nodded often, and Lin Xuan told Lin Xuan about their characteristics: " It's just... middle-aged, middle-aged, middle-aged."


Lin Xuan widened his eyes.

"Don't say it makes any difference"

Lin Xuan was also helpless: "How do I know that I only told us over there! You can go up and see 3.

3 Look, maybe there's hope there."

Lin Xuan put the high-tech jet on his back, held the grips on both sides and read the operation method: "Swing left and right to control steering, slide up and down to control speed Left and right: swivel for swing control, up and down Control speed.


Lin Xuan and the others activated his ability and pressed the chest button.

"drag and drop"


Chapter 678 ━ Insignificant

This is a traitor.

I told Lin Xuan that Tanisha Richie was a traitor.

I'm so confused right now, I don't know who to trust! What should I do"

and stomping on each other, but no response.

So it looks like this guy might be a real traitor, but he doesn't say anything.

Wasn't he afraid of anything? Yes, Franks couldn't treat him like that.

But of those two people, one is love and the other is brother.

It's hard for a person to make a decision, let alone a young Franks 11 Because this is the current situation, so let's both "face off"

, and see how it reacts.

Lin Xuan said: "Make an appointment with the two of them and see who will show you."

"I understand."



This is the largest event base in San Andreas.

Most of the team members here have participated in various local wars, such as the Iraq war, the Kosovo war and the war against it.

Even on such a quiet afternoon, the entire base had a total of 10.

Players undergo physical training, which is rest for them.

Better than being killed on the battlefield.

A white Lamborghini was stopped by two team members in front of the base: "Sir, this is a matter of jurisdiction.

You cannot enter."

Tommy gave them a silver certificate, and the two suddenly realized: "This is the captain's intelligence agency agent, please come!"

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