As the head of the Dragon Kingdom program group.

Chen Nian said slowly: “According to the rules of the forbidden land!” There are no restrictions within the forbidden land! ”

Don’t mention how cool the audience of the Dragon Kingdom is!

“You just died a few people, and our young sisters are all terrified.”

I don’t know which audience sent such a barrage.

In an instant, the live broadcast room was brushed by this barrage.

Not only the live broadcast room of Zhang Yichen’s group, all the live broadcast rooms have been brushed.

Wherever there is a U.S. audience, this barrage will be seen.

“Brother Chen, what is that?”

Follow Yang Xueer’s gaze.

The previously injured teammate in Bradenson’s team.

On the exposed arm turned out to be a large bag in the shape of a circle!

The things under the big bag seemed to be alive, and they were constantly wriggling.

Then came the second, the third….

More and more bulging bags appear on exposed skin.

The audience in the live broadcast room felt even more numb when they saw this scene.

“Groove! What is that? ”

“Dense phobia means uncomfortable!”

“Look, that thing is coming out!”

“It’s disgusting…!”


His arms, neck, face, forehead, all bulged with that bulge!

The contents of the bulge bag are still squirming.

And some bulges are constantly moving in his body as if they were alive!

The tight vest on the body rises and falls with the movement of the bulge, which looks particularly strange.

Suddenly, the volume of those bulges turned out to be larger, slowly breaking his skin.

One by one, large black bugs came out of his torn skin.

Nose, mouth, eyes.

One by one, large bugs scrambled to get out of his corpse.

The place where it came out also erupted with a stream of black rotten pus blood.

The bugs did not leave his body.

Instead, his hideous mouthparts were eating his corpse.

Bugs also have some muscle tissue attached to them.

It looks scary and disgusting!


Gu Yueban and the others followed Zhang Yichen and ran into the house behind them.

The house is fairly intact, except for some broken gates, it is a safe place to live.

“Brother Chen, what the hell is that?”

Gu Yue looked at the scene in front of him in half horror.

“Black spider bee larvae!” Zhang Yichen’s sharp eyes kept staring at the corpse on the ground.

“Black spider bee!”

“The black spider bee, a species of wasp, lives mainly in deserts. Carnivorous insects. The ability to reproduce is particularly strong. It has a poisonous sting that can be used many times, and it is highly toxic. Particularly corrosive. With a sensitive sense of smell, it can catch prey within 100 meters! ”

Qi Xin said trembling like an endorsement.

And at this time, a black spider bee larva on the corpse.

The hard shell on the body suddenly broke, and two cicada-wing-like wings, flailing violently, actually flew in their direction.

The audience in the live broadcast room was frightened by the scene in front of them.

“This is a mutated black spider bee, right? It looks too big, that bee needle! It’s so scary! ”

“Groove! Is it really a desert black spider bee?! ”

“The desert black spider bee is an extremely aggressive wasp creature, and it is particularly toxic.”

“A black spider bee can kill a cow!”

“This black spider bee also likes to lay its eggs on its prey.”


With the popularization of science by professionals in the live broadcast room.

The audience was so frightened that their little hearts tugged.

It was as if, in the next second, those black spider bees would pass through the screen.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of black spider bees gave birth to wings and flew towards them.

They flew fast and flew to the door in a blink of an eye.

Thinking that with Zhang Yichen guarding at the door, these black spider bees did not dare to attack.


“Not good!”

With Gu Yue’s half-exclamation!

A black spider bee gathered at the door.

Those buzzing sounds, the scalp of those who listened was numb.

The black spider bee flew in through the crack in the door.

Gu Yue quickly threw off the steel bone iron leaf, and the whole body was made of a hundred refined steel.

Suddenly, a series of steel slashes sounded, and the edges of the Vajra umbrella were full of sharp blades, plus jagged blades.

Rotate it firmly.

The black wasp that hit the door was instantly ground into meat puree!

The venom of those black spider bees flung out along the sharp blade on the edge of the Vajra umbrella.

Dark green liquids are extremely corrosive.

The wooden door has been poured into potholes from corrosion.

The hole that could have been defended with a Vajra umbrella has expanded in an instant. Yang Xue’er glared angrily at Gu Yue.

“Sorry, I’m not familiar with it for the first time!” Gu Yue smiled half-awkwardly.

“Brother Chen, be careful!”

Some black spider bees have flown in along the gaps that have been corroded.

Zhang Yichen’s left hand slid hard along the blade of the Black Gold Ancient Knife.

Suddenly, blood overflowed from his palm.

The black spider bee at the door instantly retreated.

Buzzing in the air.

Don’t dare to go one step further!

Mid-Autumn Festival reading every day, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: September 19th to September 21st)

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