Zhang Yichen’s palm gently slashed across the blade of the black gold ancient knife.

Then, Zhang Yichen exerted his strength.

One by one, the blood beads fell steadily on those rice dumplings.

Then, those rice dumplings began to emit a cloud of black gas one after another.

One by one, they fell from the top of the tomb.

Gu Yue half-approached to take a look.

I only felt a tumble in my stomach.

Those rice dumplings are really hearts.

It has turned black, like a sarcoma.

Covered with black tendons.

It is connected to the blood vessels that have shrunk.

Because I have been in the black jade coffin for a long time.

These hearts are contaminated with evil qi and become evil things.

“Brother Chen! Back off! ”

Zhang Yichen took a few steps back.

Gu Yue’s face shook fat, pulled the trigger, and shot at the heart zongzi on the ground.

In an instant, flesh and blood flew everywhere.

These heart dumplings became a pool of rotten meat.

It was also mixed with a pool of black blood.

Zhang Yichen and Gu Yue walked out of the tunnel one after the other.

Gu Yue half-hurriedly took out her compass.

The compass has returned to normal.

“Let’s go! Go in that direction! ”

Gu Yue half-followed the direction of the compass and showed everyone a way.

“Fatty, is there really a ghost in that tomb?”

“Of course there is!” Gu Yue shook the compass in her hand.

Qi Xin was so frightened that he instantly fell to the ground.

“Look at your sluggishness! Hurry up and give the program team a call! ”

“I also see that he is quite intimidating!”

Two hours later, a wind-eroded landscape appeared in front of their eyes.

This wind-eroded landscape is called by geologists as living fossils in the desert.

“Let’s go there!”

Dr. Wen’s eyes showed a hint of excitement.

Half an hour later, they reached the periphery of the wind-eroded landscape.

“Dr. Wen? Are we going in? ”

This wind-eroded landscape is known to be like a labyrinth.

It’s easy to get lost walking in.

Dr. Wen glanced at Zhang Yichen.

Zhang Yichen didn’t say anything, and his figure quickly flashed in.

The wind-eroded landscape is full of rocks and sand.

There are also holes of various sizes and shapes.

The sound of the wind blowing is like the devil’s cry.

Scary and weird.

“Dr. Wen, why does this wind sound so terrifying?”

“Qi Xin, have you heard of Devil City?”

“The devil…?” Qi Xin, who was still drilling holes, was frightened and planted down.

“Fatty, don’t always scare him!”

Yang Xue’er held her injured shoulder and pulled Qi Xin up.

“There is a magical legend about Devil’s City. Legend has it that this was originally a majestic castle, the men in the castle were handsome and strong, the women in the castle were beautiful and kind, and the people in the castle worked hard and lived a worry-free life with plenty of food and clothing. ”

However, with the accumulation of wealth, evil gradually took over people’s hearts. They began to indulge in fun and wine, and the city was filled with deceit and bloody fights for wealth, and everyone’s face became hideous and terrifying. ”

“In order to arouse people’s conscience, the gods came to the castle as a beggar in rags. The gods told the people that evil had turned him from a rich man to a beggar, but the beggar’s words did not work, and he was insulted and ridiculed by the people in the castle. ”

“In a fit of rage, the gods turned this place into ruins, and all the people in the castle were crushed under the ruins. At night, the spirits of the dead wail in the castle, hoping that the gods will hear their confessions. ”

Hearing this, Qi Xin was so frightened that the three souls and seven spirits had been lost.

“Dr. Wen, is what the fat man said true?” Even Wu Ying was half frightened by Gu Yue.

Dr. Wen gently patted Qi Xin’s shoulder.

“It’s just a story people make up based on spectacle spectacle! Little fat, he’s teasing you! ”

“Nature is really magical! It is surrounded by strangely shaped mounds, steep side walls, and this broken ground. It does look scary! ”

Yang Xue’er was also shocked by this wind-eroded landscape.

“Huh? What about Brother Chen? ”

Yang Xue’er only saw Zhang Yichen’s back.

“Brother Chen, wait for us!”

Through this wind-eroded landscape, a desolate and ruined ancient building appeared in everyone’s sight.

The group stopped in front of a fairly intact house.

“Rest, leave in an hour!”

In the middle of the ancient month, Yang Xue’er was already injured.

They need to rest and straighten out.

It’s at this time.

A six-person squad emerged from the ruins.

It turned out to be Bridenson.

One of the team members has been wounded.

The rest of the team was also embarrassed.

It seems that they went through a vicious battle.

Bradenson glanced angrily at Zhang Yichen.

“Abominable Dragon Country, this room is ours!”

Zhang Yichen glanced up at Bradenson. Still contempt and disdain.

“Special! Let you taste the power of the fat master! ”

Gu Yueban had already pulled out the dogleg knife.

But was stopped by Zhang Yichen.

Mid-Autumn Festival reading every day, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: September 19th to September 21st)

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