“We are a squad, six people in the poplar forest have obviously formed a team, there are only three of us, that Max Wilbu, are you sure you beat him?”

“Yaga! How dare you curse me! ”

Ichiro Miyamoto was about to explode in anger.

“Ichiro Miyamoto! You sober up. If we hadn’t secretly followed them, would we have found the poplar forest? ”

“Apparently, the two of them have formed an alliance! If you make a move with Zhang Yichen, even if you win. They will also find a way to dump us. We don’t want to mix things up with you and Zhang Yichen. It’s best to join Bredenson before you start. ”

When Miyamoto heard it, he felt that what Wakabala said made sense.

Like him, Bradenson wanted to kill Zhang Yichen in this forbidden place.

Jomib is just an athlete.

Vakabala is a biologist.

Ichiro Miyamoto was a samurai.

Their combination is really weak!

If he hadn’t met Park Chansuk halfway and secretly followed.

Their combination is really not found in the desert.

Three men camped in the dunes.

Look up and you can see the other two groups.

The night in the desert is not very pleasant.

Cold and dry!

After a long day’s journey, everyone was tired.

Stepping up to the sand, the muscles of my body relaxed.

In the desert, there is a large temperature difference between day and night.

Sleeping until midnight, Miyamoto Ichiro was frozen awake.

Miyamoto Ichiro looked in the direction of Poplar Forest.

It was dark there.

No more firelight!

Dark nights in the desert are the most dangerous.

Fire is the best guarantee.

Now their fire has actually been extinguished.

Miyamoto Ichiro tiptoed over with a wolf-eyed flashlight.

It seems that he has not given up revenge.

If the light does not work, it will come to the dark.

He was ready to give Zhang Yichen a fatal blow in the dark!

Suddenly, something seemed to be moving in the darkness!

Ichiro Miyamoto turned on the flashlight and saw that it turned out to be a mouse.


Hands up and down!

The rat was split in half by Ichiro Miyamoto.

The mouse was still staring at its dark eyes.

It looks a little scary in the dark.

Ichiro Miyamoto woke everyone up.

Five flashlights shot at Miyamoto at the same time.

At this time, the live broadcast room began to come alive again.

“The despicable Sun Country actually sneaked attack?”

“Miyamoto-kun! So smart! I actually did it in the dead of night! ”

“Long live the samurai! Long live the Empire! ”

“People of the Dragon Kingdom, our Miyamoto-kun is the most powerful warrior in our Sun Country, and it is your honor to die under his sword!”

“Faceless little devil!”


“Zhang Yichen, you shouldn’t have participated in this show!”

Miyamoto Ichiro said defiantly.

Zhang Yichen woke up when Ichiro Miyamoto sneaked over.

He has been standing still, just to give Miyamoto Ichiro a chance.

And now, Miyamoto Ichiro has no chance!

“You don’t deserve a knife!”

Zhang Yichen said lightly, not looking at Miyamoto Ichiro squarely at all.

At this time, the muscles on Miyamoto’s face were trembling.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage of the people of the Sun Country began to boil.

“What did that Dragon Country man say?”

“Miyamoto-kun! Do it! ”

“The warriors of the Sun Country are the strongest!”

“Abominable Dragon Countryman!”

“Miyamoto-kun, kill him!”


A bloody battle is inevitable!

Yang Xue’er couldn’t hold back.

The Vajra umbrella was already in his hand.

This Vajra umbrella was handed down from the ancestors.

The diamond umbrella is made of 100 refined steel mixed with rare metals, and the whole body is steel and iron blades, and even the most powerful crossbow cannot penetrate.

Miyamoto’s katana is also a famous sword passed down from the ancestors.

Only this Vajra umbrella can withstand Ichiro Miyamoto’s blade.

Yang Xue’er had already opened the King Kong umbrella and was ready to resist Miyamoto Ichiro.


Ichiro Miyamoto drew the katana at his waist.

Kick the ground.

The whole body soared into the air, and with a rapid spin in the air, he immediately slashed down towards Zhang Yichen!

Seeing this, Yang Xueer quickly threw out her King Kong umbrella, wanting to block Miyamoto Ichiro’s blade for Zhang Yichen.

Yang Xue’er only felt that her body was leaning, and even someone with an umbrella poured into her tent.

A scene in front of you.

Yang Xue’er’s eyes widened in horror.

Miyamoto Ichiro slashed down with a heavy knife, and Zhang Yichen did not retreat.

A quick step under his feet instantly deceived the other party.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also frightened by this scene in front of them.

“Empty-handed to the white blade?”

“Has his brain been gnawed by insects?”

“Is he crazy?”

“It’s over, it’s over!”

“It’s a pity, the little brother looks so handsome, why doesn’t he have a brain?”

“Is the handsome little brother going to be gone?”

“If the little brother dies, I will absolutely smash the phone.”


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