Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 353: Pupil of the sun

The latest website: Lola is not present at this joyful scene.

She doesn't like this kind of occasion.

The princes of the Grand Duchy cheered for this powerful weapon.

Grant's scholars longed for the truth knowledge involved behind this powerful weapon.

Scholars in the solar energy source laboratory are proud of being a scholar in the solar energy source laboratory, cheering, crying, and crying.

"Woo, woo, finally succeeded, my dear Lei Luo, I love you forever, don't you!"

Xiao Kang's legs were so soft and paralyzed that he sat on the chair with a butt, weeping with joy, muttering to himself.

Over the years, although he is a newcomer to the Principality, he has always felt unreal.

As if everything you got was just water mirror moonflower.

That's right.

The solar energy laboratory developed the product of radiation Jinghua, but because of the special nature of this product, the laboratory cannot be sold for profit. Therefore, although the laboratory has received strong support from the Principality in recent years, is this product really With the value that the laboratory promoted, Xiao Kang had no idea.

If everyone in the solar energy laboratory, who most desires the success of the laboratory, it must be Xiao Kang.

But if anyone has the least confidence in radiation weapons, it is no doubt Xiao Kang!

This guy, from the first day of entering the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences, never thought of progress through knowledge.

Orne and Yaqian, with tears on their faces.

For more than ten years, they know the hardships of the solar energy laboratory the best.

From the oasis lake in the vast deserted Gobi, from nothing, to building a laboratory, at the beginning, even the salary of the researcher could not be paid out, and the purchase of goods needed to be booked half a month in advance, shipped through Xiao Kang's relationship, and then Later, Radiation Jinghua was developed, which proved the feasibility of the physical law weapon ...

Angelina, Kodo, Muya, Bailian, etc., need not say more.

Everyone is immersed in this huge joy!

Only those from other institutes of the Principality who had to send messengers over because of the invitation of King Chen looked stiff and ugly.

Especially the messengers of the three major institutes in the Principality of Zealand.

Like Gran, there are six research institutes in the Principality of Zealand, each with outstanding dominance in their respective fields, but this time only three research institutes have sent messengers.

If someone says that the institute with the strongest comprehensive strength in the Principality must be selected, then there is no doubt that most people will choose the Royal Academy of Natural Sciences of Zealand!

The messenger sent by the Royal Zealand Academy of Natural Sciences this time is one of the hawkish royal academicians of the Zealand, the shadow of panic, Feiglian.

Speaking of Figlian, the first thing people think of is the natural energy emotional control it proposes.

Over the years, through in-depth research on the torrent of faith in a large number of temples, he gradually discovered that the power of God seems to have a very close relationship with the believer ’s belief, and he has derived that the emotional power of the soul has a certain kind of The purest power.

Therefore, he proposed to integrate the emotional power into the natural elemental energy, which in turn causes the sublimation of natural energy to obtain stronger power.

His theory did succeed.


After all, this so-called sublimated natural energy is still in the category of natural energy, and the power of illegality.

Although his strength is extremely powerful, at most it is at the pinnacle of extraordinary scholars, returning to the original after reaching a certain limit, similar to M in the fighters, only Vladik in the scholars, not leapfrogging.

After all, he failed to step into the realm of law.

Now, a junior elementary school student in the Grand Duchy, through a metal ball with only Mich, has mastered the key to open the door of some mysterious law! ! ?

If it was n’t true, he felt it was a fantasy.

He took a deep breath and flew towards King Chen.

"Your Majesty Chen, congratulations to your country on the success of this experiment. I will go back now and share this joy with my king. I will send a delegation to visit the solar energy laboratory in the future!"

Between the words, the corners of his eyes were still, but he looked at Reylo, who was protected by several academicians in the distance, his eyelids jumped slightly.

As King Gran, playing with politically superior kings, King Chen's speculation on his mind is simply not comparable to scholars with simple minds.

Seeing Feiglian's stiff face, he could hardly help but laugh out loud, but the face was extremely majestic, and it was full of calm, as if everything was expected.

"No need."


Feiglian looked at King Chen puzzled.

"I mean, there is no need to specifically visit the solar energy laboratory. Some time ago, Master Antonio has officially announced that he will withdraw from the position of honorary dean of the Gran Royal Academy of Natural Sciences, and he will go on a trip outside the country. Important talents, although they are not qualified for the position of dean due to lack of qualifications, it is more than enough to be an honorary dean. You will visit His Excellency Rello at that time and come to the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences. "

Upon hearing this, Princess Dandina was overwhelmed by her instinct. She covered her lips instinctively and looked at her brother in disbelief. Then she looked at Relo in the distance.

Historically, the deans of the Royal Academy of Natural Sciences have been married to the royal family, and require the royal university to be surrounded by blood.

Could it be that……


Different people have different understandings of King Chen's words.

These words came to Feiglian's ears, and the king was telling himself not to fight the core secrets of this weapon through Raylo.

Wanting to hijack Rello, who was under the protection of Gran, was almost a fool's dream.

Feiglian Qiang smiled and nodded in response: "I will convey your majesty's words to my king."

Chen Wang nodded, his heart sneered even worse.

An unprecedented desire for ambition grew from the deepest part of his heart.

Now that he has mastered this powerful weapon, he will not mind letting his brother over there in the future war with the Principality of Zealand!

From today on, the most powerful country in the Principality will be Gran!

And all this is under his wise leadership, to suppress the controversy and fully support the results of the solar energy laboratory!


Now it seems that it is not an exaggeration to say that you are a generation of monarchs.

Figlian left, and other university students from other Principality laboratories also bid farewell to King Chen.

the other side.

Lei Luo took a deep breath. He even seemed to have a long conversation with the academicians beside him, but in fact surrounded by secret protection, he suddenly flew towards the giant pit on the ground.

"Hello Raleigh?"

It was actually the fusion and evolution of Pernash, chasing it.

Speaking of fusion evolution Pernas, you have to say Antonio.

If it is said that Antonio is the strongest scholar, then Pernash can be said to be the most powerful scholar.

The evolutionary connotation he studied is also quite peculiar. It can be said that the fusion of the real body has been pushed to the limit that scholars can imagine.

According to Lei Luo, a student who once had the same class with him, humblely knows that the author Sisido is actually a descendant of this academician!

The so-called fusion evolution refers to the creation of the real body as a kind of conceptual creature through the talents of various creatures. This is the idea of ​​scholars trying to break through the shackles of nature through personal wisdom.

In the eyes of ordinary scholars, a creature that combines a variety of biological talents and abilities must be unparalleled and powerful!

However, the fact is that the ecological law of nature is the most powerful screener in the world. The so-called most powerful creature must appear in the process of nature's self-evolution.

Attempts to surpass the legendary creatures and ancient creatures through the fusion of a variety of weak and other species talents, at least for humans at this stage, it is still too far away.

Even a very small number of successful people, similar to Pernash's existence, are nothing but unparalleled in raising their limits to a certain level, and are not absolute powerful.

"Master, let me collect the data first. The following is very dangerous. The master should not follow."

Pernash did not care about what Reello said was dangerous.

"Oh, Your Majesty specifically instructed me to stay close to protect Your Excellency."

In no particular order, the two came to the center of the crater and merged into the high temperature in the furnace.

Rello looked back and looked at Pernash, who was inseparable, frowning slightly, but embarrassed on his face: "That's really a trouble master."

It seems difficult to hide.

But let Rello give up the 10g star essence here, give up the vital seventh planetary evolution, give up the opportunity to promote the 3rd level magnetic field to open the real body of the star, and let it pass, Rello cannot do it!

He took a deep breath, and a gravitational ripple waved out of him.


Pernash did notice the anomaly and looked at Rello in astonishment.

The dense stellar essence was gravitationally rippled by Rai Luo, a little bit of income into the body.

Tip: found 11.73 grams of moon essence, 8.5 grams of star screen essence, 0.4 grams of star essence, and 0.15 grams of insulation essence.

Tip: found that the essence of the moon is 11.73 grams, the star screen essence is 8.5 grams, the star essence is 0.63 grams, and the insulation essence is 0.15 grams.

Tip: found 11.73 grams of moon essence, 8.5 grams of star screen essence, 0.87 grams of star essence, and 0.15 grams of insulation essence.

Tip: Found 11.73 grams of moon essence, 8.5 grams of star screen essence, 1.18 grams of stellar essence ...

The essence of stars in Lei Luo is improving at an amazing speed!

After half an hour's time, Lei Luo slowly opened his eyes, and was filled with intoxication.

The seventh evolution of the real body of the astral body was successful!

Tip: found 11.73 grams of moon essence, 8.5 grams of star screen essence, 10.2 grams of star essence, and 0.15 grams of insulation essence.

Since the explosion of the fission weapon was 1000g of radiation, the content of the star essence released after the explosion was 1%, which is 10g.

And after this short period of loss ~ ~ a small part of the stellar essence has been lost, so at this moment Rello's stellar essence is 10.2g.

But even so, the total amount of astral essence possessed by Rello at the moment is 30.58g, which has exceeded the required 30g of the third-order magnetic field critical value!

He slowly opened his eyes.

His right eye actually reflected the pupil of the sun, and it intersected with the pupil of the moon in the left eye.

Affected by this, a dark red flame with amazing heat and a "huff" sound ignited on the surface of Lei Luo, like the strange energy of the moonlight spirit!

It is flooded with absolute heat and destruction.

"This power ..."

Rello looked at his flaming palm with surprise.

In this short moment, he seems to have felt the magic materials and related knowledge he needs to shape the real body of the astral body. This is an instinct, and he has long insisted on the direction of evolution.

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