Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 342: Darkness in the deep sea (16)

Latest website: Four months later.

The first attack, many scholars, in only three days in an organized and disciplined attack, completely wiped out the Queens of Haiqi seen by the naked eye on the gem sea islands.

A large number of Queen Haiqi died, and the male Haiqi also ceased with the night of the full moon, returning to the deep sea in droves.

Under the academic warfare of the two universities, the guardians finally laid the balance of the initial victory of the war.

According to intelligence.

In Haiqi civilization, there are so-called four goddesses, god-level living bodies!

On the first day of the invasion, the legion of the guardians led by the great guardian a successfully killed one, the shady goddess!

This giant black carapace with a diameter of 79.24 meters on the back, his spiritual power is glorious, it is said that it can be extended to thousands of meters!

But unfortunately.

I do not know if it was intentional. The essence of this goddess's flesh and blood has been burned by fallen angels, leaving only an empty shell, which greatly regretted the scholars who came.

A month after this.

The guardians produced a detailed map of the gem sea islands, and had a basic concept for the area of ​​this eye.

This can be regarded as a very large natural eye.

The total area of ​​this wind eye is approximately equivalent to the three Grand Duchys, but the Gems Sea Islands are only about one-fifteenth to one-twentieth of the total area, which is not large.

This way.

With the help of detailed maps, the guardians assigned various tasks, waiting for the rabbits and waiting for the moon, waiting for the full moon night of the second month.

But this time, only a few sporadic queens of Haiqi have logged on.

In this way, after four months have passed, the people are waiting hard for nothing.

Among the metal fortress.


Corleone took a group of elementary school students, and Sen Sen sneered at this Queen Qi, who had only his head left, soaked in a giant container of liquid.

It is still alive, and can clearly perceive his state, helpless and helpless, he was drowned by boundless fear.

But even so, it still adheres to its beliefs, refuses to respond to these horrible monsters' questions, and reveals the whereabouts of the goddess.

There is no doubt that the guardians want to know the most is the whereabouts of the three goddesses!

in this way.

After three months of hard work, Corleone finally achieved some experimental results.

"It's mental power is very huge, and its ingenuity is only in life. With the existing technology of human beings, there is really no way to take away its memory through psychedelic and soul-searching techniques."

Having said that, Corleone's expression is telling everyone that he has made a breakthrough.

With a touch of arrogance, he tapped on a glass jar filled with nutrient liquid and sneered: "But if you can weaken some of your mental power, it will weaken your spiritual power to one-tenth, I believe that by virtue of some of my secret techniques, 桀桀 桀桀 ...... "

"It's you alone?"

In the fear, this lost Queen Haiqi looked at the small creatures outside in horror, like a devil-like creature.

From their eyes, it felt as if it had become a work of art.

The term "artwork" is a new vocabulary that was born in Queen Haiqi only after the destruction of the evil floating island three hundred years ago. It implies the essence of beauty.

It roared fiercely with spiritual ripples: "The three goddesses are still here, you evil and cruel creatures, one day they will be retaliated!"

Corleone didn't say much, just waved his hand and motioned to Reello.

The person in charge of cooperating with Corleone's experiment was Rello, who had been an assistant to this old guy for two years. Rello worked very well with him.

Nodding his head, Rello pulled the energy switch.

Zi Zi!

A large number of bubbles appeared in the nutrient solution in the glass jar.

Queen Haiqi's head is constantly rolling and wailing. This is not a spiritual wailing, but a real beast-like wailing.

Its penetrating weird tone even penetrated the laboratory, spreading to every corner of the large metal fortress, the guardians who came out of the expedition frowned, staring in this direction.

After a few hours of hourglass time passed.

Boom Boom Boom!

It was the big guardian a who came to knock on the door, and the big guardian a wearing a gold mask frowned at Corleone and the gathered group of evolutionists.

"K, your energy consumption is too high!"

"Jin and jun and jun and jun, it won't take much time. I will tell you as soon as there are results in this experiment."

"Humph, hope so."

a left the room, and everyone continued to experiment.

After two hourglass hours.

Staring at the dying Queen Haiqi, Corleone knocked on the wall of the special glass cylinder and smiled, "How are you comfortable?"

Queen Haiqi looked at Corleone with contempt.

"Small meaning."

Its mental power fluctuations are very weak, but even so, it is still terrible for most third-level creatures.

"is it?"

Corleone's smile froze.

This kind of hard bone, if it is in his specimen research laboratory, is naturally a very good quality material, which can be kept fresh for a long time and can bring him extraordinary happiness.

But here, he has no time to spend with the other party.

"Bring it out."

After Corryn snorted, he did not fly back out of the metal fortress.

Lei Luo and a group of elementary school students looked at each other and shook their heads with a wry smile. They didn't know what Corleone was going to do, but just follow what he said.

After a short moment.

The giant Haiqi Queen, one meter in diameter, was taken out of the fortress by everyone.

"What are you doing?"

Queen Haiqi's voice was calm, even looking forward to it.

The atmosphere around it was extremely cold, it seemed to smell the smell of death, do you finally have to wait for this moment?

"Do you think you will die?"

Collion murmured coldly and sarcastically.

His body emerged with a thick darkness, like a huge vortex, and horrified natural energy gathered from all sides. In the attention of many guardians, a short moment later, a huge dark monster of more than 100 meters, would Appeared above the sea.

It sneered sensibly.

"In the hands of excellent scholars, the death of the specimen is the greatest gift! You will never die, because I will make you a part of my body, and whenever I think of you, I will play with you once, until I found new prey, hum hum hum, 桀桀 桀桀 桀桀 桀桀 !!!!!! "

The mystery of Corleone's Dark Seal, Lei Luo passes Laura, knowing a little bit.

But I only know some basic principles.

The power of this sealing technique is not the sealing technique itself, but once it is sealed, the subject will enter the body of the operator, and then slowly absorb the part of the strength of the subject to make a permanent transformation. itself.


Now it seems that this academic is not just to draw strength.

It is likely that some of the recipient's memories will be drawn!

The incomparable smoky giant, evoked by the huge natural energy, makes the sea choppy and ups and downs.

A low murmur.

The black smoke on its chest slowly cracked a gap, and a large amount of viscous black liquid surged out, converging in the air, forming a dark ball of more than 100 meters. The plush smiley dolls around meters fell out.

Apparently it was a sealed creature on Corleone.

"Blood Devils !!"

I do n’t know who yelled ~ ~ The smoky giant grabbed this comatose plush smiley baby in his hand, and the liquid of the black ball in the sky surging down, took this Haiqi head The parcel goes in.

"No, no, no ..."

Its spiritual aftermath screamed, but to no avail.

The thick black liquid gradually withdrew into Corleone's chest, then he slowly dispelled his real body, and turned into the evil old demon with big and small eyes. He smashed his mouth, and the meaning was still not enough.

Everyone who watched this scene couldn't help but "gulp" and swallowed.

After a few days.

In the full moon night again, there was still no Queen Haiqi coming to the shore again, and Corleone sneered.

He said to the great guardians a and x: "Come on, we must take the initiative to attack and go to the dark trench."

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