Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 291: Thunder Phoenix

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Lei Luo, who was flying to Chiyan Mountain, was faintly aware of the distant sky. In the dark clouds of the black smoke of the volcano, a thunderous thunder sound kept coming, but it was not like a rain of rain. The thunder summoned.

"Someone is fighting?"

Recognizing the anomaly, Rello did his best to fly at full speed.

at last.

As Lei Luo approached, he suddenly discovered that he was a powerful old swordsman, fighting a mutant Thunder Phoenix.

"Ancient Phoenix Bloodline?"

The color of surprise in Lei Luo, almost all Phoenix bloodline creatures have a common feature, that is, the rebirth of bathing elements.


Lei Luo noticed that its soul breath seemed to be quite immature, and one wing was seriously wounded. The light of the thunder gleaming on the feathers was much weaker than the thunder in other places. Being seriously traumatized by the other party, it is not like it did not last long.

Although this old swordsman is powerful, his physical function is no longer the glory of the peak, and he can only barely compete with this Lei Feng.

And as time goes by, it becomes more and more exhausted.

"Master, I will help you!"

Raylow shouted excitedly in the distance.

Beyond, who was about to leave, looked at Lei Luo with a glance of disappointment.

"Little magician, this Lei Feng is not something you can deal with. Go away, I will drag it for a while."

Lei Luo certainly knew that this Lei Feng was powerful.

It is a third-level creature in itself, plus it has some ancient Phoenix blood veins on it, even if it is some legendary creatures, it should be able to cope with it.

Such an existence is too reluctant for the existence of the newly promoted second-level Protestant scholar.


If this Lei Feng can not be solved now, the laboratory construction will be delayed indefinitely. You ca n’t just take over as the lord, just kill the Diaomin in the territory?

What's more, they are believers in the goddess of wisdom!

He stared at the distant sky, the giant bird that stirred the natural energy in the range of more than 100 meters, like a terrifying monster in the center of the thunderstorm vortex. There is no doubt that as long as it is given enough time, it will one day be promoted to a legendary creature.

In comparison, the natural energy that Lei Luo can mobilize at the moment is only more than ten meters, and "Mithril Sealing Dust" is only more than twenty meters.


In the domain of anthropologists, legendary creatures exist only as specimens and mounts. Compared with mounts, scholars prefer to keep the laboratory's eternal specimen collection as a personal glory.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

Rello released several gravitational energy **** towards the thundercloud vortex.

However, before these gravitational energy **** approached, they were electro-optically broken by the Thunder Phoenix and exploded in the air.

The angry Lei Feng spurred the thunder vortex in the sky, circling the claws of the blue and blue thunder and slammed down towards the giant Jin Guangcan.

With a grunt, although both of them suffered some injuries, there is no doubt that Lei Feng has an advantage.

"If you are not close, it seems that the general way is difficult to complete the harmless hint."

Mumbled to himself, Lei Luo suddenly fixed his eyes, Huo Ran opened the real body of the nearly ten meters high star, the dark stone giant waved a layer of energy ripples, his eyes fixed on the thunderstorm on top of the volcano.

Smoke billowed.

The lingering moon shadow wraiths seemed to be spreading, and he rushed straight to the thunderstorm.

Need to say more.

The real body of the scholar, just like the fighting spirit of the fighter, is just a ‘coat’ summoned with powerful energy.

The body is hidden inside, not transformed.

Seeing that Lei Luo had such a real power, the old swordsman whispered.

Is it an extraordinary magician?

Lei Luo, who was transformed into a terrible giant, joined hands with the old swordmaster to fight Lei Feng.

After Thunder Phoenix was successfully implied by Lei Luo, the old monster finally took the upper hand, and with the help of Lei Luo, he gradually suppressed the giant bird.


After half an hourglass time.

twitter! ! !

The painful hissing sounded through the sky.

The right wing, which had been seriously injured, was once again struck down by the old swordmaster with full force, and was completely broken. The Thunder Phoenix screamed and fell from the sky, falling on the stone on the **** of Chiyan Mountain.

"Boom" sound!

The powerful impact force instantly shattered the rock and hit a giant crater of more than ten meters.

The severely wounded and dying, the mutation Lei Feng dying, the dazzling thunder on the feathers gradually extinguished.

"Master and be slow !!"

Lei Luo stopped Beyond Sword Master, and the old Sword Master frowned at Lei Luo.

Old Juggernaut's current state is really poor, and his majesty can only maintain half of the previous level.

Although Lei Luo has the power of the real body, after the close combat, the old swordsman found that this real body is much weaker than the weakest real body he has ever seen. , But some kind of talent.

Whether it is the Eye of the Sun, or the technique of siphoning, or even the meteorite technique has been cast once, but it can not pose a threat to this Lei Feng.

The burning of the Sun's Eye, under the thunder phoenix that can stir up more than 100 meters of natural energy, can only continue to consume its energy.

The technique of siphoning, Lei Luo is risking his life!

As for meteorite, it is impossible to hit this flexible giant bird.

The gap between the two is too great.

However, Gu Lan Sha Yan played a key role, burning this Lei Feng's tail feathers completely, and letting it lose its balance and flexibility in the air before it was finally succeeded by the old sword saint.

But at the moment, Rello's condition was indeed miserable, his face pale.

If you fight for a while, I'm afraid it will cause energy to gobble up.

"I recently developed a new magical academy that requires a sufficiently strong living specimen. This is my domain. The master may wish to take a break when I come down. I will also give the master enough reward!"

Beyond Sword Saint silently stopped fighting.

Only at this time did Rello find that his left arm was suddenly unable to hang down.

In the previous battle, that Thunder Phoenix actually hurt him in a grudge?

"Remuneration? No need, gold coins have no meaning to me."

The old swordsman's face showed a trace of loneliness.

When the hero is late, he inserts a long sword covered with grooves into the scabbard, and can't help but sigh.

"It seems that there are no dragons in this world."


The pale-faced Lei Luo stared at this Lei Feng who had fainted, listening to the lonely mutter of the old sword saint, and suddenly said: "Master, if you want to get anything, you have to pay other prices, the dragon specimen I No, but I still have some dragon blood here, why not exchange it with it? "

Due to the Corleone Institute of Biology, the senior officials of the Grand Duchy of the Grand actually have many blood of giant spirits secretly circulated, but Bian Sword Saint is not a Grande, nor a scholar, but only from a small duchy Genius fighters naturally don't know the news.


Beyond the swordsman Beyond took the test tube from Lei Luo, feeling the remnant of Longwei in the test tube, incredible surprise.

"Are there dragons in this world !!?"


Lei Luo cautiously said: "The land of the star curtain is probably only one end. According to Master Corleone, this is a stupid X who broke in. But outside the land of the star curtain, there should be many remnants. It is said that it is on the mainland. center……"

Night fell.

The old shopkeeper and the three swordsmen hid far away, looking at the swaying light and shadow beside the fire, the young figure, who was constantly grinning and groaning, carried out this experiment on the terrible giant bird.

Beside the fire.

Closing his eyes tightly, Old Sword Saint quietly experienced the vitality of the dragon blood reshaping himself.

If you take good care of it, this can at least delay his vital aging for two decades, but that's all.

Lei Luo's strange laugh lasted all night.

Early the next morning.

Lei Luo, who had not slept all night, put away all the dazzling experimental tools and looked at this coma giant bird.

Almost every feather is a natural thunder superconductor.

If it uses its feathers to make a magic robe, it is almost completely immune to the power of thunder below level three!


These feathers are soft and beautiful before they are infused with the power of Thunder. However, once they are infused with the power of Thunder, these feathers will instantly look like the sharp blades of Thunder!

"Are you treating it?"

Old sword holy way.

"No, I'm just studying it better. Living specimens are more valuable than dead specimens! Hey ~ ~ Because of my magical academia, I can't guarantee complete success, so I can only Temporarily make it into a plant bird, just quietly recuperate here. "

Scholars are always full of mystery in the eyes of others.

Nodding his head, the old swordmaster got up and wanted to leave.

Rello hurriedly said: "Master, if you want to try to persuade Lord Corleone, or challenge Lord Corleone, I advise the master to give up this thought, rather than exploring the idea from Master Corleone, it is better to explore outside the star screen. More practical! "

Lei Luo's persuasion did not disturb the old Juggernaut's mind, he continued to walk forward.

"If the master does not succeed, please come back here. If not, I am willing to accompany the master to find the trail of the dragon before the peak of the master!

In order to win over the old swordsman, Lei Luo at any cost.

However, the old Juggernaut did not respond to Rello, and soon disappeared into Rello's vision.

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