Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 271: Chase (on)

The latest website: The dark essence dust in the sky is gradually swallowed up.

Lei Luo held a quaint book on his right and experienced the gradual changes in "Mithril Sealing the Dust".

The essence of Mithril is gaining growth by consuming the dark essence.

According to the rules of conservation, there must be an opposing magic material in this world, which can grow by consuming the Mithril.

Mithril represents the superconducting properties of magic power.

Any magic item that incorporates some Mithril must belong to an extremely rare mutation ability.

Wow la la la.

"Mithril Sealed Dust", which had consumed the essence of darkness, turned the pages quickly.

The natural elemental energy in the air in all directions is slowly converging towards it.

This book with a length of 25cm and a width of 15cm is becoming more and more huge in the eyes of Lei Luo.

In a blink of an eye, the quaint book turned into a giant book with a length of 5m and a width of 3m, shining with a simple silver metal glory, floating quietly in the air.

Rello has been able to clearly feel the changes brought about by the qualitative change of "Mithril Seal Dust".

"Is this the self-explosive ability of the magic weapon?"

In the sense of Raylow, the core of this giant book has been closely connected with the natural energy of tens of meters around it. If he tries his best to stimulate the stable structure of its core, then it will instantly change the nature within tens of meters. The energy is drained and released in the most violent way.

This is almost equivalent to the explosion power of hundreds of gravity energy **** collapsed and compressed instantly!

And this is just after the "Mithril Sealed Dust" evolved into a low-level magic weapon, the self-detonation power released by it is only.

The magic weapon explodes, which is the last resort for many senior scholars.

"Perhaps it is possible to develop a special device that forms a high temperature and high pressure in a short period of time by studying the magic weapon self-detonation to study the mysterious gas and see if we can obtain some solar energy laws?"

The mysterious gas referred to by Reynolds was the special material produced by Reynolds after focusing through the eyes of the sun and focusing on the adaptive evolutionary power of the Magic Array.

In the midst of it, Lei Luo is aware that this is probably the key to unlocking the application of the power of the sun!

Click, click.

With the disappearance of the dark essence, the energy isolation of the thick burial seal gradually disappeared.

The solid, hilly structure beneath Renello's structure collapsed rapidly.

"Wait until after the construction of the laboratory is completed, study it again. These days have passed, and I don't know what happened to the students inside."

Index fingertips.

A sphere of gravity energy is instantly generated.

boom! boom! boom!

After a continuous violent explosion, the dust flew.

Staring at the mouth of its black hole, which had been sealed for more than six days, a **** gust of wind blew out from the depths of the cave. Lei Luo's feet were about ten centimeters above the ground, floating silently with the power of the moon's tide.

The two corpses were clearly engraved on the face before the seal exit of the underground space.

The heart was broken and lethal in one blow.

It can be seen that in the last period of their lives, they were terrified.

"Diros, Takuya?"

These two people, Raylo knew.

The two were the graduation assessment. When Lei Luo implemented the initiative decisive battle plan, the elite students of the Gran Academy first notified were extremely powerful, but they did not expect that because the assessment badge lost its effectiveness, plus their own seal of the college battle The export resulted in these two powerful guys dying here.

Without staying too much, Rello continued to walk towards the cave.

There was another corpse, which Reylo didn't know, and the heart was also killed by a blow.

After a moment.

"Hum hum hum."


Gloomy laughter came from the dark labyrinth tunnel.

Raylow frowned slightly: "Shadow Marauder?"

"Are you the Eye of the Sun? It's you, the channel is sealed? Listen to them, you announced on the first day of the assessment that you will no longer participate in the battle for the Academy Awards, but the entire assessment space is sealed, even the assessment The badges are therefore invalid. "

The cruel voice, a ghost-like figure, slowly appeared in the dark passage in front of Lei Luo.

Even Raylow did not know whether this was an illusion or his body.

Rello said lightly: "What about the others?"

Just like the other person asked Rello, Rello was also not interested in answering his question.

"They? Hum, of course they are all dead, I was killed one by one, isn't that what you want? Let the people inside kill each other, and then you get the profit of the fisherman?"

"What do I want?"

After Lei Luo froze for a moment, a chill rose.

If the assessment space is closed, wouldn't it be the assessment instructors too, who want to let all other students in this enclosed space ...

I have to say that both of them have rich associative capabilities.

Between Duan Shun and the two, they magnified the subtle evil in their hearts infinitely.

"Is not it?"

Shadow Marauder sneered.

"In this way, you can only deal with one person, and you get all the harvest. It is really a grotesque dark talent. The badge, the left of the space box, and the college rewards. All of them are harvested by you. Humph. "


Rello couldn't help laughing.

"How do you understand it at will, even I did not expect it to be such a result. There have been a lot of changes outside in the past few days. I don't know what will happen, so be careful yourself."

After talking, Lei Luo had to turn around and leave this dark maze.

Due to the closed assessment space, the death badge will drop all badges. In the past few days, the number of badges harvested by Lei Luo is really amazing. With a series of chances, I am afraid that it has exceeded the highest score in history. The students who lived to the end in a cruel environment did not have much hostility.

Even, there is a feeling of sympathy deep inside.

"Hum, are you afraid?"

There was a sneering voice behind his back.

"Am I letting you go?"

Lei Luo froze for a moment and stopped, his face gloomy.

"What do you mean?"

In the dark, the shadow marauder said sullenly: "It's meaningless, just to let you leave everything on your body. You are so greedy, should you gain a lot on your body?"

"You hit me with an idea?"

Raylow said eerily: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Hum hum hum.

"The Eye of the Sun, speak to me like this in this dark and closed environment, I admire your courage, then ... you go to die !!!"

The voice hasn't arrived, the killer has arrived.

A dark dagger, silently breaking through the 1024 night guard shield, stabs at the heart of Lei Luo.

I don't know when the Shadow Marauder has infiltrated into the shadow at the foot of Lei Luo.

Immediately afterwards was a raspy, gruff sound.

With the help of the second-level energy field, the powerful defense brought by the 1024 Night's Shield, Lei Luo's index finger and ring finger actually clamped this mysterious dagger with a light weight, and let this sneak attack on the figure, how hard, You can't pierce another inch, nor can you pull out a point.

This is a pale paper-like face, eyes with sunken eye sockets, and a sharp chin. It is incredible to look at this strange scene.

"The technique of siphoning."


The smoldering sound came, and the Shadow Marauder could clearly feel that at the moment Rello was like a bottomless black hole. He even twisted, gave up his dagger in his hand, and got rid of Rello's siphon control. Re-dissolve in the darkness.

After the dagger lost its energy support, it was put away by Rayloe.

The hole was quiet.

Lei Luo looked around, and for a moment, he could not find the trail of the shadow marauder, only to feel that he was not far away.

Seeing this, Rello took out the X mask and put it on his face.

"You can't run away!"

Under X's mask, Rello looked around the darkness.


A weird shadow, with an incredibly ingenious gesture, leaned against the cave in the upper left corner of Rello, ignoring gravity, and rushed out silently, but because of the distance too close, Rello sensed the vision.

X Hunting Light Mark completed the branding in an instant, and Rello backhand was a gravitational energy ball.


The dark and flexible figure, easily avoiding the shock wave of Relo's gravity energy ball, quickly ran out of the hole.

"You can't escape !!"

Annoyed, Lei Luo sucked in a piece of Mi Xu boulder.

After the Hei Yao expansion blessing, the boulder turned into a giant of three or four meters, and it was smashed with a "bang", but he was avoided again.

Turning his head, the shadow marauder stared at the figure in the dark cave. His face was paler, and he opened a scroll of animal skin.

A flaming flame of fire, Lu Lu, spread his teeth and paws.

Ma Lu is a multipod arthropod with a body length of up to three meters ~ ~ mostly lives on the edge of a dead swamp, with speed blocks, amazing bite force, and is good at latent sneak attacks.

The fire element summons in this seal scroll quickly flew to Reynolds.

at the same time.

The shadow marauder who rushed out of the underground cave, stared at the corpses of many powerful people near the cave, died in different postures, surrounded the surrounding layers, his already pale face, suddenly paler, and after a pause, he ignored everything Flee deep into the mist.


After a moment, Rello, who was defeated by the fire element summon, flew out of the cave with anger.

The body was surrounded by black smoke from the wraith, and the eyes under the X mask stared at the X-ray marks that were gradually introduced into the mist.

"I have marked you, you can't escape !!!"

The figure of Lei Luo also rushed into the mist and disappeared without a trace.

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