Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 256: 1 against 3

The latest website: outside the assessment space.

Finnish Academy of Natural Sciences.

Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz ...

On the balance altar, the intensive space conveys energy fluctuations, appearing almost instantaneously at the same time.

The instructors of the six colleges were in a state of uproar, and they all stood up and looked at the past. Then some people looked soothed, and their faces changed dramatically.

Everyone couldn't help but look at the mentor seat of the Zealand College.

[White Light] After a short consternation, they both flew to the altar with the [Secret] beside them. They were incredibly shocked and looked around at many of the Zeeland Colleges on the large altar.

"What ... what happened!"

[White light] The murmured, the pupils of his eyes couldn't stop shaking, and the Six Gods looked at the [Secret] on one side.

In the black cloak, the concealer grabbed a groggy Silan student and woke it up.

"Is it a blast slayer?"


"Blaster Slayer?"

The student woke up.

After a short consternation, he found that he had left the misty stone forest and appeared on the evaluation altar, staring at the many college instructors and flower-bed flower beds in the distance. Realizing that he was still, his face was pale.

"It's Balda [Destroyer] Kui, a man he brought. Some people said he was a wanted traitor from the Guyue family two years ago, [Lei Ming], and wanted by the church."


[Secret] Look at [White Light].

[White Light] Flipping through the book, he looked up and responded after a while.

"The heresy wanted by the church two years ago is said to have killed three naval angel war weapons. In addition, the dark world, storm temple, and ancient moon family are all wanted. The Sun Moon Eye is said to be comparable to the power of the Sacred Magic Tool, and it can be said to be a powerful free scholar newly emerging in recent years. "

"Holy magic weapon !!?"

[Secret] Try to keep yourself calm and sensible, the black smoke pervading the body is terrible, like boiling water.

The old scholars of the Finnish Academy of Natural Sciences came together with dignified colors and whispered with [The Secreter].

After a while.

The dense guardians of the hummingbird swarm in all directions from the Finnish Academy of Natural Sciences.

A rainbow rose across the top of the tower, spanning the entire academy!

The old scholars who were not born, like imposing enemies, appeared one after another, and powerful and strange puppet puppets came out of the ground.

After the evil giant wanted by the church broke into the assessment space, things would never end so simple!

The Finnish Academy smelled a dangerous breath and was quietly approaching.

Gubo and Sulphurstone listened quietly to the Finnish old man's explanation, and when they left, the two faced their solemn faces and couldn't help showing a smile of excitement.

"Something like this? This Zealand College is completely over!"

Similar changes have occurred several times in the history of assessment jointly organized by several colleges.

But no matter what happened, the assessment never stopped.


Assessment space.

Zealand Misty Stone Forest.

Huh, Huh ...

A low gasp came from under the X mask. Yaqian, like many students from Zealand, left the assessment space and completely broke the original plan of Lei Luo.

Rai Luo raised his eyes, staring at the nameless calm and distant sky.

Or rather, the gourd around his waist.

What is it in there!

Different from other people's vague feelings, after the blessing of the essence of the moon, Lei Luo tends to annihilate the spiritual power of moonlight, and he can more clearly feel the vast and unstoppable spirit of the sea, and overwhelming.

It was more terrible mental oppression than Corleone.

What is more terrible is that with such a strong spiritual force, he has achieved absolute control, which has never appeared in any classic records!

Because according to the post of Corleone ’s laboratory classics, Shenwei ’s suppression of inferior creatures is a naturally overflowing spiritual soul power, which is the overflow of the power of the law activated by the torrent of faith, regardless of whether the law of God is lofty or not, for low As far as biology is concerned, there is absolute repression, and majesty cannot be violated.

Dragon Warrior can be regarded as a legend.

God of slaughter?

Never existed!

There is an insurmountable gap between inferior creatures and gods, and that is the natural repressive power of the law Divine Prestige, which is a qualitative change in the level of life.

Shenwei cannot be controlled, just as human beings cannot control their own scent, he represents the attribute of divine personality.

But that spiritual force just now achieved absolute control? ?

Does that mean ...

His control over the power of his own laws has far exceeded the advanced biological definition of the academic world at this stage?

Just a moment!

He even easily hallucinated more than 80 elite students of the Westland College, activated the assessment badge, left the assessment space, and was automatically eliminated.

"Is there the Sun and Moon Demon Eye, he has been able to fully control the power of the Sun and Moon Demon Eye?"

Raylow guessed the most likely situation, but shook his head in denial.

"No, the power of the sun and moon magic eyes is the relay of the power of the sun and the moon. The power of annihilation and destruction cannot be the expression of this pure and terrifying spiritual power.

Lei Luo eyes, glanced at the four people who didn't leave the assessment space except himself.

[The Secret of Light and Shadow] Byrne, [The Destroyer] Kui, [The Soul Demon Man] Seymour, a mysterious female student from Zealand.

The female student has the typical three-dimensional facial features of the Zealanders, as well as a tall figure, and his face is extremely pale because of the mental shock just now.

Lei Luo noticed that there seemed to be some variation in her mental power, or maybe it was protected by a high-level magic prop.

In short, she successfully resisted the mental shock just now.

"[Star of Zeeland], Princess Mille?"

According to her beauty, Lei Luo thought of the clues mentioned in the intelligence. This was actually a princess of Zeeland, but she rarely appeared at Zeeland College.


Furious elements of fireworks gathered towards Seymour.

After a brief absence, Seymour looked at many students who were expelled from the examination space in an inexplicable manner in an instant, and then launched a counterattack.

No questioning, no anger, no doubt.

He had only the wildest and passionate desire, the flame above his head reflected the shadow of his curved horns, and the red evil in his eyes.

He was so violently rushing towards the nameless.

[Destroyer] Kui, after a brief shock, licked his lips, rage mixed with helplessness, and rushed past.

Whatever he did not expect, things would be such a result!

In the future, his relationship with Zealand College will be similar to his relationship with Glen College, and there will be no possibility of repair.

Only the nameless, hanging the gourd around his waist, stood proudly.

Once incarnate [Lei Ming], himself is famous for the power of thunder and lightning. Now the double pupils of the sun and the moon reflect the power of the magic eye, and the four swords of creation are assisted. Even if he is one enemy at the moment, he is fearless!

Byrne awakened from a brief absence.

Waving the lightsaber magic weapon in his hand, with the sound of "Dang", the looming semi-transparent storm creation was blocked at the moment of a sudden attack, and the storm creation disappeared instantly.

"What magic weapon is this?"

The light wing flashed behind him, and he was able to catch up with the tail marks of the magic sword.

Four creation swords, storm creations are known for their speed and sharpness, and their speed is extremely fast.

As if the flame demon walked out of the heart of the earth, Seymour rushed in unmatched spirit, the flame creation floating on the side of the unknown, with a "boom", a scorching hot flame rushed to Seymour.

Flame creation, has the strongest energy control of the four magic swords.

And he himself, once named "Thunder" by his family, is famous for the power of Thunder, holding Thunder's creation, crackling, thunder flashed, and disappeared suddenly.

The next moment, he arrived first and appeared in front of [Destroyer] Kui.

The state of destruction is about to disappear, and Kui is almost exhausted.

The long beard is flowing, the figure is thin and nameless, the color is shabby, the nameless wave of the Thunder creation, the electric light is almost instantaneous.

Thunder Creation is the most powerful magic weapon among the four creation swords in a short time.

The electric light rushed into the airflow around Kui.

However, in the destruction mode, the violent explosion of air flowed around Kui, setting Kui as a five-meter high terror giant. After the violent electric light poured into it, he finally failed to penetrate this layer of continuous airflow and collapsed and collapsed. Thunder light.

In contrast, the speed and sharpness of storm creation are more practical against Kui in the destruction mode.


Kui's face is a bit hideous.

He hasn't been able to maintain the state of destruction for a long time.

Now there are other people entangled, the most difficult and fastest storm creations are not there, he will use this time to go all out and strive for some achievements.

Qingjin Bilu right fist, condensed terrible airflow.

With great strength, he let out a roaring shock.

"Destroy Boxing!"

The airflow boxer with amazing pressure was instantly reached, and after breaking through the annihilation barrier, the sound of "Boom" fell to the ground without name.

Rumble ...

Frost creations, freezing spread.

Anonymous fell in the ice pit, with him as the center, more than two meters of clear air cannon fist marks, clearly branded, after a layer of air waves rippled, dense cracks spread out more than ten meters.

In the center of the ice pit, frost creations flashed in front of the unknown.

"I can use this barbaric violent power to such a degree, cough ~ ~ staring at the falling fireball, the fireball has not yet fallen, and the ice crystals around him are first affected by the heat wave and melted away Come.

It was Seymour's purgatory fireball that broke through the sword of flame creation and smashed it head-on!

The pupil of the sun in the unnamed right eye suddenly lit up.

A random fireball rose into the sky.

With a bang, the glare of two fireballs drowned the nameless.

Seymour Xiong descended from the sky and descended into an unknown ice pit. His feet were viscous liquid magma, ignoring the surrounding flames and heat waves, and his majestic body was like a mountain, looking for an unknown trace.

Suddenly, he found something.

"Dead! Bugs !!!"

In a brief moment, he actually condensed a second purgatory fireball and smashed past the nameless fleeing into the air with the speed of thunder.

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